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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. im glad th is thread was a help to you then, Walsh.
  2. I didnt call anyone a liar. I did say lock since the topic had drifted to discussing/railing against an individual. Dont like his/her work fine. No dog in that fight for me. I had nice experience ymmv. Speaking of a nonbs board...one reason I hang here. Im not a mod just a member who likes civil discussion. Merry Christmas!
  3. Really? "at all costs " based on another internet thread...must be true. Pretty strong disparagment based on what.... this thread needs a lock...
  4. A 3G rascal...didn't see that on the info-mercial. And why not one of these...
  5. -JQ-


    I hope you make the cut Dan. We need all the good guys we can get...er...keep. Trolleys, Segways, Bengals...we got it all..except Cops and Firefighters...glad to live out of that county Good luck sir!
  6. Nice pic who took that? They are rocking some serious razor thin depth of field = yummy. I like the look of that finish. It almost has a "case hardened" look.
  7. Let's ride... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDXV2AbheQY
  8. +1 thanks to you BPA's seriously! Need any volunteers? Have glass, will travel.
  9. I used Current for a while (moved out of area). They provide interwebs over your electrical service. You plug a "modem" into the AC outlet and an RJ45 to your PC and viola'...pretty neat. I haven't heard much from them recently though and they aren't available here. Anyone else used them?
  10. Beta beta tester applications where...? DD isn't that just a $5 stamp....no AOW... confused myself. Either way stamps are good, so put me in line too.
  11. I got my mouth washed out with soap for saying... ...f...a...r...t...
  12. I think it is a cool pic...and one that you wouldn't have made with a p&s. Congrats! Since you've gone off the deep end (buying PS and LR - the best tools) Go ahead and spend $200 on Kelby training. http://www.kelbytraining.com/ For $200 you get an annual subscription and can play and re-play training session over and over. They have online sessions for photography (~90+ classes), plus tons on LR and PS, etc. I promise this will be the best $200 you spend...I promise. I'm not associated other than being a very happy photog! The best classes initially will be intro to PS and intro to LR. I've been using photoshop for 10 years and I still learn new techniques...don't waste your time stumbling through...get a little training Even being fairly seasoned as a photog/photoshopper/etc I continually learn from these guys. Best $200 you will spend - promise!
  13. that is awesome...interested to hear how it works
  14. -JQ-


    I never figured out the need of a drawn reciprocation dingle arm...always thought they caused simple chronic halitosis.
  15. Lost me.... How did the "phone" know you had dinner at that establishment? Pay with credit card? Do you leave your blue tooth turned on? Blue tooth is a really simple way to grab info from phones...one reason I don't like hands free blue tooth thingys. I did some research on blue toothing surveys to people while on flights (captive audience) But this would have been opt in...didn't get the gig It is a creepy world
  16. Like someone else mentioned - the fear of forgetting really gets me too. But I still have a hard time seeing pictures. None of it makes any sense. I'm sorry to hear about Julie, Doug. I'm continually amazed how many of "us" there are, just on this board. thanks to all those on this board who allow us to keep this discussion going...it must be the most unpleasant thread on here. I know I'd rather be reading about loading, shooting or goofy gun shop owners. One day minute at a time...
  17. I think this is the reason your see most everyone loading in short sessions. I'm a fairly new reloader and I'm glad to hear others are not doing 2-3 hours loading sessions. I can only concentrate for so long...at the level I feel reloading requires. I love my SDB... To do it again...another SDB for each caliber...follow the KISS rule I've often wondered this same question as the OP. Good post. ymmv
  18. You know there's a safety on single stacks right? And don't kid your self, you haven't gone single stack unless its a .45 No matter what steel says Well to the club anyway...save the world.
  19. Well not everyone has such a Keen name as you Chris! JQ is a name many of my best friends have called me for years...figured it was time here.
  20. ...and I still don't know what to say to people sorry singlestack...thanks for sharing
  21. For every man cave... HOT LINE Phone
  22. Yes...and it sux. I take more photos now than ever.
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