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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Jealousy is such an ugly emotion, Chuck. It took you a full month for a comeback? How about jealously may be ugly but nowhere near as bad as the view up your skirt. (There'd be a little smiley here but I'm on my phone)
  2. The only time I see shooters skip targets intentionally is on disappearing targets. If it's going to add penalties for the misses and for not shooting at it there really isn't a scenario when you don't want to shoot at it.
  3. Since I can see individual stage results from the MG Nationals last year, that I'm pretty sure was scored in EZ WinScore, I think there may be some other error. I don't think the problem lies with the scoring program. But that's just a guess since the whole scoring part of this is over my head.
  4. So anybody know what's going on with the stats? I asked awhile ago about stage scores and not long after that the overall scores went away and were replaced with just placement. No scores at all. I also heard a rumor that SMM3G hasn't sent the scores to 3GN yet. I know it's not the most important thing to everyone(anyone) but it would be nice to see where things are since this was the first match of the season. I'm also viewing the results on my phone. If the results are actually there and it's just something my phone is screwing up I apologize.
  5. Nope, the 2013 MG rules, as listed on the USPSA website. I found this January 2013 rules document on the USPSA website. It is still marked "provisional" and looks more like a rough draft (typos, no USPSA logos etc). Is this the final version we can expect to be used at the Nationals? If you found it on the NROI page under USPSA rules, yes. I don't have time to go through the 79 pages looking for the typos you see, but yes that's it. The MG rules have been listed as Provisional for years to allow us to make changes as needed.
  6. Nope, the 2013 MG rules, as listed on the USPSA website.
  7. I would hope it's going to be pretty darn close. I have to ship my ammo before that to get it there on time.
  8. OK, it's April Fools day. Was registration supposed to start today? Or is Jim just messing with us?
  9. No, there is a requirement in IPSC (International) that Standard guns (their version of Limited) has to fit into a box. No requirement for USPSA.
  10. He's got a 2004 Classifier score in L10 so he was alive then.
  11. $15 transfer fee sure. $75 to ship a rifle ground and $110 for a handgun on top of that fee? Not so much.
  12. I thought the stages were good tests of skill. I only loaded my shotgun on two stages which was a nice way to get back into Tactical Scope from Open. (I sucked on both those stages). It's been several years since I went to SMM3G. I forgot what a drag race this match is. I will say one negative thing. While I like speed shoot stages and I think they are a good skills test, I don't think stage 11 should have been worth 100 points. It really weights that stage out of proportion to the rest of the match. Someone said they ran it in 8 seconds. A malfuncion or bobble on that stage could cost a whole lot of match points. The same issue on stage 1 would not have been anywhere near as damaging. If speed shoots are going to be included I'd rather see them 50 points a piece or maybe just put one in 10 and 11 and combine the time for both as a 100 point stage. Just my take and it's a really minor point. I thought the match was run very well. The FFL on the other hand. I own several guns by Accuracy Speaks. After the ripoff rates they were charging, I'll never buy another one.
  13. Alex, would you have a bit of time to write something up to send out to the section? I can help out if you'd like or Carl or Keith. I'm thinking just a general reminder about some of the rules that seem to be getting overlooked at local matches. If not let me know and I can write it up. Just need examples ( in addition to what is here).
  14. I've got one on the gun I just received from 303 Arms. I'll try to get pics up today before I head to SMM3G
  15. Looks like the Remington 1100 safety will not work. However the Benelli one will. At least the Taran Tactical version is listed as also fitting the VM
  16. I just checked the form FNH filled out for the FNS 5" 9mm Competition. It lists 1.7 pounds which, by my math, is 27.2 pounds. I emailed John already to let him know about the discrepancy. Thank you for pointing that out so we can correct it before the next match. I got burned on that at one of the Tulsa Nationals when my CZ, with nothing extra, came in over the posted weight. It's not fun. Made CZ report an actual weight quick though.
  17. Before you load that second mag look at the position if the first cartridge. A lot of times, particularly with guns that don't have muzzle breaks, that top round can slide forward. Sometimes you won't even be able to get it in the gun. Might just be a bit out of position when the bolt is trying to pick it up.
  18. So, help me out here. Obviously the gun is legal now. Are you saying it's only legal because Beretta released an M9 Commercial model a few years ago? So for the 20+ years it was only available to the military it shouldn't have been legal? Because the Military is a particular group? Are you saying that for the years between 1985 and I'm trying to remember but 2008-2010ish when that M9 came out to the public it was not OK? Even though the 92F and then 92FS was very similar in manufacture? Surely you aren't saying that just because Beretta made an M9 Commercial and just named it the same as the military model that both are OK, even though they are slightly different? Would it be OK if FN just took the Competition off the FNS and left it with the same model name even though it has a longer barrel?
  19. To provide a list of guns that meet the characteristics suitable as a "Production" gun. And a place where competitors can check to find out if the gun has been approved by NROI as having been certified by the manufacturer and having been made in a quantity over 2K and be generally available. I routinely see questions about why is x gun not on the production list. Some are reasonable and I've asked John about them, like oddball Smith & Wesson models from the third gen where they had what seemed like 400 different models of the same gun each with a different model designation. Others, and I've seen John put it in Front Sight at least twice, ask about single action guns like Kimber or Springfield Armory 1911's. This is normally from new members who see Production in the title and assume since Kimber and SA are Production they should be on the list.
  20. OK, and it only took Beretta 20 years to do that? Although out of curiousity, what about this, from your own auction? "The commercial M9 pistol is the closest replica to the military M9 that a civilian may legally own. What sets it apart from the 92FS is: A. Distinctive military style markings: on various components closely replicate those of the U. S. Armed Forces M9 pistols." It's not the same as a military M9, same as the SEAL variants of the 226, Mil variants of the 228, Miami version of the Glock, SIS versions of the Kimbers, HRT verisions of the Springfield, etc, etc, etc. are all just a little different from their commercially available counterparts. Back to you Brandon.
  21. Nik, let me ask you a question. Should a US Army soldier be able to show up at a match with an M9, even though Beretta has never offered that specific model (yeah I know exact same gun, different model name) to the public, but only the government?
  22. What? Sorry, but this is completely incorrect. FNH has said on multiple occasions that they have in fact made 2000. As far as I know no one from FNH has said they made a rule violation. I don't know wher you got your "facts". Chuck, FN needs to get their story straight. Read March/April 2013 Front Sight - pg 20 " FN's rep told us they're "behind a major agency order, but once that's filled we expect to start shipping mid-year." So which is it ? Have they shipped 2000 units or do they expect to start shipping them mid-year ? Or do they think because they have an order or them that counts ? So the article where the author talks to FNH at SHOT in mid January and they say they are not there yet. Then two weeks later FNH signs the form saying they hit 2K. Not seeing the discrepancy. The interview in SHOT happened weeks before they signed the letter. It was just printed afterwards. BTW, filling an order, on general, means that the guns have shipped. If that major order brought them to 2k they have fulfilled the obligation, not lied.
  23. What? Sorry, but this is completely incorrect. FNH has said on multiple occasions that they have in fact made 2000. As far as I know no one from FNH has said they made a rule violation. I don't know wher you got your "facts".
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