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Senseless Deaths in Mountainair


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On wednesday two innocent people were killed by a local gang banger

The 65 year old Grandmother and her 10 year old Grandson were returning from junior basketball practice.

They were struck broadside by a pickup truck driven by a punk fleeing from a traffic stop.

Both were killed, the dirt bag received only minor injuries and fled on foot from the scene, Police ran him down and caught him.

The victims Were VERY fine people from a great family...the family issued a statement that they forgave the man for the tragedy.

The gang bangers family is screeming that the whole thing is the fault of the police...and raising money to defend the dirt bag.

They also think he is such a nice young man, and the police just had it out for him.

The dirt bag had outstanding warrents for his arrest...and was in possesion of a quantity of Meth.

I am pretty sure I can tell who is at fault here.

Over the last few weeks I have seen this punk strutting around town in his baggy pants and hoodie, hat on sideways.

Acting like he was the baddest tough guy on the planet.

I do try not to harbor hatred and I hope I can be forgiven for it.

But in truth I hate gangs and every single thing about them.


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I hate when people make excuses for dirt bags like this one. It only leads said dirtbag to think he does not have to answer to anyone. Teaching individuals respect is directly linked to making them accountable for their actions.


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Seems that some of the blame for the senseless killing of those folks should fall on the police in Mountainair. POS has outstanding warrents and you see him strutting around town? What's wrong with this picture?

As far as the the family of this POS touting that he is a good person it stinks that the media even shows or prints that garbage. Reminds me of Astorgas mother crying that her son was a good boy after he killed the BCSD deputy a few years back. Let's see, she has another son in prison for murder, this one was just arrested for the murder of an LEO and her sister is going to prison for allowing this son to change state DMV records regarding his drivers license info and auto registration info which eventually led to the murder of the LEO at a traffic stop. Great judges of character the families are!!



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"...the family issued a statement that they forgave the man for the tragedy."
They should not have done that until the trial was over or the dirtbag (since we're using that word) was in custody or otherwise fully held responsible for the crime. These people that "forgive" perpetrators often do so prematurely, and it can interfere with Justice. Sorry, but I'm a little hard-nosed about this sort of thing... dirtbags and the like. <_<
"Some people are alive merely because it's illegal to kill them."
Freakin' right on.
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But in truth I hate gangs and every single thing about them.

Me too. I have a buddy that used to be a police offier. He was on a gang task force. I can't give any details, but let's just say I approved of his stance on gangs, and I had to chance to live vicariously through him.

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Some people are alive merely because it's illegal to kill them. Sad fact of life.


I have a feeling many of us are in the wrong century..

It's become far too common to blame everyone else for any problem in life. :angry:

Edited by Dan Sierpina
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"Its not my fault, I'm poor/uneducated/persecuted/addicted/not hugged enough by my mommy/hugged too much by my mommy/listened to hard rock lyrics/am a product of a failed society."

I don't really give a crap. Man up or get off of my planet.

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I am sure he is such a good boy. Sound familiar? I honestly don't think I could say those words about my own son if he had the kind of history this POS has. Give me a break!

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It's sad two folks had to die.



There was a time when a news organization wouldn't have even aired that tripe about the dirtbag. But today it's all about sensationalism and ratings.

But that's another rant :angry2:


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Here is my idea for a realty show.

At the top of a large hill is a rotating guillotine. All around the hillside are random numbered holes. As the Guillotine spins you can place your bets on where the head ends up. May seem extreme, but you would have less crime, high TV ratings and the over crowded prison system would get some relief, not to mention some good revenue for the betting.

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