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Kyle O

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Everything posted by Kyle O

  1. Back yard range. 400 yards across the street to dial in long distance stuff. Matches 45 min local drive. Will travel a couple of states if it's a good one.
  2. Great Holy Jesus! This just happened to me, and I didn't even know what I was missing. A quick search here, and I went back found the spirng, the stop, but no pin. I gave the floor a good triple search with no luck, then I started lookin meticulously around the room on shelves, and such. Low and behold I rummaged thru a large box on a shelf with about 19 hats, 10 dirty shop rags, 2 rain slickers, I see the little pin inside one of the hats! Got it back together in a few seconds. I should run and by a lottery ticket right NOW, I don't think I could get any luckier though!
  3. Spent the morning just playing around with some loads, some different powder, and the chrono. Found I had a pound of H322, and some 55gr hpbt. Worked up a load on the chrono to make minor. Then, adjusted the gas block to function with this load. Then, sighted in at 50 yards. Then, decided to fine tune at 200 yards. This is what happened with the first 4 rounds. I was like guess all I need is one click left. Was shooting prone off of a bipod and rear bag, zero wind, Stock Eotech. 1" group. note to self: DO NOT make any further adjustments. Now I'm thinking what might be possible with some good glass........
  4. +1 on Nordic also. In regards to cutting.....too little is WAY BETTER than too much. Cut some, test, cut more, test, etc..... good luck.
  5. Had to use some heat to get it off, there was some kind of compound in the threads. Ordered a shim kit to fit the titan. Thanks for the advice.
  6. Chelation therapy is the only treatment. It binds the metals, and makes them easier to excrete. However, it also binds other important metals such as zinc. IV therapy is the most common, but oral chelation is available also. It is also not as effective in chronic poisoning, as there are stores constantly coming out of the bones and other tissues. Get checked out, as we say in pharmacy......An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  7. Ahhhhh, here it is. Now, the suspense of shooting it
  8. Alright, So I just got my brand new JP CTR-02 complete with their tactical comp. I plan on trying this comp out, but I am also gonna try on a SJC Titan which I already have, and do some experimenting. I do NOT want to start a which one is better thread, so lets not go there. Now, I DO NOT want to screw up my new $3,000 rifle AT ALL! So, do I just clamp down the barrel and start wrenching? I've got a steel jawed vice (I know not to crunch down on the thing with this) but do I use some wood/plastic something to shield the barrel finish. What's the method? I've just never changed comps out myself. Does JP put thread locker on their comp, do I need to heat it up a bit? Any thing at all that keeps this rifle good is the advice I'm looking for. Forgive my ignorance. thanks,
  9. It's talk like this that's gonna make me get one........insert devil emoticon It'll be quite a step up from my eotech.
  10. Gotta love an easy fix! BTW, I also have a 3lb timney, and have 3,000 thru it with 0 malfunctions. Seems to be a good trigger.
  11. Thanks, Kyle. Hey, credit is due where it is due. I actually did some handgun reload practice last night with my eyes closed, and to my suprize it was smoother than when I looked at my magwell???? I did about I tried it while just looking away, and didn't do as well. I will explore this more later.
  12. Don't forget the press. edit: Just saw your other thread (SDB). My response looks awefully smart-ellec, I was aiming for funny. This looks like a good list, I'd add a dial caliper.
  13. I'd just add, work up a load for YOUR gun. They are all different. Always better to start lower.
  14. Duane Thomas had an interesting article on this subject in the Blue Press.
  15. You have found the best spot on the web. welcome.
  16. My rule: Don't loan it unless I am willing to give it away.
  17. Take it slow at first, when one of the neighbors, and my brother saw how much I was changing they wanted to come, at that point I was jogging a lot of it, and they were trying to keep up. They ended up on the injury reserve list, brothers feet were hamburger, and the neighbor pulled somthing, and we didn't see him for about 2 weeks. I actually prefer it alone now. OH, I got 2 little ones as well, so I just do mine after I put them to bed. It's been straight "night ops" for me since I started. Good luck!
  18. Digging around the edges, then chopping, chopping, chopping, chopping, then prying some, then chopping, then, scraping the dirt away, then chopping, chopping, chopping, then when there is absolutely no hope of progress, you cuss some then chop some more, then you pry, and pry, and pry, then chop, then......well, I freakin hate it. And, I've got maybe 100 or more to go. Just removed 10 since 9am, man it sucks.
  19. Just a note on Digital. Twice I needed mine and the battery was dead, the first time I had to go to the store the next day for a few extra, the next time I couldn't find the spares, and had to go back to the store the next day again. I recommend analog/dial, I will be getting some very soon. The only dial caliper I currently have is in millimeters (a gift), so there is always some math to do.
  20. Production brought me into the sport, and I had a P229 I used. It only holds 13 in a mag, so I would have been dis-advantaged were it a 15 limit, but I did pretty well with it. I like the 10 round rule, it's the reason I came over to play. I'm glad I decided to try USPSA out, I know I wouldn't have bought a limited gun just to go try it. I just brought what I had. Now, after a couple of years playing I'm gonna give limited a try, so I am gonna get a Limited gun (with all the accessories )
  21. Works fine for me in my 550
  22. A Chronograph to check the ammo is a fairly important accessory. It is often overlooked, but I would say goes together like PB&J.
  23. Chrono is as mandetory for reloading for me as primers are. I have been thru 3 of them (borrowed some also), and will continue to have one. It's like shooting the match without sights.
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