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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. I prefer the feel of metal comapred to plastic. I'm still trying to figure out of I like light or heavy.
  2. I'm a Glock fan! Mine shoot great. Though, IMO the 2011 may have the edge in a few areas. Cost. Ok. A modded Glock should.be at least half the price of the cheaper 2011 and probably 1/3 - 1/4 the cost of the .ore expensive ones. Is a 2011 more accurate? Maybe a little but for USPSA I don't think so. Is it easier to shoot more accurately? Yes. For most. Again, IMO the Glock requires a better application of the solid fundamentals. So, I'd say the 2011 should be/may be more forgiving. Is the 2011 more reliable? No. Though my 2011's have not had a single malfunction. The Glock requires less work, tweaking and maintenance than 2011's. Magizines. I dont like Glock mags very much and they seem to hold 1 rnd less in .40. But they don't cost $125+ ea, which is the only thing they have going for them. 2011 mags if "tuned" (my mbx have been 100% out if the bag) are superior! Recoil. My 24 with an SJC with seems to shoot flatter than my Titan with the same ammo. Though, I can still pull off fast enough splits with the 2011. So, not sure it matters. All that said, I like the 2011 more in just about every way except cost. Though, I don't think the Glock would hold me back at all.
  3. I run a comp tac on a boss hanger. Only because I had one laying around. It works fine. I've also had the bladetech and redhill tactical. All are fine. None offer any advantage over the others. They all run with the boss hanger. Robert King runs RedHill. He's a good dude. Sponsors a lot of shooters and matches. I like buying from folks like that. I'm sure the folks that run comptac and bladetech are great too!
  4. Ok. So about the same as SV. Since SV is not available anymore, 9.5 isn't more expensive. Sport pistol may be the powder to go to since it's should be available. These Nobel sport powders are good but annoying to get.
  5. What was your .40 load data for 9.5?
  6. Preach!...... It's amazing how much my opinions have changed.
  7. I think Glocks are more accurate than they get credit for. I can't see how the gen 5 is anymore accurate. From what I understand the only difference is standard rifling and supposedly improved trigger. Is standard rifling supposed to be more accurate than polygonal? A better trigger will definitely help you shoot a gun more accurately but does that make it more accurate?
  8. Sport pistol is supposed to be good and to be honest is probably available at the local gum store if you ever need to pick up a bottle in an emergency.
  9. I never tried SV for 9 minor. I never tried V for .40. I did try 9.5 and V for 9 minor. I've shot both with the same bullets, out of the same gun. I can't compare recoil impulse since I tired them several months apart. I do feel 9.5 is more accurate. Though not by much since V was good too! I think they're equally clean or close to it. Can't go wrong with either. Since V is not available, the choice is easy. I'll say that my Glock 34 didn't seem to like .355 124's with V but stacks them on top of each other with 9.5! From what I understand, 9.5 is their newest powder designed for hand gun calibers. I like it alot.
  10. I've been very impressed with 9 1/2 for 9mm. I like it better than Prima V. I think it's supposed to be good for .40 as well. I've ran out of V and am almost out of SV. I wonder if 9 1/2 will dry up as well?
  11. I used a knot on one of the sticks to index to (elevation) to where I wanted to be aiming when the clamshells activated. I don't know how I can say this without sounding rude, that's not my intention. There were a few other issues at that match that I felt were larger issues.
  12. Is yours over 3lbs? If so, you'll be the 3rd GM that's told me thiers are that heavy. My Titan was falling to half cock when I would really try to split fast on close targets. I asked Sanders about it. He asked how light my trigger was. I said 2lbs. He suggested I out a little more spring tension on the sear. That's solved my problem. I've since tweaked them all to between 2.5-3 lbs.
  13. I went and grabbed one of my guns. Looking closely at the hammer/sear from above you can actually see that the sear engages the hooks again as soon as the hammer gets pushed back by the slide. You can see the sear is already engaged and does not move when you release the trigger. Thanks everyone.. good info.
  14. My Evo has a removable MSH.
  15. I'm very impressed with the accuracy out of this gun! It shoots WAC very well! Dot movement and recoil are issues I'm not sure what's realistic. Recoil, what are these supposed to be able to do? Should I be able to do .14 splits and keep the bullets together? Or is .18 more realistic? I'm able to pull the trigger fast enough and have the two holes be 4" apart vertically. Dot movement?.. you mean up and down? Or is the important thing a straight line up and down? I'll say my WAC load does seem to have a little left and right to it. But I'm not sure that's due to WAC since I don't have any experience with any other powder. Also, not sure how much of that is from me applying inward pressure with my grip. I'll say I feel I can do spits a tad faster than I could with 9 minor out of my G34. Is it alot no. But it's major.
  16. So your saying the sear leg on the three leaf spring resets the sear as soon as the Disco drops down? I thought it didn't reset until the Disco comes back up (after trigger is released). Though, the spring is what resets it.... Oh no,..I've gone cross-eyed!
  17. I'm the OP. I was actually asking with the concern of firing to empty. There's no need in my mind to drop on an empty slide just to do it.
  18. From what cha Lee is saying, and it makes sense, there is not impact at all regardless of a round being stripped or not.
  19. Area 4 video. Stage 1 thrown out. Stage 2 (my best stage) didn't get recorded. Would like to clean up a lot. 1. I rushed shots on ststic targets before going to moving targets. So, I dropped a few more points on static targets. 2. From the video, it appears there's a slight lag in me leaving some positions. I'm pretty sure it's not from looking at the holes but not sure what's the cause? 3. Work on prioritizing reloads/movement based on distance to next position/target. 4. Shooting better on the move. 5. Hard partials 6. Setting up stance for positions. Sometimes setting up for two arrays from the same position. 7. Got real close to breaking 180. I tried programming for that specific reload but in the future be more cautious and ask if there's another spot to do reload that's not even close to breaking. There was no benefit to doing that relaod there!
  20. I tired 15 rnds of 9.4 gr AA7 w/124 PD JHP @1.160". I feel it may have been slightly flatter than 7.0 gr WAC. It seemed a lot dirtier and I've read that it doesn't meter as well due to being finer and that causing issues with the powder bar. Seems like WAC is so popular because it meters very well, doesn't fill the case, and is fairly clean.
  21. Bumping this up to ask what's a good load to start with for 124 gr that doesn't use WAC?
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