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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Where is he located and what is he looking to get for it and what does it all include? He is here in Bend, OR. A student of mine who bought a couple SVI's. I'm pretty sure he wants to dump the whole thing rig, totally set up gun, mags. He offered to give me the setup, but I have no use for it. He's on vacation and when he gets back in a week I'll post pictures of the whole thing.
  2. Don't forget a barrel if he's going to shoot it in .40. The STI/SV isn't so expensive when you add it all up. I actually know a guy who has the whole setup for limited to sell in GREAT condition (rig and all) now that I think about it.
  3. What will you be using it for? http://www.efkfiredragon.com/products.php?cat=37 They aren't the quality of Barsto though.
  4. Skip the FO rear, it takes your focus away from where it needs to be. I use the .100 fronts not rod width but sight width. I'll be at the Colombia Cascade Section match in Aug if you want to check the different sights out.
  5. No tape needed for open. I have no dominant eye, but only one eye picks up the dot so there is no problem.
  6. I shot the 9mm Tangfolio Open gun the other day and it was frickin' sweet!!! I a tad heavy but man a nice gun and for $1400 NEW with 4 mags I think it would be a good choice.
  7. I'm no high fallutin' custom 1911 gunsmith, but it seems to me since the barrel tilts down a tiny bit, having the angle complimenting the downward tilt would make the face square in relation to the barrel would make for a more reliable design. But that just seems like common sense... I would like to hear the answer though from someone who seems to know a bit about the design of the 1911. Learning is a good thing in my book. ps. This practical shooter care, because I want the strongest, most reliable piece of hardware I can have. I've seen shoddy work from some "top" smiths and I've seen great work from no-namers. If I don't educate myself on what is good and what isn't that is MY fault.
  8. Amazing what happens when you listen Sandoz
  9. If you put velcro on the inside of the pouches you don't need the wedges.
  10. Sorry to hear that man. At least you have gun with a dot so you don't need two hands
  11. Just in case I'm guilty here Chuck don't get . The point Merlin made and that I seconded is to imagine the trigger finger is very sensitive/painfull and must be pressed very carefully and gently. Of course, if you like, you can just think of it as a Smart-a** answer and ignore it. Welcome to the forums! Manny Brag said Frank used to cut his fingers so he could feel the trigger...
  12. Hit the A zone, don't think about anything else...
  13. I'm working on one, if you get stuck or don't find a good one drop me a note and I'll walk you through it.
  14. Ben, I think you brought up a good point, good splits are the ones that hit the A zone. Seeing is the fastest way I know to get fast splits also, as soon as the sight comes back into focus, break the shot.
  15. 10 stages, 1 day, 130+ shooters shooting mostly single stacks, it was a great day. If you ever get a chance to shoot here in Oregon you need to check out http://www.arpc-ipsc.org and find a Mike match.
  16. Unless you are Tom Dean, I shot with him for the first time this weekend, and talk about wicked splits in a match... He absolutely nailed one array of two targets and two USP poppers in a time that fast open shooters would envy.
  17. Dave is a heck of a representative of the sport. I've shot with him twice and he's a great squad mate.
  18. What is hanging out of your mouth? You gun position on movement and load might need some re-evaluation. Other than that, transistions, transitions, transitions.
  19. You can shoot .38 major in open only.
  20. Training doesn't just mean bullets or weekend classes. Supervised practice from someone who knows what there doing and can motivate you and keep you on he right track. That is more what I'm talking about. I have a shooter that went from no where to winning C class by a good margin at Area 1 in 3 months, with very few IPSC matches (3-4) under his belt. He had a 14th stage finish, and had only shot swingers and drop turners ONCE. Less than 2K in training and he is knocking on the door of A and M and has has a couple of GM times on classifiers. Kruger, come to Bend sometime and you'll see what I'm talking about.
  21. I've seen tons more improvement by dollars spent on training than gear. Spend 2K on a new guns or 2k on training. That's a no brainer to me.
  22. Some observations that have come from watching student "not get it." 1. All A's as fast as you can "call the shot" is underrated. 2. Spray and Pray for A's is not the same as seeing that every shot will hit in the A box. 3. When you change the focus of the drill (A's versus time) the shooting changes too. 4. Relying on the "index" for the first shot to hit the A box is not as reliable or acurate as aiming. 5. If you can't do it three times in a row cold you probably had a "moment" so don't rely as that time as your "par." 6. If you put no shoots around the A zone and do a bill drill and the times aren't identical, then you might want to think about why you are training yourself to pull the trigger without knowing where the bullets are going to go. Just a few thoughts.
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