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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. I've played around with several and the 3.5 MOA Deltapoint is by far the best I've seen. Very clear and sharp dot and its got a large field of view.
  2. My only issue is the lack of communication. It's been over two weeks and they haven't contacted those who are on the wait list? At this point I don't even know if they received my application and check. I'm about ready to cancel it and just write the match off. I shot this match for several years and then stopped when it started to feel like they were doing me a favor letting me shoot it. Oh well. I guess I'll just shoot the MG Nats again this year.
  3. Are you shooting AM or PM on Friday? I'm sure we'll have some registration availability for the PM groups on Friday morning.
  4. It gets really difficult to hold Nationals in the same venue for several years in a row. Compound that when you are running three Nationals in the same venue. On top of that you have a volunteer staff trying to build three National matches a year. At some point you are very quickly going to reach burnout. I'm not saying Vegas was there. I would be if I was them. Out of curiousity, what about the range in Vegas is so great? Not the surrounding area but that actual range. I've been shooting there for a lot of years and while it's great that they made a lot of changes and added bays I still see someone bleeding every year from rounds kicked off of big gravel, the range surface is mediocre at best for shooting on, and the place is a dust bowl. The bays on the main range face the west so in the afternoon it's dang near impossible to see the targets because the sun is in your face. On top of that, every time I go to DSRPC I feel like I'm a barely tolerated guest. They've gotten much better in the last couple years but it's the feeling that at any minute they could just kick us out. Don't get me wrong. I like Vegas, a lot. I enjoy the town but between three Nationals, and SHOT I'm there almost 4 weeks a year. I'm good with having a change. St. George is a very welcoming range. The club and town was extremely welcoming. Very friendly. The range is still fairly new and they are making some changes as well. They have 24 bays there (I think) more than enough for our little Nationals. In fact during Area 1 they had a public shoot on the outside bays that drew almost a 1000 folks from the area for demo shoots and to watch. Didn't impact the match at all. Bottom line is if you want to shoot a Nationals in Vegas for the next couple years, bring a rifle and shotgun with you. If you want to shoot the pistol Nats it's going to be in St. George and Tulsa for 2013 and... If you really want to come to Vegas, nothing says you can't come in a day or two early, hang out in Vegas and drive the 90 minutes to St. George. Heck if you wanted you could even stay in Vegas and still shoot St. George (I wouldn't but clearly there must be some serious Vegas junkies out there). I do find it telling that the people complaining about St. George (on this board and others) have never been there. The ones that seem to be fine with the move are the ones who have shot there. That's probably a clue.
  5. I wondered the same thing. But the week before Area 1 next year St. George is hosting an Ironman that brings about an extra 5000 people into town. If they can easily handle events with 10 times the number of people a Nationals brings in I think they can handle us.
  6. Registrations have been open for all for awhile but out of Area entries won't be accepted into the match until Dec 15. If you wanted a spot your entry should have been in months ago. There a well over a hundred on the wait list.
  7. That's great that there are different matches to shoot for the Divisional. But I thought the rules said Semi-pro can't register for the Divisional. I could easily be wrong on that and it would make a lot of sense that they change that now that SP is TO only.
  8. Mike, you're more than welcome to go through the Orgs financial records and show me where to cut. They are posted on Guidestar.org.
  9. With all due respect, Chuck, I never understand why we keep hearing this claim from USPSA. This year 868 competitors shot the back-to-back Nats in Vegas. If you figure $250 average entry fee, that's $217,000 in total entry fees, and the prize tables were donated (and pretty frickin' weak). WHERE DOES ALL THE MONEY GO?? The most significant expense is staff. Travel expenses, lodging, rental cars and food for the staff alone comes to the better part of $100k. Some of the staff was there for almost two weeks. Other big expenses are the range rental, awards, hotel ball room rental, both for registration and awards, etc. etc. You keep hearing it because it's true whether you want to believe it or not. This year the Pistol Nats and probably even the Multigun will be in the black. In years past that was not always the case. Sometimes the Pistol Nats pulled a small profit but it was offset by a loss at the MG Nats which have a very similar cost for staff, but fewer entries. This year the profits of the Pistol Nats and possibly the MG will be offset against what I'm pretty sure will be a loss for the Steel Challenge. As far as the prize table comment I think that's completely off base. I've been shooting Natonials for a little over 10 years now. I just missed the big tables of the 90's, but this year had the best prize tables I've seen since 2004. The MG had a great table and the L10 and Production tables I saw were a lot better than last years. As for the statement that the prizes were all donated, that may be true, or it might not be. I know USPSA has purchased prizes in the past. I don't know if they did this year or not. It's been a few years since I know they made any purchases.
  10. Financially it's very risky to split the matches. Phil is trying it but the cost goes up dramatically on every separate match you hold. The back to back format has taken the Nats from a huge money drain on the organization to at least coming close to breaking even if not coming out a bit ahead. Splitting them into 6 separate events would likely take us back to pouring money down the Nationals hole. Which wouldn't be the worst part. There is already some push back about this format from RO's. We are asking a lot of the experienced CRO's and RM who work our Nationals. There are now 5 completely separate national or world events we're asking them to come to and work. That's more than most of them will be able to make it. If we pushed that to 8 we woudln't come up wiht enough staff. Doesn't mean it's not a possibility at some time in the future but we need to start now with getting RO's working major matches, applying to work the Nationals and get them some experience.
  11. Correct dates are listed on the USPSA-Nationals.org website. Technical glitch apparently. SS is May 8-11 and the Revo on Sunday May 12.
  12. Those were published a while ago in the BOD meeting minutes and in Front Sight if memory serves. Basically changes to the appendices for Lim and L10 removing many of the restrictions on recoil devices and the 500 unit manufactured restrictions. The intent was to make things much more clear as to what is allowed, basically no ports, no comps and no optics, .40 to make major, .355 to make minor and no longer than a 141.25mm mag. The other changes have to do wtih mag pouches in Prodcution and SS. No magnets and no spring loaded, multi mag pouches that shove a stack of mags so you pull from the same location each time.
  13. Just waiting on contracts to be signed from my understanding. USPSA has gotten into trouble before announcing dates and venue before the contracts are signed. Really don't want to end up with a repeat of past history.
  14. Dunno, I signed. I'll shoot whatever they tell me for the matches I have to. Other than that I'm shooting Open.
  15. Did you call JP and ask? That would be my first call.
  16. Just a quick note. A1 residents are being accepted into the match and squadding as they do so. If you receive the notice from Ken and choose not to pay your entry fee by December 14 your spot on the list is forfeit. We open up to all on December 15th. I would strongly suggest paying and getting squadded as soon as possible to avoid any problems like forgetting to pay. I expect that this match will be full, both main and staff match on December 15. There are about 580 people signed up and trying for 450 spots.
  17. You'll shoot Fri AM, Sat PM and Sun AM (everyone will shoot Sun AM, just some a little later in the AM.)
  18. Any way to see if we actually made it into the match? Check was cashed but I never heard anything back. Wanted to start booking travel but didn't want to get burned.
  19. I had a similar experience as Pat. Started with a Glock 22, moved to a 35. Shot it till I made M then bought an awesome SV 2011 built by EGW. The gun was great but I'm still an M in limited. I had went to Production after a few years, played around with a couple platforms but I keep coming back to Glock anytime I shoot minor. I still prefer a 2011 for shooting major ( I'm weird). This year I'm going to try Limited again. I'm going to try a 6" with a Tribrid barrel. Shot it last weekend on Open since its not legal yet. I really really like it. But I'm way too fast with it. Need to slow down a bit and actually hit what I'm aiming at.
  20. First popper I saw hit with a slug was extremely dangerous. Combo slug and shot stage. Paper At 50 and poppers at 10. First popper no prob, then two paper at 50. Looked normal on the first slug target. Second one was obviously shot. Before anyone could yell stop the shooter whacked a popper. Most of the slug came directly back and hit the RO. Cut through his pant leg and took a chunk of sin with it. About an inch below the boys. Little further up and we'd be calling him one nut. Little further over and he could have clipped the femoral artery. No thanks. If you're not paying close enough attention and do something that dumb you can go home. Guess I don't have a lot of sympathy for safety violations.
  21. I have a T1 on one of my ARs and an M4 on another. The PRO is a quality optic. The biggest difference comes in size and battery life. The PRO uses an less efficient circuitry setup and kills the battery quicker than the H1. The H1 dies quicker than the M4. If battery run time isn't a major issue the PRO should be just fine.
  22. So after I posted this I hit up Colt Competition for a small little auction we're doing for the NW Chaplains organization. I never heard back but the guy who's running the auction had a call offering up a $1600.00 rifle less than 24 hours after I sent the email.
  23. Colt also sponsors the NRA NAPC (AKA Bianchi Cup) very heavily. They started doing a lot for three gun in the last year or two as well.
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