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Everything posted by RIIID

  1. Kimberkid, Sometimes the barrel can't be taped for choke tubes because the barrel wall is too thin. It's a chance one takes when doing this, I've had two out of about twenty that couldn't be done. Just alittle info on a possibility that can happen. Rich
  2. Sounds like the firing pin is rubbing against the hole thru the breech face. This first one I had the same problem. Did some polishing and didn't have the problem again. Rich
  3. For a gun company to get their gun on the List they can't use words in describing a better product even if it is a regular run manufactured gun. Words like custom, enhanced, tuned, made for, ultra, match, etc. can cause big problems on getting onto the list. As for USPSA if it meets our requirements than no problems. Rich
  4. Alan, 18# and there is no reason to go lighter. Rich
  5. big_kahuna, No need for any gap filing with your post. I don't think anyone on the BOD can over come what you said in your post. Your post should be the last thing said about a min. pull weight in Prod. Rich
  6. I have 4 different gauges, the Lyman electronic gauge doesn't read well below 3#, a RCBS spring gauge which reads very accurate, I can't recall the name of the 3rd spring gauge but it is the "the judge" but doesn't work well with some trigger types(it is adjustable), and the 4th is the old nra dead weight gauge again doesn't work well with some triggers. I always recheck the first three with the dead weight one. The dead weight one was check with a certified scale to make sure the discs are correct. Some day I'm going to make discs in incriments of ounces and have a starter rig at 1#. I use the RCBS scale the most. One can't trust a pull gauge with out double checking it out. Rich
  7. I've made mags for the 40 that will hold 16 rounds and make the gauge. They will run but I wouldn't trust them when you need them the most. The 15 rounders work much better. Both will cost $$$$$$$$$. Rich
  8. If the trigger pull test can't be performed by a 6 year old 100% reliable then two things will happen. At the lower level it won't be done and at the national level if it is even attempted they will need to find a 7 year old to try. Min. trigger pull in Production(this was a piss poor name to begin with) is not needed in my opinion. They can print any rule they(BOD) want but if it is never enforced(like the last 6 years of rules) why even bother. I can't wait to get the contract for the "offical" trigger pull gauge so I can retire. USPSA will have to provide every affiliated club with one along with a box. $$$$$$ I can remember when I joined how an Area Dir. would say "USPSA has a million dollars in the bank and will never go below that". The last time I saw it has been below that mark for several years and with proposed rule changes like this it will go even lower. How- decreased membership, decreased mission count, trigger pull gauges, gun boxes.............................. BOD instead of doing the "USPSA Way" that has been done for years, making the membership pay to play by new rules, driving off current members, and make it so potential members don't want to join. Try to do something that will have a positive impact all the way around. This AD would always listen to complaints, if you had an idea in how to solve it. My idea is stop trying to solve non existent problems. The only problem that USPSA has and will always have is membership. Annually we take in about as many as we loose. I suggested this years ago to many AD's and nothing ever happened. Create a questionaire to send to past members asking question to why they left, money, rules, family, work....................................... It needs to have a prepaid return envelope to work and yes I know some of the addresses we have will be wrong but whats the cost of some metered stamps if we actually get some needed answers as to why, instead of guessing. At this point in time it would probably be +40,000. We are approaching a number almost 3 times the current membership number. I think there might be a very small problem, maybe. I could be wrong for the 10 billionth time in my life. Hell, I even said I would compile the results but, not now. The cost of gauges and boxes can cover a new employee for a year to do this. Slame away, I could care less, I'm a Lifer and will stay no matter how much it costs, Rich
  9. After reading the proposed additions/changes I have authorized unlimited overtime at the shop to develope the offical trigger pull gauge for USPSA. The gauge will need to have a different shoe adapter for each and every approved model. I'm assuming USPSA will supply all affilliated clubs with these items. Oh, I can't forget to make the boxes. After that the team will dust off the DA/SA trigger job nobody would buy for $100.00 because of the 3# first pull, they did seem to like the 1# SA pull. I think now they will be willing to pay $200.00 for it. That pile of 3.25# pound trigger springs will sell if I can get the rust off of them. I just might be able to retire a multi-millionaire before 50 if I can only figure out a way to actually enforce these rules that the BOD can accept. That might require double overtime pay, so maybe 55 would be a safer bet to retire at. Why am I wasting time typing on this thread about non existant rules when there is money to be made. Keep up the good work BOD, I can't wait to retire at 60 or maybe 65. Well lets face it I'll retire when I die. Rich As Britin USA has said this is all just noise until we see the entire '08 rule book. This isn't my .02 cents it's yours I'm going to make off the new rule book, maybe.
  10. A way to enforce rules for all level of matches is what is needed, until that is created talking about new divisions and rules is just a complete waste of time. Rich
  11. I don't no why one would be in a hurry to see the minutes, there really isn't any info given out except who was there, who made the motion, who seconded it, who asked for a roll call vote, and how they voted. Never really any insight as to how the members came to the conclution of the yes-no vote. Probably the reason for the double check of the minutes is to see if the credit is given to the right person of making a motion, seconded.................... What is really needed is a fly on the wall to record the actual conversation of the meeting. If that was possible than they would probably have the entire meeting in Executive Session. Just don't give a damn today, Rich
  12. Here is a little info as to the new proposed rule changes. There are none. Yes that is correct, as of yesterday. They have 8 different opinions as what should be done. If they want to release a new set of rules for'08 by December so it can be reviewed by the membership they better get going. There are some general ideas but nothing that has been agreed to. Rich
  13. Knowing that I wouldn't make it to the end of the match, I wanted to have some fun with the sub-compact. The gun was test fired to see if it would make minor with the load I use. I didn't test all the mags in the gun, the last time the mags were used was at last years Nationals with the 5" gun. There were no problems after I switched guns with the exception for one round that didn't have a full powder charge to fully cycle the slide. I didn't finish the Limited Nationals either because of my back. I will have to go in for another spinal fusion in the near future. Rich
  14. Cuz, What are the size of the floor joists and will the safe be over or near a support beam/wall? Rich
  15. So why does USPSA allow John to write a column and give out false infomation? Did the person who was trying to get the g19 into a g17 holster go out and buy a new holster based on John's answer? People are relying on Johns info he gives out. The whole point of the prior posts is to show how ridiculous the rules are in Prod. and how it is almost impossible to enforce the rules. This is probably why nobody even attempts to enforce them. There are shooters using illegal equipment and don't even know it. Some know that they're using illegal equipment and do so knowing that equipment checks are almost nonexsistent. As to holsters and mag holders, the people who want Prod. to be box stock guns the allied equipment should also be box stock. Whether modifying holsters and mag holders is legal or illegal right now only John can answer that. Correct? If Flex's comments are true about what John says it is just his opinion, why does everyone turn to John for an answer? Lurking BOD members tell the membership the truth as to John offical status in his responce to questions. People are relying on what he says verbablly, e-mails, and Front Sight. Rich
  16. Nik, Read on, John answers a question about modifying a holster. He states it would be illegal to do so. Rich
  17. March/April 2004, Inside NROI on page four. Flex, You mean if John A. says something is illegal in Front Sight it doesn't count as a ruling/clarification so we don't have to abide to it? Rich
  18. George, You must have missed a ruling on holsters and mag holders, they can't be altered from factory condition. A couple of examples, cutting down or rounding off mag holders and holsters. I believe it was in Front Sight. A little hint, no one has the knowledge to properly enforce the rules as written, not even John A. There is so many varieties of makes and models of equipment used(past and present) in Production that it is impossible to gather it together and make it usable at all levels of matches. USPSA had a great idea in starting Production but, didn't give it the support it needed from the start. I guess they figured everybody would play fair using the honor system. Production has out grown the current set of rules a long time ago. I want to see Production to keep growing to the point it will match or overtake the numbers in Limited and Open. The limits of of the rules have been strecthed, twisted, and broken in every aspect. The direction of Production needs to set and a set of rules to keep it going in that direction. Yes, Production is working as is but it can be improved upon. The only questions are, What is Production? and How much it will cost the shooters who compete in it with the changes that have to be made? Rich
  19. George, Since you asked, it's very simple get your rule book(green), a copy of all the rulings posted on the USPSA site, all of the rulings made in the Front Sight mag., a copy of all of the manufactors catalogs, all of the catalogs for holsters, belts, and mag. holders, all of the e-mails John has sent out to individuals for clarification, and a certified scale. Then you inspect every piece of equipment that a shooter is using to see if it conforms to the rules and chrono the ammo. I don't see how this can be made easier to do. Rich
  20. Just because you run an IPSC rules match you will start doing equipment checks for Production? What have you been doing for the last six years running under USPSA rules? If the rules were enforced from day one in Production, we wouldn't have a six page thread about how to correct Production. It would have happened on day two. As long as there is no enforcement people will push the limit on poorly written rules. Rich
  21. RIIID


    The man on the on tv said "You learned it was a planet, now you can learn it isn't." He even had a pocket protector so he has to be right. The founder of PLANET Pluto came from the town I live in, it's still a PLANET from here. I hope the dwarf geeks heard this. Rich
  22. At one match a couple of the kids where picking up live ammo and empties and filling their pockets with them. When they got on the bus to leave the adults found out about it. They marched them off the bus and had them empty their pockets. Some parents can get alittle bent out of shape with little Joey coming home souveniers from the days work. Rich
  23. NCShooter, Look at Bo-mars melted in the slides in the Gallery at canyoncreekcustom.com, if you like what you see give me a call. I don't weld the sight to the slide. Rich
  24. Shred, A few years back at the SHOT Show I asked one of the largest sight manufacturers if they had any plans on making fixed or adj. sights for the XD. I told them competition shooter are looking for them. Response " There is no market for competition sights, we don't make competition sights. Make them yourself and make a pile of money." Needless to say I will not buy his sights anymore. He has been the rudest person I've run into at the Shot Show, a place where they are trying to sell their products. Many competition shooters use their sights, I guess if he knew they had them he'd take them back with the attitude he had. The Bo-mar gives a better sight picture than some of the factory or after market sights, in my opinion as well as others. Rich
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