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lynn jones

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Everything posted by lynn jones

  1. i meant, i hate hexadecimal color system. he hee lynn
  2. stupid posts to get over 100 posts.
  3. stupid colored fonts!!!! just kidding
  4. dowter, would you be using the classifiers shot in the current year in any of your calculations? i may have missed it in the thread. lynn jones (Edited by lynn jones at 1:36 pm on Dec. 27, 2002)
  5. Quote: from Shooter Grrl on 9:55 pm on Nov. 2, 2002 I'm interested, but only because I believe it will prove once and for all that the classification system does work :-) kath, do you really think the classificaion system works when someone is ranked #1 or #2 in the top 20, when they haven't shot in a couple of years? :] lynn
  6. vince, i put a "all points bulletin" out on you! did you eat too much for christmas, or had too many presents to open, to make any posts? see problems with the forums. lynn
  7. Anybody get a kind of hippy anti-logging vibe from the flick? They made a big thing about the bad guys chopping down trees. Yet the good guys are living in timber houses, burning firewood... that was part of the book.. treebeard didn't like that sort of thing... lynn jones
  8. do you think the influx of 9mm will force the price of 38 super brass up? just thinking out loud, again. lynn jones
  9. sony vaio, 2.8ghz speed, 1gig of ram, 160gig hard drive, and 18" lcd monitor, sweet! worst, crappy mini air hocky game. lynn jones mp-5 suppressed, kewl, fun to shoot. wish i had one too.
  10. Actually the response has been suprisingly positive. There hasn't been anything really negative - mostly just concerns or questions on how the ratings worked. I don't really mind constructive criticism. I wouldn't take it personally if someone disagreed with my system. dowter, it's not easy to complain about hard work. thanks, lynn (somewhere in the 100's) jones
  11. Quote: from Intel6 on 2:47 pm on Dec. 24, 2002 It is called bore evacuator and expells the residual propellant gasses out of the barrel after the round has been fired. This is to keep all that gas from going into the interior of the tank when the loader opend the breech to eject the AFCAP(sp?) now that we know what it is, how does it work? lynn
  12. you forgot one... 20. Two things you never pass up, a restroom and a erection. HE HE maybe that's when your 60 years old.
  13. tdean, i think a better way to see how a GM would run a stage, would be to take an actual stage at major match, and post the stage here, then ask the GM's to comment on how and why they shot the stage the way the did. looking at stages on paper, net, or just looking at the stage in real time doesn't really tell you anything, other than how many rounds are needed. imho. what do you think about this idea? lynn (don't let ErikW spank me) jones
  14. hey vince, merry christmas! thanks for bringing this subject over here to this forum. i think if follow all general gun safety rules in the vendor areas, and use common sense, maybe there may not be a need for new rules. lynn jones
  15. everyone has bad days, you just screwed up less than everyone else. it's called dammage control. that's still part of winning. lynn jones
  16. hey lousig, i have shot something similar to what you have decribed. 2000, 2001, 2002 alabama sectional championships. 1) draw from a deck of cards, black card shoot black target, red card etc. 2) draw red card, don't shoot red targets, etc. these type courses really mess with your mind, but their fun to shoot. lynn jones
  17. hey lousig, i have shot something similar to what you have decribed. 2000, 2001, 2002 alabama sectional championships. 1) draw from a deck of cards, black card shoot black target, red card etc. 2) draw red card, don't shoot red targets, etc. these type courses really mess with your mind, but their fun to shoot. lynn jones
  18. bam bam, did you look in this thread? http://www.brianenos.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard...28&topic=52 lynn jones
  19. don't shoot lead.. put several drops of oil in the comp at the range and let a few rounds off. repeat lynn
  20. is that hong kong dollars and jack daniels green or black label? lynn jones
  21. roger, i'll call you mr. hong kong kooi!! btw, have you improved on your knife handling skills? ha ha! (Edited by lynn jones at 10:09 am on Dec. 20, 2002)
  22. tom, anytime some one wants to dq or give a procedual always ask what rule? or put vince's phone number on speed dial on your cell phone. lynn jones
  23. THS, i know what you mean about the silly classifcaion system we have now. i would have been a master class shooter way before august of this year if the classifcation used your highest 6 scores. i usually shoot 3 classifiers a month (different clubs). if you shoot your average more often that a really good one, they eventually replace a great score. the only way i was abel to move up, was to shoot a special classifer match and have a string of good matches. i now have to reshoot a blown classifer. lynn jones L-843 ps just look at my classifers
  24. jon, when we shoot in memphis, tn during the summer, the heat and humidity can wear you out. as you should be aware of living in n.c. the sight pictures and prepping is not that big of a deal most of the time. dvc lynn jones
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