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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Yep, actually shot mine in Open in November at a club match. Actually shot my highest Open classifier score with it. 6" tribrid .40, lightened slide and now wearing a *thumb rest [generic]*.
  2. They had a T shaped stage at the IPSC Nationals this year where the IPSC version of this rule came into play. Didn't like it there. Someone got dinged enough to basically zero the stage because they cut a corner a couple steps. Don't like it, throw some walls up. I'd rather not have to change all of USPSA to allow someone to avoid having to set up more props.
  3. It wouldn't be in the minutes from the meeting but there is a proposal for a new 2013 HG rule book that has a number of changes. This is one of the changes suggested by either the rules committee or the RMI corps. Not sure which. The original plan was to have the changes proposed by the 17 th and the rule book out to the BOD for review and approval before Jan 1 with implementation on that date as well. We did receive the proposed rules but I haven't had a chance to go through them personally. There also is not a meeting scheduled for approving the rules yet either.
  4. Welcome, what part of Oregon are you in?
  5. IPSC has a division called ( I think ) Standard Manual that is what I think you are looking for. I always thought it looked fun but then again I like running pump shotguns.
  6. Downside would be the capacity disadvantage for Multigun.
  7. Ken has put a pause on adding anybody new to the match until everyone already invited gets paid up and squadded. He's trying to figure out a way to get more people in. I told him I'd rather 400 people have a great match experience than make 20 more happy but everyone else is standing around waiting because we have more shooters than we can accommodate.
  8. You'll be at a disadvantage shooting 9mm but not a huge one. You'll have higher capacity and less recoil. You just score less for anything out if the A zone. Just keep it tight accuracy wise for USPSA and you'll do fine. For what you plan to do with it 9mm sounds like a perfect choice.
  9. To answer the question of why move the Nationals, but keep it in the same area. USPSA owns a fair amount of props, steel and other physical goods that are expensive to move from one location to another. Additionally the MG Nats are staying in Vegas for the forseeable future. By keeping the Naitonals in the same geographical area it reduces costs by not requiring large amounts props to be moved across the country. Additionally, it still allows Vegas and St. George to share the prop as needed, further reducing the costs of building another set of walls, buying another set of steel, movers, etc. for each new range. The reason to move is St. George is a better range. Whether you like the city it's in or not, the range facility is better, It has the capability of holding a Nationals for significantly more shooters, more stages, more everything that is shooting related. St. George easily has the capability of hosting 600-700 shooters for a National match. Vegas would be a stretch, and probably not possible. Some people like Vegas, some don't. I know I'm starting to get very burned out on the town after the last several years of spending 3-4 weeks a year there for shooting/SHOT Show.
  10. What's your USPSA number and I'll take a look.
  11. If you're talking about Nats at St George, you'd miss a number of national and state parks with unbelieveably gorgeous scenery within a 300 mile radius. But I'm biased. Also, whether you want to believe it or not, there is a mystique with Nats. There is to me, anyway. I live about an hour away from the Blue Ridge Mountains and a couple hours from the Atlantic Ocean! I have seen great views. And the "mystique" you speak of, you are the first person i have ever heard mention that. But, I did notice you did NOT go on about anything match or shooting wise. That's my point, what sets it apart from good Area matches or state matches to make it worth the effort and cost? The fact that it was in a cool location that was easy and cheap to get in and out of for people that have never been. If its gonna be in BFE it should be moved around the country. So 90 minutes from the exact same cheap and easy location to get into this year is BFE? I guess folks out west have a different idea of how far apart things are. If you want quick and easy, fly into St. George. If you want cheap, fly into Vegas and drive an hour and a half.
  12. Yes you can have a 1x red dot or 1x optic and iron sights if you want. For moving bay to bay you don't need to bag. You can either have them bagged, in a cart or similar carrier or just carried with the muzzle vertical, either up or down (may be specified by the range). As an FYI, the USPSA BOD just approved a new MG rule book for 2013 this weekend. Should be out and in the next couple days.
  13. The Nationals, as it stands, is different than Area and other lower level matches. The level of officiating should be the best of all the matches held in the country. This is the big show. Having different RO's for different competitors can cause problems that we see at Area and sectional matches. Little stuff like inconsistent start positions or having the AM RO say you can do something that the PM RO says you can't. For the posters that say we should have a staff match and that would solve some of this. A little history might help. There used to be staff matches at Nationals. In general it was a day or two before the match. The staff didn't normally finish all the stages, and their results weren't included in the final results. The majority of RO's didn't shoot the staff match for various reasons, too much to shoot then work for 5 days or longer with B2B matches, didn't like to leave their guns in the hotel room, etc. Whatever the reasons were the staff matches quit happening because the majority of the staff at the time didn't care to shoot them. With the current format we have it might be possible to run a staff match before the first match in a B2B but I can't see giving the staff two days between matches so they could shoot and make the rest of the competitors just hang out. Not to say it isn't something that we couldn't try again in some format. Personally, I want stage dedicated RO's working the same stage the whole match and having that level of consistency. I want to see a National Champion crowned because that person is the best shooter, not because they got away with something the number 2 guy didn't.
  14. I don' think you necessarily have to remove the perf at the neckline. You could just change the B to a C. For that matter, you don't have to do anything to the target. Just score B and C in the same column. I figured you wouldn't have to but I thought if we didn't have a B and it wasn't difficult and it made for a better, sturdier target it might be another reason to make the change.
  15. Does anyone know enough about making targets to speak to what the effect of removing the neckline(between B and C) would be? I'm thinking on the minus would be some expense at retooling the dies to cut the targets. I'm thinking as a plus the targets might be more rigid and less likely to have the heads droop? Dunno.
  16. So in case anyone was unable to figure this out, yeah this was mostly self deprecating humor. However, I have shot Lewis system matches before and that prize distribution alone does a pretty good job of weeding out those who are only interested in prizes. I think it's a great way to run this match. Good luck.
  17. It's Ken's own squadding program. He sends the link with payment info. Last year we had a bung of people squad that had not paid or squadded a buddy that was already squadded somewhere else. This hopefully will keep that from happening.
  18. I wouldn't guarantee that is in order either. I know I was one the test guinea pigs to register and I'm about 30 or 40 from the bottom of the list. I'm not sure what order that is listed in. We should have a very good idea in about a week and a half. If you are in Area 1, and registered and you haven't paid and squadded, make sure you do...now. If you haven't received an email from Ken to do so, check your spam folder. If still nothing, email Ken ASAP. If you're not paid on December 15 and you are from Area 1 you probably are not getting into the match.
  19. Is that official? That the MG Nats will be there or that the Handgun won't? Phil has publicly said several times that the MG Nats will remain in Vegas for at least the duration of his first term. I don't know if he has a signed contract in hand to that effect or not. He has also said that for the next two years he plans on the L/O being in St. George. Who knows what's going on with Tulsa. This is a one time deal as far as I know, If it works it will probably continue if not the Production will probably move somewhere else.
  20. If the shooter needs to load mags between strings, they probably don't have enough mags to finish a 32 round field course. Hmmmmmm........Since the discussion is concerning an IDPA classifier and according to the IDPA Rule Book, the maximum number of rounds a stage can have is 18, I do not understand how a 32 round field course enters into the discussion. Where did you come up with any mention of IDPA?
  21. I wonder if you really need to make a cut off between Pro/Am. If you're already running it as a Lewis prize distribution that will keep a good chunk of the pros away, the mercenary bastards they are.
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