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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. That makes sense Ron, I don't even really worry about the rear sight, I have enough experience I never ever focus on the relatationship of the front and rear sights. Lots of practice makes it an automatic thing I guess. If I can get a good clear focus on the front sight I know I will hit what I want it will be fast enough if I break the shot the instant it is in the notch. I see what you mean by overaiming, that can be a tough one. I only really got faster with a limited gun when I was able to keep front sight focus and break the shot as soon as it hit the notch. That was the thing that made it for me.
  2. Ron, Just a mere mortals thought in this in doing some change of focus training, going from target focus to front sight focus. I find that my splits when I focus on my front sight clear picture in speed drills not only sped up my splits, but also the transitions. I think that when the eyes cue the finger to pull the trigger, it is faster than trying to just pull it fast. That is my guess anyway because that is when I get the faster splits/transitions. My splits are very consistant (.15 @ 7 yards), be it 1 round or 10 rounds, if I keep a clear sight focus, they vary between .14-.19 if I don't have clear focus. This last weekend I had a stage where I saw my second shot on a target as a D hit and in an instant I decided to make it up. I had such a clear picture that people thought I threw a triple tap but in my head it was slow. It seems weird to me because it is a new thing for me, but it seems if you get it down it is very fast.
  3. Ouch, glad no one was hurt.
  4. TDean, Visual patience is correct. You might want to try this, if you are not getting all A's on those close targets that you want to hose. Time/score yourself using a close array of targets and find out which focus level give you the most consistant and highest hit factor. Then you will be confident of how to shoot them. Personally I find the better the front sight focus, the more relaxed I am, and the faster my splits. I am trying to be visually patient and my scores are skyrocketing when I am able to keep the visual focus.
  5. Steve, I found if you rack the slide quick about 15-20 times when it is cold when you LAMR it works great even on the first shot.
  6. TDean, Just a thought for you to ponder. If you are questing for speed, the quickest thing our body has is the eyes. I would recommend that if you want true speed, the only way to get there is through faster sight, and getting used to know what sight picture is adequate for each shot. What people "feel" as speed is generally chaos. The mind isn't focused, images are blurry, thus the mind says it is fast, when in reallity is doesn't really mean what you are is doing is really fast, just chaotic.
  7. Ditto to Ron, buy BE's book, money well spent At 10 yards I generally use the following sequence shooting limited sights: 1. Aquire target in vision 2. Find a spot I want to shoot 3. Focus on that exact spot 4. Watch the sights come into my vision 5. Focus on the front site 6. As the rear notch comes into place, break the shot 7. Watch the shot break 8. Break the next shot as the sight returns in the rear sight 9. Watch the shot break 10. Find the next target or shooting position. You might find that your shooting gets better if you practice transitioning your vision from target to sight your brain remembers where the target is, you have to see the sights clearly to call the shot.
  8. I finally got a round to taking a picture of my $10 mag trampoline. It is great for practicing in the house, or at the range. It saves wear and tear on the mags and your back. You can tear it down and fit in a corner when you are done. Let me know what you think. (Edited by Loves2Shoot at 10:58 am on Feb. 26, 2003) (Edited by Loves2Shoot at 11:00 am on Feb. 26, 2003)
  9. In Eugene, that might not be a bad thing!
  10. 10ring, Cool, it is all about learning right. BE aware and it will all come with time and experiencing your shots.
  11. I would set up on a spot behind where the swinger is going to be when it is easiest to hit and wait for the target. It is the simplest thing to do for me and it is visually the easiest thing to do. Chance are people will screw it up by trying wierd timing things and not getting it the 1st time and will be slower that making sure you shoot it the 1st time you possibly can. My therory is at worst you wait for one full swing and you don't have to wait for it twice.
  12. I have never had to tune a STI or SVI factory mag, they all work every time (I have about 16 of them), but maybe I'm just lucky. SVI seems to have tighter tolerances from the products I have seen. To get 20 in a .40 I tuned .45 STI mags to .40 specs, I am told the mag body is wider, but I use SV mags in my 40 so I haven't measured a 40 sti mag. If you want to make STI .40 mags hold 20 you will probably be better off sending them off to Beven or another major mag tuner.
  13. I went to a .03 front sight and I love it.
  14. As long as you have fun and get out and shoot, to me that is all that really matters.
  15. Flex, I meant a 2 seconds for draw, and 2 seconds for reload = 4 seconds for both. You can do a lot in 4 seconds. (Edited by Loves2Shoot at 9:27 pm on Feb. 24, 2003)
  16. I would guess that would be about D class in IPSC, but only a guess. 2 seconds is a long time to draw and reload, even from concealment.
  17. BTW I think a lot of people blame thier guns for being bad when it is really poor reloads, bad spring setups, lack of proper cleaning/lube and tinkering. I once saw a guy blaming his jams on his gun and noticed that when we looked at the brass that he had super and super rimless brass, and wouldn't you know it he was bad mouthing his smith, go figure. I had problems with my Kimber feeding and they said call them back after I had a minimum of 1000 rounds through it. 1500 rounds later, it worked great and no more problems. If you buy a new custom made gun, don't expect it to function great until it is broken in 1000-2000 rounds. Custom comes with an extra cost and taking the time to break it in is just part of that cost. You will be happier in the long run.
  18. Yep, I believe Dawson has the lip dimensions posted somewhere, I just duplicated the width on my high cap mags. Make sure you move them evenly though, don't just tweak one side.
  19. I have 2 and they run perfect. 3rd one is on the way. No problems here.
  20. As far as the wider sight, for precision shooting you aim diferently than in action shooting, I find I shoot significantly faster and more acurately "at speed" with the smaller front sight. If you have poor eyesight, it might be harder to pick up the frontsight so you might be better of with a wide sight and opening up the rear sight. The eye does a good job of centering the blade with a fairly wide opening. Bounty, Believe me it does, I don't have enough of an eye dominace to know which picture is coming from which eye. It is impossible to shoot a limited gun without something blocking the front sight from one of the eyes with any speed. I have no idea what it is like to see one sight picture with both eyes open and no tape, the same way you can't understand that some people can't just ignore one sight picture. I have tried picking one, and half the time it is the right eye and half the time is is the left eye, and I have near perfect vision (1/8th off 20/20), go figure.
  21. Dave, It looks like the barricade comes up to your chin. Is it a short wall or ar you THAT tall? Man low ports must suck for you
  22. That's ok Rufus, I don't want to know how to double tap. It has taken me 2 years to break that aweful habit. I can now "see" two shots on a target 7 yards or closer in .15, and my double taps were .17-.18 You can have all the double taps I have no use for them
  23. Twix, I did the same thing, besides the bolt breaking once I have had good luck with mine (they sent me a new one.) A buddy did the same deal and his works also. I don't shoot a rifle much. Definitely save enough to put a JP trigger in it though, it makes all the difference, more than a free floated barrel.
  24. Rufus, Double tapping? There is no double tapping. Re-read Brian's book, two shoots in rapid sucession, but double taps are to be avoided like the plague. You must see to believe (and call all your shots)
  25. Kevin, Sorry, I was in a hurry on my easlier post and typo'ed. The bullet will stay in the mag "as is" but to make them feed you have to modify the lips to make them from feeding 2 rounds at once, one goes in the chamber, the other on the ground. It isn't really hard to do the mod, I converted 6 .45 mags to .40 in about 45 minutes. The 1st one took 15 minutes, it was piece of cake for the other 5.
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