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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Maybe I should have the local Mac "guru" give you a call because that's NOT the story I get from him It took 3 weeks and several thousand dollars to get Tiger straightened out when we converted the advertising department. Maybe that just left a sour taste in my mouth.
  2. How many programs are there for the Mac compared to MS? The biggest problem I see with a platform so huge is that it makes it harder to pull an Apple and just release a new OS that requires you buy almost all new software for your new machine (personal exerience.) A closed OS on proprietarty hardware will always work better than a fair OS on about any POS hardware. A big hurdle is to come up with features that people actually want and will use. Computers are so fast and functional right now that most people aren't that unsatisifed in general with where technology is.
  3. IMO Farming a match isn't worth your time if you are a top shooter... The people who complain about prize distribution being done in order of finish are the ones that don't do the work to win the top prizes. Order of finish distribution greatly reduces sandbagging. Raffles are fine as long as you advertise it.
  4. I've NEVER paid from a part from Dillon for my 1050. I don't see how you could cause that much damage as a hobby shooter unless you are not at all mechanically inclined or don't ever lube the monster. There are a few tricks to keeping it running perfect, but no way I'm going to another press currently on the market, I'll stop shooting first. I have always had a strong dislike for reloading, but the 1050 eases the pain.
  5. I tend to agree with Merlin. I once picked up a 1050 with 4 toolheads (barely used) for $750. I've picked up 3 over the years, all under 1K. They are simply great machines.
  6. Cancer starts out slow too, maybe it is time for serious treatment, before our country rots from the inside out.
  7. Call them what they are, domestic terrorists, not immigrants.
  8. I hope that is your nogin and not some other round hairy part of your body you shave.
  9. Production only scores minor, so 9mm rules that Division, although you could download a .40. Limited and Limted 10 - 40 is the cheapest to reload and you get the most rounds in in limited. Open a .38 variant (and yes 9mm counts too) If you want a XD in .40, L10 is probably the most natural fit.
  10. 1. No more upstroke. 2. Easier down stroke. There was one for sale for 1k the other day $1200 with two toolheads. I wouldn't want to ever load on a 650/550 again.
  11. Performing to my match potential has been my goal for this year. I know I won't acheive it often, but it's the only real goal that motivates me these days. Shooting is a very personal experience for me. When I had goals of getting to somewhere it always felt very empty when I got there. I am trying to follow BE's advise of seeing something new with each shot as an everyday goal and having pretty amazing break throughs in my shooting and my motivation to keep at it and not just hang it up. I started shooting IPSC as a D shooter know the work it takes to make the journey to GM card in your pocket. It took me a very long time because I had the totally wrong approach. I was trying to be something, ie. "A class" shooter, instead of becoming something, ie. a great shooter. I may never become a great shooter, but I'm now enjoying the process more than ever before. I have the desire to keep investing in the journey. I used to like climbing mountains, and loved the summit hump, no matter how cruel it was, knowing a spectacular perspective would be my reward. Knowing relatively few others would ever stand in that spot had value to me at the time. Shooting doesn't work that way for me. I still remember when I hit my first really fast draw, I was practicing a ton and I nailed some good draws, then it hit me, those were most likely the quickest draws I would ever do. It felt cool at first, quickly followed by a empty feeling in my gut. I guess at that moment I knew that in shooting I must learn to love the laborous steps up the hill, always knowing that I will never reach the summit. I guess that's a long winded way of saying, if your goal isn't about what you do every time you break a shot, take a step, or anything else that is required in this sport, you might get that same empty feeling I did. I still have that D class shooter inside me, he is part of me. If I forget him, I would be happy with good match finishes and finishing high on the list actually mean something real to me. I like to see where I come out, but I now use it to see where I can improve. BTW- If you made M you have the skills to make GM, if you can hit .76 reloads and hit anything you have to added gifts to be GREAT.
  12. They work perfectly, there is another post with a picture if you can find it. Basically, use the Glock insert and instead of putting the little tab in the tension screw, roate it so it is sticking straight up. That traps the mag and puts it out aways from your body.
  13. Edited to make sense since it was split from another thread. The original statement to my understanding was something to the effect that a shooter may have gotten a re-shoot because they were scoring targets "ahead" of the RO and challenged and there was a miss scored by the RO and then taped by a competitor before the shooter could view the target with the RO as they were not following the RO. This may not be what happened but it brought up a something to discuss. Question: Is it the RO's responsibility to make the shooter is present when the target is scored or the shooters responsibility? Shouldn't a scoring question be made imediately, before it can be taped? At big matches I've been to the RO just yanks the target and they put up a new one and keep scoring. This seems to matter otherwise it would be easy for the shooter to gain an advantage over the RO. If he is not following the RO as they score the targets and scoring ahead of the RO, can any shooter dispute a target that is taped after it is scored?
  14. Well said. I think shooting is the easy part, getting the desire out of the way the hard part for me. BE's advise of experienceing each shot has made a huge difference in my progression in this sport. As an observer everthing seems easier and faster, as "tryer" things tend go bad quickly.
  15. JVC MiniDV Digital Camcorder with 2.5" Color LCD Monitor GR-D395US I got this 2 weeks ago and have been very happy with it. It has a remote which is very cool. A big battery and a easy interface. I'm no expert, but so far so good. It has lots of cool features at a fairly cheap price point.
  16. I have to Canondales, and older Raven (sweet ride) and a F400 I built out last summer with Raceface cranks (sweet), semi light weight wheels, XTR, a huge travel Manitou front shock. I bought the bike at a pawn shop for the frame, and built out the rest myself. I prefer the hardtail for control and climbing (we have lots of mountains) and find the ride is pretty nice. I think you really have to just demo bikes until you find one that feels good. I do like the bars with a bit of a sweep and rise.
  17. Congrats and thanks for joining the ranks of those that give back to the sport by doing a generally thankless task
  18. 1. Relax (watch your face, it doesn't take effort to do a reload, especially in practice.) 2. Speed up. 3. The re-mounting of the gun looks very awkward. Try smoothing it out by making it one smooth motion.
  19. Heavy bullets and light springs aren't the best combo for reliable feeding IMO. If you have a burning itch to use a 10 lb. spring you might consder a lighter bullet.
  20. ROFL!!! Last weekend it was raining, sleet, winds strong enough to break target stands 7 of 13 finished the match (Easter weekend and all) this summer it will get 100+ degrees with winds so hot that it feels like you are in an oven, but it's all good with proper clothing. So Ok we did have to make up provisional rules last weekend, like if the popper falls over from the gale force winds just shoot a round at it, but this game is about having fun and shooting guns so sometimes any shooting is better than no shooting. I shoot every chance I get But I did just get back from the range building on some new shelters maybe I'm getting old.
  21. Most anytime anyone suggests dumping rounds or stacking I suggest turning off your ears and your BS detector on. I've been playing with a SP01 w/ Angus' trigger and it is pretty nice.
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