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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Erik, I feel your pain. I am realizing that the more I "try" the slower and worse hits I am getting. If I relax and focus on shooting A's my times decrease and points increase. Staying relaxed is the hardest part for me. Also shooting my sights has virtually eliminated finger freeze.
  2. Vince, I respectively disagree. If the RO doesn't stop you, don't stop period. I do think that although a RO can multi task, but I always try to keep my eyes on the gun, let the ARO keep track of the scoring part of the game. Safety first.
  3. It is not that I am in poor condition, I exercise quite regularly, but rather that I get too excited sometimes and try to go "superfast" if I just try to get there instead, it is still "fast" but I am ready to shoot faster I think. I do think that a lot of IPSC shooters would reap great benefits from hitting the treadmill and eating nutritionally sound diet. My heart rate raise more from the anticipation of the stage by than any physical aspect.
  4. I have found recently that if I focus more on just getting from position to position, my times decrease over when trying to get there very fast. I am ready to shoot faster and a lower heart rate seems to make the shooting seem easier. My scores have gone up signifiacantly since trying this. Thanks TT.
  5. Limited 6.8 56 points 8.2353 Limited 10 7.0 58 points 8.2857 Dang the cold weather (40 degrees) Cold fingers make for slow reloads.
  6. Um, the video doesn't give enough data to make a good judgement for me, BUT I think that swing scared the RO, it would have made me jump.
  7. A RO's job is to watch the gun , not the targets. If you stop yourself you are screwed. Always complain after the COF, because if you stop yourself you most likely will get a big fat 0. I have seen this many times with untaped targets, and I haven't seen anyone get a reshoot, although it is very distracting.
  8. My condolences. I had my best/worst match at Area 1 this year. Of the seven stages I had finished five top 10 the others were 15th and 17th on the 8th stage the cold got to my fingers and I touched off the trigger on a reload. BYE BYE good match
  9. The Math Ok the not so big secret is take the hf you got (say it is 5) take the percentage you got (say 75%) and turn the percentage into a decimal (.75) then take your HF (5) and divide it by your percentage (.75) and you get the HHF. In this example the HHF would be 6.66666666 (only the devil would try to hide the HHF since it takes 4th grade math to figure it out.)
  10. I advocate useing NOTHING inside you mag wells besides a plastic bristled brush, hardcrome them if you don't have stainless mags. Much easier.
  11. TBF, 2-3 pounds with no work if you use the SV trigger/hammer/sear. They make it too easy for you.
  12. with L10 I would go with 4, but if $$$ is an issue, you can put that "just in case" mag in your pocket.
  13. What do you want achieve in your "ultimate trigger job?" I find that a 2-2.5 trigger is easy to achieve using a SV TRI Glide Setup with the SV hammer and sear and a 15-17 lb mainspring. I am no expert, but I have installed this setup in 3 pistols and they all break like glass and are very reliable. If you feel the need to go super light on the trigger pull I think the failure factor increases quite a bit and require much more tlc to maintain, that is not for me.
  14. Um, muscles don't have memory. The one minute draw might help with something, but as far as a fast draw, I doubt it will help much. The key (I think) to hitting a fast draw is doing a zillion fast draws. See, I think this because to draw fast you must see fast and to see fast you have to practice seeing fast. The slow mo thing doesn't help you see fast so I don't think it will be helpful for fast draws. Any bozo can snap the gun out of the holster and pull the trigger pretty fast, but breaking an accurate shot off the draw is the part that seperates bozos from shooters. The holster stuff and getting the gun up to your eyes can be done ten different ways (all fast) but it is the shooting that matters most.
  15. Just build a fire and toss them in and run real fast. You can recover the brass after the coals settle down.
  16. I use a piece of black tape to block off my left eye from seeing the front sight, and it works fine because I see two sights no matter which eye I put it in front of.
  17. I think the key to shooting swingers is shooting them when they aren't swinging, so your plain targets and stands should work fine. It isn't hard to fabricate a swinger and if they bother you, it might be worth investing a few $ to make one up
  18. longer barrel less recoil for same velocity
  19. My comp makes my ears bleed when I forget the ear plugs, I have a comp that is held on by set screws (oly arms) and I take it off when not shooting a match so I can plink at the furry creatures without going deaf.
  20. Shoot whichever you think is the most fun. My 2 cents
  21. Brand spanking new, so it is in the white, untill I get 10K through it, then it goes to Tripp for the final touch. Hardcrome is the only way to go fo the long haul.
  22. This baby was worth the $$$ I got it on Wednesday and have put 1K rounds through it and functioned 100% and much flatter/softer with the KKM tungsten barrel. I was shooting shotgun hulls at 15 yards right of the bat. A one hole gun at 20 yards of the hood of my truck I was nervous taking the dremel to it right away because it was so pretty, but it had to be done. Now all I need is the flashlight to mount on it for shooting at night
  23. I went from a square deal to a 1050. The square deal was fine I prefered it to the 550 for pistol only rounds, but hell if you're gonna do it, keep your eye on E-bay and gunbroker, and you might pick up a good deal (I got my 1050 for $800) I load about 30K a year, that isn't too much, but the time I save reloading was worth the cost of the 1050 many times over (I save 50 hours a year reloading oin the 1050) No high primers, downstroke only, powder check ect. make it much better than anything else in my opinion.
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