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Friday Flame Fest 10-24-2003


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Well folks, the Friday Flame Fest had a nice vacation and now it is ready to serve us all once again.

Flame purifies the soul...vent forth sisters and brothers and be cleansed in time for the weekend!!!


I hate that the Yankees are once again in the World Series. Why, just once in my lifetime can't my beloved Mariners or even the Red Sox or Cubs make it? Instead we end up with the salary bloated, spoiled brat Yankees...again. And here's hoping that the traitorous Jeff Nelson gets an all expense paid trip to the state lockup for assault and battery down in Bean Town. Maybe a few weeks of shower room hijinx will teach him that the world isn't all about him...or the Yankees.

Normally I don't like the Marlins but hey...ANYONE but the damn Yankees!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Go Marlins!!!

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I hate the fact that overgrown brats playing a child's game are held up to be "heros" in our society. I hate that "football coach" is a full time position at the local schools, and that said coaches bitch because they don't get their own staff car and instead have to check out a car from the motor pool. I hate that people take children's games played by (nominal) adults so seriously that they mope around the office when their band of overpaid underworked brats does poorly.

I hate that slatterns can "change their minds" after the fact and decide that they were abused...but only against rich men, because after all it doesn't pay to sue poor people.

I hate that the media is dominated by such screaming crybaby "for the children" liberals, and that a centrist-liberal station like Fox is attacked as "conservative" when there are only a handful of conservatives actually on Fox any given day. On the same rant, I hate that O'Reilly is considered "conservative" when he holds mostly centrist-liberal positions.

I hate it when people are treated differently because of what they are instead of who they are.

And...I hate Mondays, except for Mondays that are Federal holidays ;)


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<slight thread drift>


It was an avatar plucked some time ago from another Website altogether and Brian installed if for me as I was having diffilcuties (at the time) getting it to offload onto MY system. Now, if YOU have it, then you'll just need to match the maximum dimensions allowed for avatars HERE and launch it.


</slight thread drift>

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my avatar went all teeny?????!!!

You're avatar is only 32x32, you can easily stretch it to 64x64 with almost any program (exceot paint). Brian will probably need to delete your old one.

I'd post if for you, but there's no web address I could give that the firewall gods would like

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I hate that the liberal media is making a garbage TV show about the Reagans. I don't really even care that the Prez is too sick to defend himself. I just hate that the idiot liberals will take this piece of shit as gospel just because a ' credible' moron like Mr. Barbra Striesand is the star.

Liberal's suck... The liberals in control of the media sickens our society.

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I hate having a roommate who's been trying to learn how to play guitar for the past few months. I have to listen to his tuneless strumming whenever he's home and I'm sick of it.

I hate driving 50 miles round trip (to help set up a charity match) and spending over two hours in traffic.

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I hate mf!@#$%^'s who show up 5-10 minutes for a test - so I have to stop what I'm doing to let them sit down and get set up. NEW RULE: If you're not in the room with your ass in a chair by 7:59am - tough s@!#!!! I went to bed at 3:00 am, but I made point of being on F^*I&* time! Get the point? Grrr......

I hate my Digital Logic lab. I spend more time working on a 1 credit course than I do my 4 credit E&M (read: really really really hard) course. And I have no choice. You either do everything, or get an F. :angry:

I hate gossip news. Unless it affects me directly, what anybody does in their private life in none of my goddamn business, period. None of it should EVER be broadcast by any reputable news agency for any reason. People that subside it should receive eternal bad Karma and have any Ju Ju in their possession permanently confiscated.


On the upshot:

I love my doggie! She tangled with a porcupine while hunting today and didn't even care. She just kept on hunting. I actually had to corral her to get the quills out. (Nothing serious.) What a trooper! I hate the fact that I'm not 1/10 as tough as she is.

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OH GOD, MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!... I found someone ELSE who hates pineapple on pizza!!!! (the gastronomic equivalent, IMHO, of pouring chocolate syrup on steak!) :angry::angry:

Hmmmmm, Hawaiian Pizza (Ham and Pineapple) one of gastronomy's delights! Chocolate on Steak? Even this chocoholic can't or won't do that one!

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I hate mf!@#$%^'s who show up 5-10 minutes for a test - so I have to stop what I'm doing to let them sit down and get set up. NEW RULE: If you're not in the room with your ass in a chair by 7:59am - tough s@!#!!! I went to bed at 3:00 am, but I made point of being on F^*I&* time! Get the point? Grrr......

Boy, you just hit one of my big "hate" buttons. I hate it when my class trickles in 5 minutes late from break after I tell them to be in class at a certain time and be "Ready to go" because we have a lot of work to do. They got a whole lot more punctual when I started the lecture on time with or without them. I also forbade them to get the notes from one another. It made a huge difference. Of course, Eric, they are military and so am I. The fear of stripes and Instructor badges helps a lot, because I am not intimidating in the least.


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I hate broken firing pins. :(

I hate going to the range to actually practice <cough!> with my new Production rig (a Blade-Tech belt scabbard!) and my Browning BDM, only to find the firing pin broken as I tried to fire my first few shots. :angry:

I hate having gone to the range unprepared to use another gun since I'm always the guy who is prepared for any emergency (even ripped pants now!). :angry:

I hate that Brownells wants $19.50 for a new firing pin that will probably break at some point in the near future anyway. And that's if they even have them!

I hate having almost all of my 1911s at the FLG's shop where I can't shoot them.

I hate that I have yet to buy a 1911 that didn't have some kind of problems.

I hate the game, not the playah! :P

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(Run n Gun)"It’s suppose to be a Northwest favorite, when I heard that… I almost moved."
Well, and the fuzzy-wuzzies up here in The Northwest also let Star*ucks get outa hand, too!! (Like why, I ask, does Eugene, Oregon need eleven (11) Starbucks outlets??!!) There's no accounting for taste. <_<:angry:

Oh, and jessej--

Welcome to my club...! :(<_<

Oh, and while we're at it: When I wuz in college, not only did students roll into class late, they'd cheat on tests. The word "appalled" doesn't even come close. :angry::angry::angry::wacko:

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