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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. Maybe we need to start providing some security for the match hotels. I'm really sorry to hear about your losses!
  2. -JQ-


    They string you along telling you that you are the perfect person, blah, blah blah... This isn't my first rodeo, so I know this is usually the case but - dang it is easy to fall for their sweet talk. Pimps is what they are - yeah I know what that makes me I had a guy last week ask for times for a phone interview...OK here you go sir...no response. I follow up today asking if we are on and did he get my response...he replies... "thank you" back from my questions...WTF! I was asking you a question! I know I have to "play nice" but that is about the lamest email I've ever gotten...I'm not sure if I should even respond to that. And, knowing how much $$ they cut when they place you - uggghhh - makes me feel... :angry: </rant>
  3. It would just leave more un-scroungable brass lying around... Is this just another dodge to keep you from picking up your brass PB?
  4. That thing is sweet! I really like the look and function of the bob tail, but don't have one yet.
  5. -JQ-


    I've got nothing better to do...
  6. Delete the line of code that starts with [ i m g ] and ends with [/ i m g ] These are the "images" mixed into all the gobbly-dee-gook of the previous post. Extra spaces added Thanks for this post Flex...thought it many times but too lazy to post it
  7. -JQ-

    P229 SAS magazine

    Me too. Good service. Buy Mecgar. My 15 mags are not flush fit in my 228. They have an extension. Mecgar (sometimes) sells +2 plastic-style extensions. I think I bought my last ones from Greg.
  8. Golf courses use an average of 300,000 gallon of water per DAY. And in those special, must have areas, like the desert (Vegas etc) - 1,000,000+ per DAY. That is what we should be talking about regarding golf. </soapbox> I personally hope he's done apologizing...
  9. I've had a couple recent deals on here that really took some faith on the buyers end...fairly high dollar items...too big for the USPS guy to cash. Thanks to those members for their trust. And I expect to make an NFA deal on this board soon too. Talk about stressful (both ends) how about sending a check for something the price of a car - possibly only seeing a picture - knowing you can't even take possession for weeks or months...faith and hopefully a little history around the community. And like someone else said, I'm not going to cheat someone who shoots better than me - which is most all ya'll.
  10. I want my 1.5 hr back. It just never really comes together and combine that with an anti-military slant - pass. This should have been a Tarentino or Cohen bros film and it might have worked. ugggghhhhhh.
  11. Thank Thee for thine link. Truly, Hamish the Amish ...yeah, that's with long A's...
  12. FWIW I plan to make this match...will try to sign up at April match too.
  13. Well I WAS going to suggest a small chunk of pure sodium down the drain...guaranteed to clear all possible clogs, your house and maybe your neighborhood...but it is tough to get in purest form so I left it out. Please do not try.
  14. Well Chris might I suggest a tooth brush?! I used to have a sink that would stink when we turned on the dishwasher. I found out years later that the water heater was the cause...anode or cathode deterioration was producing hydrogen gas...Hydrogen sulfide gas is bad ju-ju. otherwise shove a lemon in there. <drift on> Anyone want to fund my dishwasher/garbage disposal "all-in-one" development costs? I'm thinking about an internal media blaster for that old hard cheese crust on plates, too. </drift>
  15. When does it stink? All the time or when starting the dishwasher?
  16. luckily I didn't have a need for my Judy-chop either...
  17. The worst thing about USPS MO's is dealing with the USPS. I have had the bank question me over the USPS MOs too. But I've never had any problems - here. Other boards - some ok some not. I usually ask for USPS mos only because the convenient store MOs look less real to me...I'd take a personal check/trade/whatever from pretty much anyone here.
  18. Do most (top guys) change out chokes in between COF's. I know where my IC choke - and am lazy
  19. Congrats! I love my Benny-elli!
  20. It was awesome! Well, once I got over the fact that they literally ran about 10 feet in front of me...this was in the upper west side (nice) one evening. I know there are rats everywhere but it somehow satisfying see these big boys run across the side walk in their "nice" neighborhood...just the hillbilly in me I guess And after all it turns out that I didn't have a need for my CCW...'cept for those rats! Cool to visit - but I'll keep to my yards, trees, and possums.
  21. Maybe not having the extra weight will help me run faster. FWIW - I've never had any issues in NYC but I tend to stay out of "those" places anyway. This time is will be more sightseeing/touristy than my past trips but really don't "expect" any trouble. I just like things that go BANG if things did go awry.
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