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Everything posted by Scooter

  1. Ferrari for sale http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-Tes...1QQcmdZViewItem Check out the Ferrari owner's feedback, look at the last item bought. http://feedback.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBa...P:feedback:3:us Last item bought http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=180056785182
  2. Now the rule states a minimum of one procedural and up to a maximum of 20%. I would go by the book and give him the minimum one procedural.
  3. Download the torrents from http://www.finalgear.com It's not Mr. Slow. James May is known as Captain Slow. The Veyron is something like 800K pounds so that's over $1 Mil US. At 250+ mph, the gas tank is sucked dry in 9 minutes and it's got 2 gas tanks.
  4. It'll fit. The only thing that doesn't fit is the ambi safety if you got one.
  5. I know a few guys who invest in those things call kids. Apparantly you can pay them to sort out the brass for you.
  6. As much as I like MacGyver, Richard Dean Anderson has been vocal about being anti-gun. At least that was well known on MacGyver. On the 100th episode of Stargate SG-1, he said he loved shooting the blank guns, but hates guns in real life. Can't be bigger hypocrite than that.
  7. This was posted in another thread regarding shifting of the gun. http://www.doublealpha.biz/shop/images/3GM...228af52cdadc571
  8. Man, you are all screwed up. Which hand do you naturally pick things up with? That should be the hand you use to draw the gun.
  9. Best thing to do is start picking the brains of every GM anytime you get a chance.
  10. Find a Nikon D1x. That'll shoot 1/16,000. Unless you want to rig up a system to totally control everything, gun and camera, it's pretty much down to luck.
  11. At least they didn't give you a full makeover.
  12. I used a S&A ambi release on my Para. I tried using one because I was having issues with accidentally releasing the mag with my support hand when my palm would brush against the standard mag release when the gun recoiled. Figuring right side release would probably work better, nope. The button ended up brushing up against my middle finger on my right hand and continued to drop mags. In the end, back to using a left side release with an extra heavy spring. I didn't have an issue with using the right side release due to the fact I got started in shooting with an HK and always used the trigger finger to release the mag.
  13. It's back ordered because of partly because people did break them, and partly due to paranoia and people buying spares.
  14. Titanal doesn't have any titanium. It's a 7075 series aluminum produced by AMAG Rolling.
  15. What gun? I couldn't see any guns in the pictures. How about this one? That's what this guy's wife wanted, wasn't his choice.
  16. Those guys are hilarious. Gotta get all camoed up, load bearing vest, and every tactical gear you can imagine, then they shoot off the bench with sandbags and still can't hit the side of the barn if they were standing inside. It would be funny to call out for everyone to commence fire at the range when they are downrange setting up targets. Then apologize for not being able to spot them downrange because they blended in with the surrounding.
  17. Mine just wouldn't go that low. Hump is all but gone. Engagement is down to .030". I had 2+ lbs at full take up with the trigger return spring alone.
  18. With the current crop of colored guns, the best ad I saw was from HK. They had their frames available in TAUPE! Yes that's what they called it. For some reason some people get all pissy when I correct them and tell them it's not tan. It's taupe. I guess taupe isn't tactical enough.
  19. It's like Royal Robbins and 5.11 Tactical. Few people knew about the 5.11 pants when it was just Royal Robbins. Then they formed 5.11 Tactical and all of a sudden everyone is wearing them. I also love companies putting Mil Spec on everything. Which Mil Spec? I deal with Mil Specs all day long, there's millions of them. There's a Mil Spec for just about everything you can imagine. If you want an overpriced zip tie, you can buy the Mil Spec version(MS3367). If only BE would market a Tactical Slide Glide that's used by SEAL Team 123456 he would make a killing on the mall ninja forums.
  20. Not entirely. The stuff on Burwell's page decreases a majority of the trigger pull weight and reset. That gets it down to about 5 lbs. To go lower, something has to be done to the trigger return spring. The return spring alone accounts for 2+ lbs of the trigger pull. Some people have modified Glock's spring to work. But another way is just to bend the tab that the spring hooks onto. Bending it forward decreases the amount of tension it puts on it. You want to decrease it so it just barely taking up the tension in the spring. It's all trial and error and you'll get really good at pulling the gun completely apart. Oh the joys of doing a trigger job.
  21. I wouldn't think a bullpup would be competitive. For one, the mag release is not as easily accessible as an AR. Ergonomically it wouldn't be as stable since your support arm is held really close to your body as oppose to holding way out in front like what 3-gunners do. You also can't use the mag as a monopod.
  22. Just do the trigger yourself. It's pretty easy. Burwell's page has the walk through which is most of the work on getting the trigger down to about 5 lbs with short reset. The last part which isn't shown is to bend the tab that the trigger return spring hooks onto to decrease the tension. Tweaking that gets the trigger down into the 3's. The striker is pretty much cocked. The sear moves it back another 0.028" in stock conditions. If you start tweaking it to get less sear engagement, mine is down to 0.015" of movement.
  23. I just saw that Netflix also has movies you can watch on your computer. It is part of the regular rental plan. You get 1 hour per $1 of you plan. The 3 DVD plan is $17.99 so 18 hours of movies per month.
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