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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. Just not a fan of the tree bark stippiling. The Evo just had a better shape and feel. I'm still getting used to it but I doubt I'll ever like it as much as the Evo.
  2. Did what Ben say on pstg about nerves help? Assuming what your thing about here is nerves? I read his answer to your question the night before A4 and focused on that and it really helped me.
  3. Got my first open gun. I'm not a fan of the stippled plastic grip. Is there anyway to get the see gripiness and similar shape of the Evo but with a plastic grip?
  4. I'm using the U die at st1 on my 1050 w/1050 pro. I've loaded about 15k .40 sw no problem. Can't remember any of my settings off the top of my head. It does make a thump sound on the up stroke but I know some of that's the powder funnel. I also have a U die on my 650 for 9. It's smooth. Doesnt seem to drag. I just spray one shot in a bag then throw brass in and roll them around. I don't get any in the cases.
  5. I switched from Lim to CO. I like CO! Now I'm trying open. CO is fun!
  6. Did you use the same calculator (i.e then one on USPSA's website) both times? The AZ classifier calc is pretty much useless now that the hhfs have been increased.
  7. Simce this old thead got bumped. I sitch about ever 3 MOS it seems. Guns, division. Doesn't matter. Though, I'm kind of an idiot. So,... I'd say if you're new and trying to get to A or higher, I'd say pick one and stick with it. Ok,... Really you just pick one and stick with it if your goal is to get good! If you're just wanting to have a good time, then do whatever. I haven't followed my own advice. But I excuse that by telling myself I'm still trying to find which gun and division I want to stick with. I'm giving open a try now.
  8. Yup, didn't work for me either.
  9. I'll try to explain how I see the smoothness issue. The guns ill use are limtied guns but it should translate the same to open. I have an Atlas Titan. I don't consider that to be a custom gun. However, it's a phenomenal gun! In therory, it should have more time spent fitting parts, more quality control and better quality parts Comparing it to something like a STI thats gonna be more of a mass production gun. My Titans are much smoother than all the other guns that fall into the mass production catergory, IMO. They cycle smoother, they unlock better/easier/smoother. Then triggers are usually a ton better in every way. Though, I've shot several STI and CK that had killer triggers. IMO, all that should give a better chance of running 100%. Does it? Not always. As for does it matter on the score board? I'd say assuming the gun runs, then I'd say the smoother gun probably doesn't give any edge over the mass production gun. An example I'd use, even though it's limited, is Shane Coley beat everyone with a Glock. Yes it's a worked over Glock but lets be honest, that's never gonna feel as smooth as a SVI! Now, I'll also say, I just got my first open gun. An CK thunder. It's nice. I plan on shooting it to see if I like open. I'm sure I will. I've handled a chaos from Atlas and I can automatically feel the difference but if they both run, then I don't think its gonna matter on the clock! Lastly, I bought the Titan (2 of them) because I was new to limited. I didn't want to struggle with tweaking this or that. I wanted one that ran out if the box! Im glad I did it that way. I would have gotten pissed and prob little sour on the limited and now open divisions if I would.have bought a gun that was not 100% from day one! It can happen with even the best but it's less likely IMO. I came across a deal in the thunder that was too good to pass up. It was from someone I trust. He said it's gtg and I got a lot of mags and two optics! If I wouldn't have found this deal, I would have called up Atlas for a Chaos.
  10. I'm reading it's temp sensitive? It gets hot where I live.
  11. Some like you like it.. but it's temp sensitive?
  12. Well, I'm gonna be ordering powder tomorrow. I've shot 300 rnds of 7.0gr WAC @ 1.160" out of a CK thunder. I'm impressed with the accuracy. I think it shoots flatter than my G34 CO set up shooting 124 gr rn at 131pf. Does something shoot flatter? I'm interested but Id like to find something and stick with it. Not always be chasing that magic formula. I'm open to suggestions since I'm new.
  13. Thanks for the explanation!
  14. Why does that matter? I'm really new to open.
  15. Bump this back up. To the gold using SRP, why those instead of SPP?
  16. Thinking 9 major. Would it be smart to get a U die?
  17. I've read a few post of folks not being satisfied with classes taken. I've been there. I'll also say, I think as a person get better at shooting/competing, there understanding of the game changes. I've heard a lot for people say, "I can stand and shoot as good as anyone, I need to work on movement and stage planning". I've been one that's said/thought that. There's some truth to that, to some degree. However, I really don't think footwork is keeping the M level and down shooter from winning HOA at big matches. A supper squad level shooter could loose a stage by missteping somehwere that cost a sec to correct The folks winning HOA have fundamentals that are on point! Their transitions are better and their stage execution is better. Yes, the also are more efficient in thier movement. I've taken a few classes. IMO, a group class is great but can only do so much. Though, I've been impressed with most of the ones I've taken. You have to be realistic in what you expect. Taking a class and thinking you're gonna level up as soon as its over isn't realistic. I'd say, you should expect to 1. See the instructor demostrate solid skills. 2. Be critiqued on the same skills. 3. Have some small gaps of technique bridged 4. Have some questions answered. Then you as the shooter are responsible for building on that on your own. If the instructor didn't meet your expectations of improving your footwork but instead saw a huge gap in your transitions and points dropped, and provided feedback on that. I'd say you might have to swallow the pill of self assessment. Maybe that's priority number 1.
  18. Gonna bump this up to ask, why is it called a slide ride? It still mounts to the frame doesn't it? I don't want to start a new thread for something I'm sure has been discussed a lot.
  19. How does the new update better measure the total ability of the shooter anymore than before? It doesn't. The classifers didn't change at all other than requiring more points in less time, essentially. You're saying since the classifiers were just stand and shoot, they neglected the skills of shooters movement, stage planning. The updates didn't not change that.
  20. Sorry. I wasn't really trying to do that. I'll be honest, I have the same problem. I'm working on it. So, I'll change it to "I'm doing it wrong" I'm getting better though. For me part of making the pressure the same, is to try and do something I got from Ben Steoger. If you address stages at all matches as just being a few sections of stuff you've done before and can do well, it becomes less intimidating and helps me relieve pressure. So, this stage is just 4 positions. In each position it's just a a few targets. It's stuff I've seen, shot and practiced before. It's something I can do and it's not anything I can't do! I've also proved to myself several times that when I stay relaxed and know I can just go out and shoot at my skill level, I end up doing as good as I can. It ends up surprising me how well I do and it's a huge confidence buildier. I try to tell myself that I'm good enough and I'm gonna do it fast so don't try too hard. Instead go out and execute, it'll be fast enough. And dog gone it, people like me!
  21. You may want to go back and listen again. While they do say there is something to shooting better at your club and that there is more pressure at at nationals, I'm pretty sure they also say you should treat them the same and find a way to out the same amount of pressure o yourself. So yeah,... You're doing it wrong.
  22. I know of one person that made GM at a club I shoot at. It was in PCC. My point is, it doesn't happen every match or even often. So, what was the problem?
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