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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. I just wanted everyone to know I have changed my handle, well Flex helped - thanks. -JQ- is the new handle...new name, same old inane conversations
  2. I hesitate to try to describe them. This couple throws down...try to NOT move through this. I was worn out by the end. Basically he's a chronic lead she's chronic rhythm..."acoustic" I've been stuck on them for a few weeks real bad
  3. I've been trying to get around to updating this thread for a month now. I just crossed the 5 year mark (like it is some sort of milestone?) and going on my 6th set of holidays. To those of you who are following in this journey yourselves, I will say this. It does get "better". This used to REALLY make me mad to hear people say (reason unknown). And "better" maybe isn't the right word...but it is less of a dragging anchor and more of an anchor that I've learned to carry as part of my daily "gear". Its still heavy gear but I'm learning to shoulder the load. Anyway I hope everyone is hanging in as we approach the holidays...again. Here is something I dug up quickly but is worth reading through the 10 points. I don't care for them all but, what works for some, doesn't others, so use them or don't. http://www.suttervnaandhospice.org/support/support_holidaygrief.html It is OK for you "not to be in the spirit" or "cheery" - just get through it. - JQ Again thanks to all who've posted here and PM'd. JQ
  4. ^^+1 My dog's name is Surly...and she means it.
  5. OK so after being on FB for about 4 days. I have... Made my girl friend..."not jealous, I'm not" found many great old friends found many great new friends found many old people claiming to be from the class of '85 found that many people really share their lives and families freely found many others...well, you can "unfriend" found a network that is soon to fall prey to my stealthy social networking skills to buy my work ...yeah I signed up for a pro/fan page too Join at your own risk. Overall I'm still with CAS... Part time recluse. Active misanthrope. Future hermit.
  6. I don't think the ARgold would be classed as a 2 stage but rather a single (crisp glass rod break)...but I've been wrong before. The ARGold trigger...your mileage may vary though. I like the fact that I can break a shot, hold the trigger back, and barely release pressure to hit the reset point and break a second shot. I'm no pro but I like what I like. Each of the listed triggers are fine triggers. Try to feel before you buy. I think the article below helps though. Quote from ARGOLD site (American Trigger Corp) Crisp Vs. Rolling When most shooters think of a great trigger they are thinking "Crisp." Which is to say no detectable trigger movement (creep) as weight is added to the break point. This is the "Glass Rod" trigger feel. There are some shooters who prefer a “Rolling” trigger. A great Rolling trigger has perceptible movement with no change on weight during the movement, slick with no hint to let off point; like pushing a frosty glass mug across a glass table top with your eyes closed – you know it’s moving, but you can’t feel it going over the edge. This type of trigger is OK for close high speed shooting, but is not optimal when a precison shot is called for. The AR Gold was designed to provide a Crisp feel, with super short reset. "For those that demand the best in a precision trigger for the AR-15 rifle, American Trigger has cracked the code with the AR Gold trigger, It simply is the final word in 'crisp sear release' for target or competition shooting." - Ken Hackathorn
  7. -JQ-

    Life is hard

    I don't know much but I do know "yes dear"
  8. just joined... It is creepier than I even guessed Why do all my schoolmates look so old?!
  9. +1 Welcome to the board!
  10. This DOES happen on the 40 as well... I don.t recall the issue with my x5 tactical tho...
  11. -JQ-

    Bike Skills

    Beautiful! Thanks
  12. Whose tubes you using? Good luck w your rockin!
  13. Thanks both! No important people as far as he knows. He was guessing about $200 but I was skeptical...just double checking...he's not really into the firearms aspect as much and I didn't want him to give it away.
  14. I shot pix of this pistol for a friend who is a Civil War buff. He's looking to sell it but isn't sure what it is, other than a "boot" gun. It is a neat piece of history and if it isn't too much, I might make an offer Anyway I thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas - or - just might enjoy seeing it. I dig it.
  15. Wow! Is that a typo? If not, what amount of data recovery for that price tag? +1 Ontrack unfortunately I've had to use them too for work. $2500 isn't too bad OK - this will sounds like an "old nerds-tale" but...put the drive in the freezer over night in a double freezer bag and takeout in the am and mount it up. You may have to repeat the procedure until you get all of your data copied off, backed up etc. Be sure to post your results.
  16. Iggy42 - I just visited your town two weeks ago...very cool town...ate at the caboose. I had a SA 3"...didn't mind the recoil as much as the brass ejecting into the middle of my forehead. I really like the size but didn't keep that one too long.
  17. Thanks Mark! I've been pretty happy with mine so far too. I'm a long time "smart" phone user and this is the best so far - IMHO. the touch screen is a little too sensitive as I keep opening messages I just want to delete. But this is likely user error. One of my favorite apps is the scannerradio (police scanner). I about passed out laughing at my GF when she thought I was talking to them over the phone this am. It was dumb luck that someone happen to "respond" to my fake comm. just as I said in my best walkie-talkie speak "Over"...the dispatcher and I had a little "conversation" the whole time the GF was buying and freaking out in until I lost it My guess is the dispatcher did not care what she was wearing or not at the time
  18. was in local big box store that sells guns yesterday... guy shopping the long gun rack asking all the generic questions when the counter guy picks up a "judge" long gun...and says handing it over to the guy "well here's a cute one". I couldn't even look back at the guy selling...nor the guy buying. I just looked away...I went and bought a pair of socks
  19. I just picked up a droid x Friday...still loading all the apps you guys suggested. I went with it over the 2 just because I didn't want the keyboard...but the size is pretty big on the x...and I'm used to the whole smart phone thing but this one is a whopper...but lighter than my storm I think. Before I left the store I made sure to buy a hard plastic case...I'd trade a video camera for extra phone durability So far it is pretty nice phone and seems to sound better on the other end too. My storm was always cutting out or muting. Keep the suggestions coming on apps. Hey- why does it keep announcing "verizon" every so often - that is annoying and I don't know why it does it.
  20. anything new here? getting ready to upgrade
  21. HK if you live in a swamp. CZ most everything else...your mileage may vary Quality - both great Trigger feel - CZ Fit to me - CZ Marketing cool factor - HK Just some random, under coffee'd thoughts...
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