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Very bad week


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First my water heater died, then we found out the pipes were paper thin in the basement.

replaced all those.

then the main valve for the heater wasn't up to code.

replaced that.

then the gas lines for both weren't up to code. The shut offs were on the furnace and heater, so you couldn't shut off gas to them to disconnect.

fixed that.

then my washing machine broke

fixed that.

Then my dishwasher broke.

no hope here. Doin em by hand til after christmas.

Then my brakes started squealing on my car.

Not a car guy, never done em, but managed to figure it out myself for cheap.

Tonight at my daughters tap/ballet class someone smashed the window on my car to steal my binder with all my course descriptions, and receipts for the matches I ran this year.


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On another note.

The only thing that REALLY got to me was my car.

You do not steal, you do not rape, you do not murder. These are things all people, of all races, and all religions should abide by.

Especially a stupid 20 dollar ring binder, with about 200 course drawings in it.

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Ahhh....did you recently break a mirror?

Kidding aside...be happy, you have used up ALL of next years bad luck before you even started :cheers:

Im bettin you have a GREAT 2010 :)


This is probably so true! :cheers:

It does seem to go that way. I had a week like that in 2003. The week of May 14th. It ended with a DUI, and my qutting booze permanently.

Some times things can only get better.

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Holy crap, indeed! :wacko:

I've had occasional sequential major bummage events like that (thankfully, not lately), and they often ended with hysterical laughter because that was all that was left of my emotional state when all was said and done.

One particular sequential bummage disaster concluded with the transmission falling out of my car as I cruised conveniently into a friend's parking lot. That was the last straw in a week's worth of crap.

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Damm Tim, sorry to hear it.

Sounds like my week. last Weekend my big red cat, Tracer, got sick, seemed to be getting better, then the morning we were taking him to the vet, he passed over. This week my daughter cracked a tooth, so today I took her to the endodontist for a root canal. Sorry, but I look at her mouth and see the custom CZ SP-01 Shadow I wanted from Angus.

Still gotta figure out how to pay for a crown, as she is unemployed right now.But I am shooting the Area 2 anyway, and not thinking about it. Things will get better :cheers:

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I've had a new washer/dryer and furnace in the last 8 months or so. I know how you feel to some extent.

I also have some ideas for courses for OGC. Some of them are a little different. Deer season's almost over, it might be time to get out there and blast...

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I feel your pain bro.

My hunting property flooded (it's the peak of the rut here)

510.00 for a fuel pump and my tractor still won't start

Jerkwad at the bank in charge of a house I'm buying hasn't returned a call since Monday


And now I find out DrawandDuck is planning to shoot SS with us Sunday :surprise:

It just keeps getting worse........

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There is a bright side from what I can read. No injuries. None of the pipes had a chance to burst. No mishaps where you lost your home because one of the gas lines could not be turned off. Believe it or not things could always be worse.

But I will agree with you that there is nothing worse than a thief.

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Wow man, sorry to hear it. Your week makes my blown brake line last night look like a cake walk! :surprise: But like others have said, try to look at the bright side (yea, I know it's hard trust me) you didn't get hurt, the house is standing and you've got a bunch of repairs out of the way so hopefully you're good to go for a while!


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Thanks everyone.

I'm leading an audit by my companies biggest supplier on tuesday, so the stress level is high on top of all this.

Nothing ups the stress level like having a 12m a year customer on your shoulders. And having stuff at home go south.

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Don't take these things personally, this is just how the Universe is wired!! In chaos theory there is this wonderful artifact which the original authors (they had a sense of humor) called a strange attractor. I think the damned things float around aimlessly and naturally move toward areas of high emotional disturbance and stress. Anyway, events which are seemingly random and unrelated cluster around these attractors. I think that the real reason we do not yet have a grand unified field theory is that scientists, being generally humorless these days, are looking in the wrong areas for the answer. I am working on an expression of this missing value that I have decided to call Inconvenience Theory. I have observed that inconvenience is conserved. Events will ALWAYS occur in such a manner that inconvenience is maximized!!

Many people initially think that this theory is the same as Murphy's Laws. Not so. The clear difference between Murphy's Laws and Inconvenience Theory is that the latter is NOT funny. OK....maybe in a "driving by a car wreck and laughing nervously" kind of way.

In the movie Oh God! George Burns told John Denver something very wise. " When things are bad and you can't figure out what to do, do something normal, shave, it won't change anything but you'll feel better!" In the case of the members here I'd say go shooting. Won't change anything but you'll feel better!! This will allow you to laugh authentically. If you can laugh authentically when things look bad, it will confuse your enemies, and give you an advantage!!


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Sorry to hear about your lousy run of luck. Hope things get better soon!

Sounds kinda like the way this week is going for me.

A week ago this past Saturday spent the day getting tires on my truck $900.00.

Then last Thursday brakes all the way around. $500.00

Saturday a guy in town was yelling to tell me one of the new tires was low.

Got home and the water heater was leaking $500.00

And now I have a plumber here unclogging the kitchen sink.

Oh well it's just money - Gives me a reason to go to work in the morning.

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