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Everything posted by SteveZ

  1. If you travel that far and don't get in, you can have my spot. ...and mine. Except if you take mine...you get to work Stage 9!
  2. Just checked my calender for 2005...I waited 4 weeks after having it done before shooting my first match. Yeah..they can lift the flap up to a year from what I understand (thats why they tell you that you can have tweaks up to 12 months). When I asked them how long before it was completely healed...they told me the last flap heals in 2 years...apparently they cut through 5 layers when they cut the flap. I also had a lot of light sensitivity problems.....which persisted for about 6 months. Don't know if you remember (or I should say...don't remember if you were working my stage at the time) but I had an light incident while working that match in Missoula where all of a sudden...my eyes got light overload and started flooding tears for about 10 minutes...it was brought on by my yellow tint glasses...and the sun popping out for a bit. The combination just overloaded my eyes...but I didn't realize it until it was too late...and it hit like a freight train with no warning.
  3. As I recall...I think I layed off shooting for 2 - 3 weeks after getting it done. It's been about 2 years for me now and I'm still 20/15 When we did A1-2005-Missoula together...I was about 6 weeks post Lasik.
  4. Matt...realistically speaking...how much dryfire (or live fire) are you doing each week? When I got stuck at B class...I did two things....learn to shoot with both eyes open..and start doing dryfire practice about 3 times a week and practice live fire once a week (and that was while going to school AND working)....that eventually lead to learning to call my shots. Doing dryfire for me really helped to reinforce what good sight alignment looked like....and if you can do dryfire with full size targets...all the better. And having said that....I'm going to go work on some dryfire right now....
  5. Relative to Tukwila...Renton Practical Shooters is just a stone's throw away. Puyallup is really close....Marysville is about a 40 minute drive. Depending on when you get there...the Area 1 Championship is being held at Puyallup (August 10-12) Looking forward to shooting with another BE member in the section!
  6. Thanks! So basically since the WSB specified it (8.1.3) than its OK. Looks like the draft version of also deals with this.
  7. Ok...the COF begins at the LAMR (8.3.1) so thats in affect....what rule in the rulebook allows WSB to specify/allow the handgun further than 1m (or overrides Obviously this is a legal stage...I'm just trying to figure out HOW its a legal stage (given 8.3.1, some missing rule that I can't find).
  8. I'm wondering how the start position of Stage 11 at the USPSA L10/Open nationals is legal per 10.5.3 and of the current rule book? The start position has the gun more than 1 meter from the competitor? Wouldn't that create an instant DQ per
  9. Steel no-shoots....in the shape of an IPSC target? I didn't think that was legal.
  10. Thanks for the vids Sharyn. Looks like a lot of "choppy" stages...shoot two rounds here...3 rounds there...2s round here...4 rounds there. Looking over some of the stage results for some of the local shooters I know....seems like high disaster factor stages...lots of misses/no-shoots/procedurals (the procedurals part is interesting). How are you enjoying the trees?
  11. You'll think you died and went to shooting heaven....you think I'm kidding? I'm not.
  12. Bring him to the match...we can all shoot together!
  13. Anyone up for a little Team Challenge? Area 1 2001 @ Marysville was my first ever "big match"...I remember a couple of guys come up and ask me to be on their team. Of course since this was my first major match...I thought this Team thing was SOP for all the major matches. At the time I represented their "C-Class" shooter. I have no clue how we did or how it was organized....I'd since completely forgot about this Team thing since then (having shot a FEW major matches since then...with no Teams mentioned ). The recent thread about shooting teams got me to remembering this team thing from 2001. Area 1 '007 License To Thrill is the first Area match to return to the NWS since the 2001 Space Oddity. So I was wondering....is there any interest in doing this Team Challenge thing again for this match? I've talked with Bruce Gary and he as said that stats will take this on ONLY if there is significant participation. If there is significant interest, we'll have to lay down the rules (what makes up a team, what types of teams are there, what the pay in should be, etc)....if there isn't significant interest....it dies here rather than at stats.
  14. Dawson Follower, ISMI springs, Dawson basepads and stock STI tubes. I can get 19 in all of them. Personally I don't worry about the fact that I can't get 20. I've never been faced with a situation where I wished I had just one more round in the gun.....unless I screwed up a stage royally...but thats a different subject.
  15. when I started shooting Limited about a year ago....I asked one of my shooting buddies (TDean) what the combination was for building magazines....he relayed that Benny Hill said Dawson followers and ISMI springs....so thats what I did. I've built 5 magazines and all of them run great. The only thing I had to do with the Dawson's is sand the sides a bit (the followers are marked .40/.45) to get them to fit in my STI 40 tubes.
  16. About 1.2oz for the aluminium and about 3.2oz for the stainless. I started out with the aluminum and switched to the stainless thinking I'd like the extra weight. I shot that way for a few months and recently switched back to the aluminium. Gun seems to balance and transition faster with the aluminium magwell
  17. Unless this is a new regulation, I wouldn't bring more than 11lbs. I've flown Alaska many times and been asked if I have more than 11lbs of ammo. Probably depends on which airport you leave from. I think you must have run into gate agents Chuck that don't know their own policy. AlaskaAir, in my experience, has never said a word about how much ammo I'm bringing. My best recommendation would be to print a copy of their own policy from their website and bring it. Clears things up quick once they read it. Here's a link to their policy for anyone who needs it: http://www.alaskaair.com/www2/help/faqs/Sp...elatedItems.asp
  18. Just a heads up...for anyone flying Alaska/Horizon into Missoula. Alaska Air Group has a requirement that each bag weights no more than 50lbs....so you can cram as many rounds as you can get into each checked bag as long as it weighs less than 50lbs.
  19. No rain tires at Indy. They do in Formula 1 and the LeMans series cars. Heck....even MotoGP, AMA Superbike and World Superbike race in the rain with race tires!
  20. I truely wish that whoever becomes president of the USPSA would make it one of their goals to get rid of prize tables from all the major matches...and roll back the match fees accordingly. Prize tables are wrecking this game...its supposed to be about shooting not "what can I win from this match". Bill's post is a perfect example of this.
  21. Why not both? That's the plan, actually. thats what I meant...it just didn't come out right! Nice job on making Master!
  22. Or......go back to shooting USPSA matches again? I know for a while (a long while) you were shooting IPSC all the time....and then sorta stopped.
  23. Looks like fun....I'm trying guess which stage Floyd is going to have me working (i.e. where's the longest run?)
  24. I suppose that makes the rest of us who didn't make the list....unclassified! Way to go Eric!
  25. I already tried...it turns out that this is a tricky little problem. I had this problem happen at a club match late last year and decided to bouce this problem off my favorite RM -- Floyd Shoemaker. Floyd explained to me the "problems" involved with this situation and asked that I discuss it with Bruce Gary (who is our "go to" guy involving proposed USPSA rule changes). After a few emails back and forth with Bruce, I realized that a "one size fits all" rule simply wasn't possible with this situation and understand why its delt with on an individual basis.
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