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Everything posted by EkuJustice

  1. EkuJustice

    G35 Slide

    Caspian makes good uppers for the 35 also
  2. I run mine with a full size, fixed Ace stock. It dosent have the collapsible tacticool look and is the most comfortable stock I have ever shot
  3. Mike orlen does good choke work and Is alot less than briley
  4. You got their new 1 piece design(actually 2 pieces that snap together). That goes on first with the flat side toward the back of the gun, then the o-ring goes on and sits it the little groove on the mag tube. Make sure the slots in the 2 that snap together are 180 across from eachother and not together. I always liked the older 2 piece design for having the gun cycle lighter loads. I am not sure if Remingon makes them but there is someone else making them and can be found at brownells
  5. Thats why I usually shoot production, or limited 10. Good practice on stage breakdown and reloads. Plus when its 3 gun time(prefer 3 gun over pistol only) it seems alot easier shooting the 20+1 limited gun
  6. What 8.1.4 appears to show is you cant say you can only load 4 shells at a time or the gun has to start loaded with less than division capacity. The division requirement says 10+1 Maximum, how is that whatever you can cram in the gun? It does not say, 10+1 on the buzzer, 10+1 on the start it says 10+1 Maximum which would mean no more than 11 total or 10 if it is an empty chamber start(similar to production 10 in mag + barney, unloaded start you cant load 11 in the mag and barney it up on the load.
  7. EkuJustice

    Swing Through

    They are shooting whatever method works best for the given target presentation. Sporting is so varied one method isnt the best for every shot out there. In skeet etc it is easy to use the sustained only technique do to the target presentations that they offer. Watch him on a good long crosser the gun is a sustained lead shot. There are people that shoot differently that their videos show. Prime example is Todd Benders skeet video. In the video is is leaning forward a little but but not a whole lot. When he actually shoots is is leaning WAYYY out there in alot more aggressive stance that in his video.
  8. The rule book sitting right in front of me from the USPSA says 10+1 MAX not 10+1 on the start
  9. EkuJustice

    Swing Through

    I dont think you will see one top sporting shooter that uses only 1 type of shot method, ie swing through, sustained lead, pull away etc. The shots are just too different and there is a time and place for each one. In skeet sustained lead is used by the vast majority of the top shooters. They might do one of the other methods on occasion but that is more of an oh S*it i messed up and need to fix it quick type things
  10. I would look at the automatics over the OU especially for a new, younger shooter. How old was she and what sport were you looking to start her with. The beretta 391 youth gun is a very good starter gun and has a little bit longer barrel than the 1100 and is lighter and alot more worry free as far as cleaning goes. The 28ga remington 1100 is also a very good starter gun if the shooter is to small to handle a 20 ga. The 28ga is very easy on the recoil yet still very capable of breaking the targets. They make chamber length as well as full length tubes but the chamber length ones are marginal at best and the full length tubes are definately better. The big downside is they have some weight to them. This is something that is a good thing for skeet as long as the shooter is able to handle the weight. For a new shooter who is smaller and not use to holding the weight up a dedicated 20/28 ga auto is alot easier to use. Once they are use to the weight is is fine to move up to a heavier gun. When I was shooting my skeet gun weighed about 12.5 pounds but I was a bigger guy. I have seen females that I have shot with that are shooting 10+ pounds guns and doing VERY well with them while they are very small stature they have done it a while and got use to handeling the weight.
  11. My 1100 gets the bolt out and cleaned after every match, as well as the gas tube clean and a VERY light coat of oil. Has always worked 100percent. Takes about 15 min to do
  12. Jeff, nice to see someone else who uses and appreciates the Jard trigger
  13. Pretty much any rule forbiding internal work is going to be pretty much uneforceable. Are they going to fully strip every gun at every match to make sure there is nothing "hidden"inside the gun. From a time perspective that would take forever
  14. I would look at the JARD triggers as well. I have one of their 2 pound ones that is just amazing
  15. I felt one of the 6inch slides that Suddendeath lightened for a guy I shoot with and it feels ligher than a 5 inch slide. He did an amaziing job on it. Took alot of weight out, looks real good and not a sharp edge on it
  16. Probibally wont hear many complaints, but if you start winning with one expect there to be a mag limit in later shoots lol
  17. I would check with the NRA Foundation as well for funding help. When I started up the Skeet & Trap team in college we got pretty decent funding from them. You might want to check quick as the deadline is usually end of december. If your school has a campus rec try and set it up as a club sport if you arn't alaredy set up as one. That just makes one more place to try and get some money. Have you thought about contacting a local club and doing a "charity shoot" to help get some funds in for the club as well. Your best bet would be to try and get entry fees, travel, and target expenses(especially metal ones that arn't disposable like paper ones) from the school. Most schools will not have much trouble covering those for the teams. They will probibally be alot more against funding ammo, guns, magazines etc as they don't want the liability of someone shooting up the school with guns and ammo they paid for(and believe me the lawyers for the school would consider it). The travel, entry fees, targets they view as competition and practice equipment and not liabilities. From doing the college shooting thing for 4 years of running a team and talking with other teams it is going to be an expensive sport to do and alot of that money comes from fundraising or the students themselves. I know of exactly 1 school where they paid all expenses for the shooters and basically set it up as a varsity sport. The other schools were mainly student funded.
  18. When you shoot all As like Clyde does its possible to win with minor
  19. I have the EGW on my tactical optic rifle. I think I am gonna put the miculek on my iron as the price is about half and they seem to be a bargin at that
  20. Double star Might, I think they had some at the gun show so they might have some avaliable but ill look out for some for ya
  21. EkuJustice

    G35 limited

    I use the taylor freelance ones here and never had a problem with them
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