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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Reload Front View Reload Side View Draw Front View Draw Side View Here are 4 videos I made last night. I figured since the sub-forum was my idea I would kick it off. Let me know what you guys think.
  2. I agree. I think the one liners people use tell a lot about their character and mentality.
  3. This past weekend I was using 7.8 grains of VV 350 under a 125 Zero JHP loaded at 1.250. The PF came out to be 177! I plan on lowering that a bit.
  4. Anyone that is not seriously physically or mentally disabled can be a world champion IPSC shooter. I started with no talent, no money (to which I still have no money), no gun, no time, and no idea of what to do...only a burning need to do it.
  5. If there is anything I have learned, talent is NOT a pre-requisite to success, nor does it mean you will succeed.
  6. This is more a goal than a tip for improvement, however it is a goal that I think every shooter wishing to improve should have. Set yourself the goal this year of shooting 100 stages in a row without a single penalty. I guarantee your match scores will climb.
  7. There is one problem I can see with that. You are practicing by only prepping the trigger because when you were pulling it you would cause your shot to go off. If I were you I would work on pulling the trigger without disturbing the sights because no amount of practice prepping the trigger is going to help solve your problem when you get into a match. If you have a problem, try not to find a way around it, instead attack the sucker head on and obliterate it. You will be a much more complete shooter in the long run.
  8. I'd shoot prone at 5 yards if the bullet wouldn't fly over the berm.
  9. eerw, I've always been a fan of heavier guns. The main reason I don't have any barrel ports set up is that with this gun I just don't need them. Running 177 PF loads (just what I loaded up) the dot only rises about halfway up the glass. Not bad at all. Plus there is less powder needed to make major. In regards to a short gun, I honestly don't see an advantage from them. They are much more violent to shoot, there is a lot more dot rise, I've heard from several people that they are harder to get running good, and parts wear out more quickly. The main reason people go to them is that they believe a lighter gun will give them faster transitions. I think my transitions are pretty decently developed and I don't feel I lose anything on a short gun....even though I also opted to go with a steel comp rather than titanium.
  10. dp, I actually like the serenipity more because it seats the scope so much closer to the slide. Plus I don't know what it is but I've always felt more comforatable with a double-sided mount. I would switch to an allchin or something of that sort if I had trouble with this, but I doubt that will be a problem.
  11. Just got this in from Bedell a couple of days ago. It is absolutely without a doubt the finest firearm I have ever shot. Absolute tack driver (1 hole groups prone at 15 yards) and it flat runs. As if that wasn't enough, the gun is shockingly flat as well. Junior has a flat trigger that breaks right at a pound and 4 ounces and is chambered is supercomp. It also has custom fitted swenson safeties, a 4 MOA dot, and a ball detented slide racker. I'm in love.
  12. The availability of mags is the only reason I didn't go with a Caspian frame in this new open gun.
  13. TL, No, Travis is definetely the man. I'm saying it isn't live fire that got him good at reloading. It is hours and hours of dry fire. caspian38, You can choose whether you want to believe me or not, but last year I maybe fired 2000 rounds in practice. The rest was either matches or dry fire. 100 live reloads a week will help......10,000 dry reloads a week will help infinetely more. I know Travis pretty well personally, we have talked about this subject pretty extensively. Do 10,000 dry reloads a week for 2 months and you will have a reload close to those of anyone you have seen. (Assuming you have the proper form of course).
  14. I would love to see Fedor (from Pride) fight ANYONE in the UFC.
  15. caspian38 Travis's reload is not that good because he has a lot of rounds he can practice with. It is good because he put the time in dry fire. Money is not a requirement to get a pristine reload.
  16. Anyone else notice this thread started 5 years go?
  17. Nothing is easy to teach. The hardest thing is to teach the PRINCIPLE behind accuracy or speed. The fundamentals by comparison are easy. From that standpoint, I would say teaching the principle of accuracy is harder than speed.
  18. I have all the respect in the world for Seyfried, Fowler, and Campbell....but they aren't competing today. What was good 10 or 20 years ago, probably isn't as good now.
  19. I know of some people whom I guarantee could do it.
  20. Wow, I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read Dan's post. It would have spewed everywhere.
  21. L2S is right....You need to call every single shot you make. Now if your index is developed enough to call the shot at 7 yards with only that....your golden. But I still like to see the sights.
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