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How Much Do You Pay To Shoot?

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Apart from tobacco, booze and gasoline, everything else in HK is duty and tax free. The high costs are all related to ultra high property rental and purchase prices.

We have 7 million people living in a gross area of only 400 square miles (that's 20x20 miles), but over 50% of the land is protected couhtry park or outlying islands with no services, so the nett area is pretty small.

The population density is also the primary reason why we can't reload - the Police want a fairly wide perimeter from the powder storage area, and it's impossible to meet their stringent requirements unless you spend mega $ or go live in the sticks.

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PASA charges $25 dollars for an annual adult membership and $50 for a family membership. The only time the range is truely shut down is during the 7 days of deer season, we like to hunt also. Even during Nationals there is usually room for a member to shoot, maybe at the rifle venues. The best part is that almost evey Christmas Day, some one comes to the range to try out their new gun that Santa brought them! :D:D:D

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  • 1 month later...

Guess I have it good, my local indoor range is $5.00 per year for registration and $5.00 per hour.

For the outdoor stuff, my parents have 200 plus acres and I have installed a backstop for pistol at 75 feet and one for rifle at 400 yards.

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Oh my god, Vince. That is just horrible. I assume that the pay is also slightly skewed upwards?

To make you jelous, my club charges $190 per year which includes 24/7 indoor range and dawn to dusk outdoor rifle/pistol/shotgun range, and no per hour bulls**t. In theory there are another $120 per year, which you can avoid with 12 "work" hours, but if you give blood twice a year or help out cleaning the range, or even help set up and run your IPSC match (LOL) those go away (I ended up with 27 work hours last year). Oh yeah and I reload in my garage and my 9mm costs me about $65/1000.

I suspect you are to old to be adopted, but I am sure a lot of us would bring you over as an indentured servant, if it was legal. After all why roll you own ammo if you can get someone to do it for you :P


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I pay $20/year for each of several local club memberships. I can practice for free on Saturdays at a sheriff's range 1:15 from my house, but I get to use all the USPSA props I care to lug out of the target shed, and there's usually several USPSA guys there so we'll run each other through stages. Better practice that way.


I pay $13 per match for match fees.


I feel sorry for you Vince. Can't you buy powder in one loading session lots, and go home and load it all up? Couldn't a shooting club build a reloading room with equipment for use by members? Isn't Hong Kong just alive with gunplay in the streets 24/7, just like John Woo depicts? Don't the cops have more to worry about than making IPSC shooters register their heaters? Gun legislation is such a pain in the a$$!


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  • 2 months later...

At ALSPPC in Austin, TX, the yearly membership dues are $30 (prorated every four months) and additional family members are $15 more per year. This allows the use of all the club's props and stands for practice.

Match fees are $15, but first-timers get in for just $10. 3-Gun matches are $30. The range fee is, of course, included in the match entry fee.

For practice, the range we shoot at (Hill Country Rifle Range) charges $5.00 per day for your first gun and $2.00 for each additional gun.

Not a bad deal at all! :wub:


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I used to go to a public range near my house in Vancouver: $7 membership fee + $4/day. The catch: constant fear of being shot.

I coughed up and got a membership at a private club in Oregon: $300/yr + little worry of being shot. The catch: Freaks watching you shoot who look a lot like the people who were going to shoot you at the last range.

Now, I'm a member at an indoor range in Spokane: $20/mo.

The catch: the constant worry of being shot again. If I want to go home unperforated, I have to play RO and stop people from using shoulder holsters on the line & other stupid crap.

As soon as I'm done with skool, I'm pulling a TL and building my own damned range. Only dear friends will get the map to the minefield that guards the entrance.

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I have 3 ranges that i use the most. The first range is down the road from my house and is $5 a gun but the grazy man lives out their and it can be a little strange at times. I also have 100acres that my buddy boss ownes and we built a little range out back. Its a great place no problem and is only 20 miles from my house. I also have a 35,000 acre ranch that i spend most of the fall hunting and shooting. We also have a skeet range with a high and low tower and the best dam pistol range i have ever seen. Its easy when you have a barn with every large tractor you can dream about. I am going to clear a 1000 yrd path that you can shoot off the porch from the house this summer. Its in the golden traingle in texas. If you know were that is?

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You will absolutely love a private range. The best part is being able to go downrange without having to worry about idiots shooting you or performing unsage acts, you can go 24/7, and you can set up anything you want to shoot without having to share the props or waiting for cease fires.

Good luck with it.

I am bringing back my plate rack, poppers and barricades next time I make a trip to Houston, so I can have them here.

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20 miles from cotulla. Also i married into that family. Whats really nice is that its open fire after you get in the gate. The first time i took a trip down their with my wife i had no idea what that ranch was like. She had no idea what the size was but she did say that the house had 20 rooms and that made me start to think. Their family is really into shooting sports and hunting so it was ideal for me. I spend 3 month a year down their I dont need to come home for nothing, they have a reloading room and a cook that comes in on the weekend.

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Rnelson, man you have it rough. I just dont know what I would do with all of that. Spend most of my time stalking those bambi bucks that thrive in that area. Rest of time would be shooting, shooting and more shooting. TXAG

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It wouldn't cost me so much to shoot if I just belonged to 1 club but I don't believe in doing things the easy way. Because of recent lost leases I have to belong to a shooting sports complex, then the rifle club so I can shoot the AR, then the pistol club. The trap club, the skeet club, the range where I shoot most USPSA matches, that club, the organization of the club that has IDPA matches. So the total looks like 7 clubs & 2 shooting ranges.

Oh, by the way I am retired and shooting is the only life I need.

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I pay $120/year dues. That gets me trap, skeet, 5-stand, 300 yard rifle range, 50 yard handgun range, and my favorite part, the very limited access private practice bays.

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  • 11 months later...

Around here (Washington, D.C. area) most ranges that people frequent are indoors & 1 hour of range time is $10-$12. A few ranges in VA allow rifles & holster use/draw practice (NRA-HQ and Shooters Paradise; $225 per year); one allows use of rifles with frangible ammo against a steel backstop (Blue Ridge). Downside is rifles are limited to 25 to 50 yards only. None of the indoor ranges north of here in maryland allow use of holsters/draw or rifles and at least one requires that you buy all ammo from them; prices are similar to VA.

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Local club where I practice - $125/year (www.hsasports.com) - 50 position 100 yard rifle range, 1 trap field, 2 skeet fields, 50 ft indoor range, self-serve range access.

Club a bit further away which hosts USPSA matches (www.harvardactionshooters.com), has a 300 yard rifle range, 100 yard rifle range, 50 yard rifle/handgun range, welcomes fifty calibres (wish I had one), too many USPSA and Cowboy handgun outdoor handgun ranges to count, indoor 50 ft pistol range, shotgun ranges, and a dedicated machine gun range (also wish I had one of these) - $50 w/4 hours of work per year, and helping with matches count. There is a nice touch to seeing a "full auto only" sign on a range at gun club in Massachsuetts, although I think you can use a semi if it has a silencer since it's called the "Class III Range".

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We have a $50 annual membership fee, first year you pay $60 initiation, and then you get to shoot practice for $5 at the rifle and pistol slowfire ranges, or practice at the IPSC range. Official practice days for IPSC are Wed and Sat. Wed if there is an RO there and Sat is an actual formal practice with dedicated RO's for the morning hours. If you are a volunteer club RO, you can come anytime there is daylight and use the IPSC range, you just have to make sure the next time you come out you pay the $5 range fee (if the main range shack is closed for the day).

I live 10 mins away and even when the Police rent the range, the general rule is that they leave 2 shooting bays open for RO's to practice. Our matches cost $20 for members, and you get either half off for helping set up or gratis if you think up the course of fire. There are probably other benefits I'm not thinking of right now, but I mainly shoot IPSC there and some slow fire now and then.


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