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Everything posted by RIIID

  1. Results are up on USPSA site, Rob L-10, Todd Prod., And Jerry Revo. I went down there today and observed , alot of shooters having trouble with the humidity. It wasn't too warm in the 90's ( lived in AZ for 12 years anything over 110 is hot to me). Stages were typical for the Nationals as compared to the last couple of years shoot through this window, port,and doorway, no magic way of gaining time just straight up shooting. More later.
  2. Travis, This is what I heard from someone who was there. Everett told a RO he got permission to shoot at a different time of his scheduled time from the match director. I believe it was at the plates, he didn't want to shoot in the rain? The RO let him shoot and later on found out he didn't get permission to do so. The DQ was for unsportsmanlike behavior. Two other things I was told is a topshooter dropped his gun (loaded?) at the shoot offs DQed himself but, the RO didn't DQ him. Another top shooter made a statement in public ear shot, that if your not a sponsored shooter you're nobody and is tired of being surrounded by them. I'm just repeating what I was told, none of this is confirmed by another source. Rich (Edited by RIIID at 5:59 am on May 31, 2002) (Edited by RIIID at 6:02 am on May 31, 2002)
  3. RIIID


    Assuming AH had the same 6 issues a year, as now. There's a 1 and 6 chance of picking the right answer. American Handgunner, 1984, Nov./Dec. If this is wrong it leaves 5 more chances or is that 11? Rich D.
  4. The idea for this thread is to post what you think is wrong with USPSA as an organization. This isn't a place to bash the BOD but to give your concerns of what you don't like with USPSA. Like, The constant rule changes from year to year that seem to benefit the manufacturers not the members.
  5. Bruce the answers your looking for are with the people who have left USPSA. A survey must be developed to ask the questions you seek. Send it to ALL of the ex-members w/return postage. The cost of this would be small compared to a markrting firm. I know you won't get a 100% return on this survey but hopefully enough would come back to answer why they're leaving. Getting more NEW members with a marketing plan isn't the answer. USPSA is broke, we as members need to fix it starting at the top and going down to each and every member. One thing to try first before hiring a marketing firm is to hire a marketing director. A paid employee of USPSA. If they don't get the desired results then look at a marketing firm. If you need help in coming up with questions, mailing them out, and compiling the results let me know I would gladly do it. Rich
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