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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. check...good luck! Let me know if you need a nicely used 12 qt hobart mixer...trades requiring ffl welcome
  2. ...heard he was comin' to Michigan just kiddin'
  3. Thanks Modoc...and yes white dog 'lest we forget. More pics can be seen below. http://www.joelquimby.com/p416566442
  4. I was asked to take a few pics for the local DAV chapter for their Memorial Day services and Flag retirement. I had never witnesses the official burning process...and still didn't hear all the details , but they first separate the Stars from the Stripes prior to burning. Here are a few in case you haven't seen these on fb.
  5. Yup traded the RAM at the store when they did the one to one file transfer hocus pocus. IIRC it has 4 slots and came with 2 x2gb and now I have 2 4gb SIMMS/Dimms what ever they are these days. The two 4s will allow me to add 2 4's in the future to get 16 GB ...I guess parity? It cost $200 NET...I remember paying $160 for 8MB ram... I'm curious about the new thunderbolt plug. I assumed it was apple proprietary but it isn't. They claim 20x the transfer speed of USB 2.0 I NEED me some speed! We'll see about the prices on the devices...oh and they allow easy daisy chaining, etc etc. +1 Scott good to hear no issues. 5.5
  6. I got the 27" monitor version with the i5 quad processor and increased the stock RAM from 4 GB to 8 GB. They credited me some on the stock RAM, sort of a trade in value. I like that they aren't on commission too. I was going to buy 16GB RAM and the sales guy talked me out of it. The car dealer comparison was just the various handlers, runners, sales people they have running around. The stock was absolutely packed with people, too. I'll stick with mac so long as I can keep my software running on future machines. I haven't been on the laptop to see if the licenses will work still on that one too...hmmm... The new creative suite (not master collection even) was $1200 at the apple store ---
  7. Through an ugly week of issues...basement flood, dead water heater, HVAC, stinking house and a possibly dead Mac Book Pro, I bought a new iMac as a pre-emptive maneuver. The laptop was VERY damp and one of my external backups actually had water on the surface of the drive. First move was to wrap everything in newspaper and wait for a day or so...praying that everything would dry out. Apple has a built in feature (hidden feature?) that allows you to port over all your files from the old to the new...including 99% of my software keys. one to one is the name of the "software" and it cost $99 to unlock/join. But to keep me running without reinstalling everything again was worth $$$$$$$...bought one day - picked up at apple store the next day with everything from the old machine loaded and running (which is thankfully working too). This was more awesome as even my preferences came across. I must give props to the apple people...even though it was like buying a car at the store. You get handled like a car purchaser with mini appointments and hand-offs to sales, tech, training throughout the process...building the cult is what it felt like. I finally relaxed and drank their coolaid...it didn't kill me so here I sit...27" screen and 8GB RAM and a 1TB hard drive! And I find that I really like the little magic mouse, I was skeptical about no "buttons" but it is quite cool...ymmv
  8. OK, so after suggesting not to use import software, I ran into an issue. I was trying to simply copy over a 32GB card to a hard drive. It would only get about 22/32 through. So in a last ditch effort I tried "importing" with Lightroom and they all came in fine. I just wanted to share that there are many ways to skin a cat...and sometimes you need them all. Good luck!
  9. Bicycles have saddles like horses...something to hold and steer with. Seats are something you just sit on. Buy padded shorts, find a good saddle. Ride. Lose weight.
  10. Much thanks to member Cryptoprocta (Dr. Luke Dollar) for all his help. If you ever have the chance...go to Madagascar with him DO IT. http://www.earthwatch.org/exped/dollar.html He does a lot of good work there and not just for the animals. This brings me to my show this weekend. I was hoping to shoot the match this weekend too but... This is my first solo show and opens tomorrow night in Newport KY, a Cincinnati suburb. So if you are so inclined stop in and say hey. The photos, etc will be there until June 23 but tomorrow night is the ho-down. The neighborhood isn't the worst in the area and is pretty easy off the I471. http://www.galleriezaum.com/index.html Good luck to all the shooters at the match... ccw welcome
  11. Like these trucks? That's why I wear lead undies :-) http://www.as-e.com/zbv/
  12. I beat you to this one...but worth another watch. The word here is : COMMITMENT. ...and body armor just in case.
  13. Flat road are windy...wind - y. At least with hills you can "see" the end...wind is sneaky and you can't see it. FWIW - I hate spin classes. Good excercise maybe - but not cycling. Like comparing nintendo games to 3gun match... fine if you like it just don't "be deceived" they are different. Ahhhh, wind in my hair...errr...through my helmet ymmv
  14. They rock. They have every do-dad and thinga-majig that you could ever need re: photo, video, etc...super service on the phone or online. They don't try to compete on price (many brands have MAP) but are always fair and they do have specials. Their shopping cart is top of class too. It doesn't look flashy but it works well every time. They have worked out a lot of the little things in the background that shows up as a simple operation on the surface. Prior to my last purchase, I called and asked all kinds of questions. The guy on the phone knew most of my answers but didn't hesitate to say "hang on" (I thought he was answering another line, etc) But he came back each time and said my "manager said" and/or " consider these options..." Shipping - rock solid every time. The only downside is if you are shopping on a Jewish holiday, even their shopping cart goes off line...frustrating but I certainly respect their dedication to their faith... I'm not an employee - just a very happy customer. PS. If your wallet is a bit heavy... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/
  15. as of now...I have my ticket...got the job! NYC here I come
  16. Short story. Potential huge job. Huge client. Waits until THE last minute (47 minutes left to be exact)for approval...and will not be happy when price goes up. Too good to be true anyway almost. Glad I didn't pony up for the flights yet. waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting
  17. Web pages used be basically static. You request their page, it loads, you see it. Now, mostly, "individual" pages you see on your screen are "built to order"...even though you didn't realize you requested a customized page. These may or may not be a "form" as you would typically think, filled out boxes, check boxes, or likewise. Cookies or other preferences may cause this as well... So in many cases when you go back, you are making another request from the data and not entirely loading from your cache (previously viewed/saved) pages. All that...and each browser handles code differently...different version of the same browser...uggg...and then a new version of code...then blah blah blah That's the short answer
  18. Just use a card reader and copy them over to your HD (Hard drive) directly and go from there. ETA: go buy lightroom...I do not work for them and I'm a die hard photochopper, but, I saw the light. Very decent editing and great keywording, etc. It isn't super simple but RTFM :-) and google. It is nothing like PS in complexity. I do most work now in LR but still go to PS for heavy lifting. LR is also great to use as an import tool as well... ...my nonsensical rant for the day
  19. Lucky guys! Cherish them while you can...my mom is 86 and tougher than shoe leather...can't tell her anything either Wishing all the best.
  20. I have some standing dead persimmon trees. Any good for anything?
  21. -JQ-


    I'm not a lawn nazi, but our front yard has a mole that has me on a mission. Seems to me if a responsible citizen has means to discharge a 115 gr solution very quietly, they should be allowed to stand in their front yard applying said solution until problem solved. I gotta get out of town...
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