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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. It would respectfully disagree about easy of changing calibers on the 1050. 10-15 minutes for a caliber change, the easy of reloading easily makes up for the few extra minutes. I change it up all the time and don't think twice. It does take some mechanical inclination, but you need to know what you are doing because you can really crank out the ammo as stated above. I am NOT a fan of presses that do no auto index, so for me the 550 is out. The 650 is nice, but not a 1050 (Can you tell I love the 1050? Everything on the downstroke is awsome.)
  2. Not so much horizontal as vertical. ie. Zebra targets. I still have young eyes, big might be better for poorer vision. I like the smaller sight for 6" plates and mini poppers. Read BE's book it has the "better" explaination.
  3. What about drop-in cylinders? That would be an improvement in speed of reload. Having an extra supply of ammo to put in your pistol quickly, that would be a neat idea. Then you could hold more rounds, how about a bigger cylinder, to hold more rounds? I guess the rules for revo just don't encourage much improvement. You improve a revo too much, you get an auto
  4. I know length can be an issue, but it would be cool to have a 9mm builder chime in.
  5. Not to pick on you personally but it amazes me that whenever a 9mm gun has a problem it is automatically assumed it is due to the cartridge choice. However when open guns in super puke it is just seen as a gun problem that needs to be solved. There is no raging mob with pitchforks and torches chanting about the cartridge. Not a judgement, just an observation... These guys are some very good shooters, so is it the ammo or the gun, I don't know. Just passin' on what I've seen. They might have the same problems with supers too. It seems it may, or may not, be nirvana.
  6. I vote for NONE if you scream "BREACHING" just before you "bust-a-cap" in the lock. BYO C4...
  7. I think that if you take away the "upgrades" in the other classes the same shooters would win too. Most of the "trick" things are way overated. Good sights, 100% reliable, good grip, and a good trigger and you are set, in any division, IMO.
  8. What is it with Eric(k)'s and sights? Peening and green work well. A "trick" I was shown by an "old timer" was to add a shim (using a piece gap gauge) and lock tight under the sight.
  9. .090 or .100 .125 is too fat for tight shots or long shots for the way I prefer to see the sights.
  10. Most all the open guns I see puking lately are 9mm... I can think of 3 guys at the last match who are GM-M shooters who wish is was worth it. I don't have the $ to mess with it to find out for myself, it just the aungish I hear from those trying to save $ on brass. Very good shooters too. If I was going to shoot 9mm major I would do it in a Tangfolio (EAA.)
  11. Snow fence, it is windy here... And it is more fun for the spectators to watch what is going on... And it is easier on the RO... Everyone knows where the targets anyways so it isn't much of a "suprise" with hard walls, or it shouldn't be.
  12. I don't think a fair comparision. A bad match is a bad match, regardless of the round count. I've shoot really good stages that are 50+ rounds, and bad stages that are 12 rounds. More round (everything being equal) is still more fun
  13. The squad before us had several re-shoots too... The para cord and type of stick didn't help the reliablity either. With roving RO's how can you insure the prop is set the same? You should have seen the size arms on the guys who had failures, it wasn't because they didn't chuck it, but I guess that makes the same point.
  14. For what? In minor I prefer the 147, in major the 124 or 125. If you are running a shorty open gun the 115 might be a better choice. It really depends on what you are trying to do.
  15. Amen brutha, keep it focused on shooting challenges. Most props cause more problems than adding anything besides re-shoots to the game. (We had many re-shoots from the hand grenade thing this weekend.)
  16. Because more rounds = more fun and more challenges (if designed properly) More mag changes, more shots, more challenges makes sense to me. Pointless multiple close or far targets doesn't. I hate lots of low round count matches, because the shooting is over too soon. If I'm going to stand around for half a day, I want to shoot as many targets as I can... ps. Even shooting 10 round mags more is still better in my book.
  17. Dawson's fixed sights are hard to beat for the price. I have done lots of different XD sights and I have seen pretty much all of them. The burried sights are cool, but very costly. The Dawson adjustable set work great if you like to mess with loads and such. I could do any sight I want but find myself using the XD with the Dawson Fixed Rear and .100 FS blacked out (because FO are too slow for me.)
  18. Focus on form... ...speed is the result of efficiency.
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