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Yesterday morning bigJoni calls to say that she'll be late for work because her bike was stolen.

Then in the evening I'm walking Mr. Tucker, and my girlfriend calls to tell me her house was broken into during the day, and the nice Mac I bought her for Christmas was stolen, also a Glock that I'd left at her house, digital camera and some nice jewelry her mom had given her.

:angry: :angry: :angry:

And guess what - she recently hired a cleaning service. Who would have been the only ones other than me or her to know where the Glock was.


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That sucks!

We just had a crew of "house cleaners" busted in our area. Seems they would scout out the houses and then steal when they had the chance. The one braniac stole over $4000 worth of change from one home.

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'Round this part we call 'em snakes, and I kid you not, there should be only ONE WAY to deal with them.

Ice tongs through the ears, string 'em up the flag pole with signage relating crime committed.

(And my relatives call me a peacenik!)

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Many parts of the world treat thieves in a way that can only be considered "just punishment" ............ chop their hands off so they can't steal anymore.

Sound cruel? If you're not guilty of thievery, what do you have to worry about? :)

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I'm very sorry Brian.

A friend of mine was robbed a few years ago, and I saw how it affected him first-hand. The thieves broke out a basement window and climbed on in when he wasn't home. They stole cash, jewelry, his pistol, video camera, etc. I still remember the reaction of his wife when she realized the camera was gone with all the photos and video documenting the first year of their daughter's life. They had downloaded the pictures, but the video was lost forever.

It is such a violating feeling. Thank God she wasn't home when it happened. It just might not have been the cleaning service (probably was though). It could have been some crack head or meth addict in desperate need for a fix.

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Yeah, that is a pisser. If she hasn't already have her notify her renters/homeowner's insurance if she has any. It won't bring the items back but should help with at least some of the cost of replacing the stolen goods.

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We have been seeing a rash of petty theft in areas we have never had problems before. A friend came home at 4 pm to find his house had been broken into. After looking around, very little was missing so either they didn't want anything they couldn't stuff in a pocket or he walked in on them and they went out the back. Another friend had her car ransacked the same week.

It's getting ugly out there and people I know who wonder why I have a carry permit are starting to rethink their options.

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Yesterday morning bigJoni calls to say that she'll be late for work because her bike was stolen.

Then in the evening I'm walking Mr. Tucker, and my girlfriend calls to tell me her house was broken into during the day, and the nice Mac I bought her for Christmas was stolen, also a Glock that I'd left at her house, digital camera and some nice jewelry her mom had given her.

:angry: :angry: :angry:

And guess what - she recently hired a cleaning service. Who would have been the only ones other than me or her to know where the Glock was.be

Am I reading this correctly....the cleaning service knew where the gun was?

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There's something that doesn't make sense to me in all this.....

You own a GLOCK? :huh:

Sorry to hear about the thefts, that sucks

I won it in a match. ;) It's the model 26 that beat TGO in the legendary 80 yard walkback shootout. That's the only reason I'm sad it's gone. :)


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im gonna warm you up.

i have had some SERIOUS theft issues at my shop.

ok not really, just some idiots stealing my food/peanuts/sodas/etc. out of my personal fridge in the shop.

this is a LONG read, and its my little baby over at a forum that i have been frequenting for years.

it is dirty, has foul language, bad suggestions, horrible ideas and funny videos. all the right stuff to make you laugh.

i figure you could laugh on my hardship..lol


like i said, its very rough over there. be forwarned. it IS funny though. i cant tell you how much time i have lost setting this up, but from what i have learned ill be teaching a class in urban warefare @ the work place on the 3rd saturday of each month :roflol:

just kidding.lol

Edited by halogrinder
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The worst thing about being ripped off in my instances is how long it took to feel good about where I live. THAT is something I cannot get back. Maybe it was a false sense of security, or complacency, but I sure liked it when I had it. I hope she gets as back to normal as she can Brian.


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