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That was a class by Tactical Response held here at South River Gun Club in Georgia.

James Yeager is the owner and they used to teach a good class. This video has been posted all over the web in the last few days. Looks like they just crossed the line and cost themselves their reputation and alot of future business.

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The guy to camera mans left is not shooting but the one to his right is. :surprise:

I think the guy to the left is going WTF?!

Regardless, I don't care if the only people shooting were the ones on the end. He's still downrange when the range went hot.

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That is just plain stupid and unnecessary. I would not be downrange of any of those shooters, they do not strike me as very "experienced" shooters.

When that guy did a tap rack, he had the muzzle pointed directly at the instructor. What am I thinking, AD's don't happen to experienced shooters.

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Did anyone get a load of some of the comments beneath the video on the link? Wow...! Some actually are defending this type of "training", and criticizing those voicing concerns as ignorant, and naive of real-world tactical requirements. Scary... :surprise:

I just joined Photobucket just so I could post the following comment:

Scary that any irresponsible fool can call themselves a firearms "trainer" without any qualifications or sense... Anyone experienced with training and/or competition shooting has seen ADs go down range once in a while - even with experienced shooters, let alone these novices. It's bad enough that this happened, but to actually defend your school's actions here at this point is beyond irresponsible, it's reckless, and I'd be shocked if your attendance doesn't plummet, or that you're not shut down entirely

Edited by Xfactor
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I'm kind of at odds with my thoughts and this post. On part of me says "that's probably one of the stupidest things I've ever seen" and the other part says, "well you must be pretty stupid too, cause last year you took a course and went 50 - 100 yards downrange to engage targets will the slower squads were behind you engageing their targets". This was during a combat assult rifle course and at the time I didn't think nothing of it, still don't. I guess I just trusted my teammates not to put one in my back or my chest as I running back uprange. Granted we probably had 10 -15 yard left/right seperation as opposed to 2 feet in the video.

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Ok - I did not know about the other threads - I should have done a search - I think the thread should be closed since we all have the same basic opinion of what happened in the video.

Mods - Please close. Thanks!

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Ok - I did not know about the other threads - I should have done a search - I think the thread should be closed since we all have the same basic opinion of what happened in the video.

Mods - Please close. Thanks!


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