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*This* is the way I pray.


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I had a small epiphany recently, and after reading about the hungry snake, I decided to share.

Many of my friends are church goers, and alot of them are the judgementalish type that tends to look down their nose at me because I don't join them at their church on Sundays. [yeah, I make up words, sue me.] Lately, some have tried to evangelize me into going. It hasn't worked. :angry2:

Personally, I spend alot of time at the range, typically 2-3 days a week.

It breaks down like this:

Every Thursday night I shoot a local IPSC league.

Every Monday night I shoot a local .22 bullseye league.

2-3 Sundays a month I shoot IPSC

1-2 times a month I shoot trap on Wednesday nights during the summer.

1 Sunday a month I shoot High Power

I attend 5-8 3-gun matches per year, including 2-3 that I sponsor and run myself at my home range.

I have also earned trophys and plaques for Benchrest .22 and at the Masters.

I shoot alot. :surprise:

Overall, I would compare my yearly round count with most any non-professional shooter.

Another passsion of mine is music [listening, not making], and there is a song that I just happened to be listening to by Disturbed called, oddly enough, Prayer. Now, I am not identifying with the enitre song here, but the I believe the refrain applies to me or at least the way I feel:

Let me enlighten you

This is the way i pray

In a practical sense, my "religion" is competition. Now, I don't mean to characterize myself as a kook and I don't have a shrine to John Moses Browning or Gaston Glock, but that point in a competition where all you are focused on is your front sight, it is definately spiritual.

So I am thinking, if Hippies can go out and hug a tree and dance around and call it religious, why can't I call what I do a religion. Imagne if Sunday shooting competitions all were defined as religious events rather than sporting competitions. It certainly would put a new spin on the whole 1st A v. 2nd A argument. Heck, we even have our own commandments [frontsight, frontsight, frontsight, thou shalt not have an AD], clergy [Range officers, match directors], Titheing [Match fees]. places of worship [indoor and outdoor ranges] .

That is all for now. Note, I typed this after having spent the entire day out in the freezing ass cold, slogging ankle deep in snow, slush, water and mud sponsoring a 3 gun match in the middle of a snowstorm. . I ask you, how many of these "good church goers" would still do it if it meant standing outside in these conditions? Yes, the standing water is 2-3 inches deep with a crust of show/slush..


Disclaimer: before anyone gets their junk in a wad, I am not denigrating any organized religions, but there seem to be enough parallels to draw comparisons. No offence is intended toward anyone.

Edited by barrysuperhawk
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I hope you don't mind, but I'm making a motivation poster out of your picture. It'll be on the motivation poster thread in a few minutes.

By the way, it looks like I'm going to be moving close to your neck of the woods. I'd sure like some input on where to shoot. Anybody that goes out and shoots in those conditions is automatically a friend of mine!

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Shooting practice sessions have always been a relaxing exercise in meditation for this lady. We all nourish our souls in ways appropriate to our needs. Some people go fishing; some people go to church; some people wander about in the outdoors. Some of us go to the range and come home cleansed and relaxed. :closedeyes:

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That is all for now. Note, I typed this after having spent the entire day out in the freezing ass cold, slogging ankle deep in snow, slush, water and mud sponsoring a 3 gun match in the middle of a snowstorm. . I ask you, how many of these "good church goers" would still do it if it meant standing outside in these conditions? Yes, the standing water is 2-3 inches deep with a crust of show/slush..

I don't know about slushing around in the snow , but I know some "good church goers" who died for their beliefs. Any shooters out there want to take one for the team?

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  • 2 weeks later...

A belief only has to support ones thoughts and desires! A destination has to provide a direction to go! The belief that a destination is an actual place is an illusion. Church, religion, beliefs, alot of words used to describe things that are done, things that are thought and things we repeat. Comparison of Church and State? The question most pose is if either one has benifited them! At the end of the day your only the person you perceive yourself to be! So the question I pose to everyone is how many people show up to YOUR Church on Sunday or Saturday? For me, anywhere from 35 to 80, and they do show up! H!

Edited by hf219
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I don't know about slushing around in the snow , but I know some "good church goers" who died for their beliefs. Any shooters out there want to take one for the team?

Well put.

Sponsoring(?)/shooting competitions in (somewhat) austere conditions isn't a religion, whether it nourishes your soul or not.

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Look up religious in the dictionary. It doesn't have to be about a deity at all. It just means you do something "scrupulously and with consciencious faithfulness", or are fervent and zealous about said thing.

So you have a religious devotion to shooting. This IS the way you pray. Can't say there's is anything wrong with that. I think you're in the right frame of mind.

Forget what they think, keep your mind on your game, they can figure it out or go pound sand.


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I don't know about slushing around in the snow , but I know some "good church goers" who died for their beliefs. Any shooters out there want to take one for the team?

....because we all know everyone on the net always tells the truth.. :roflol:

Well, I have picture, video and live witness proof of my assertion, how about you? Or do you just expect me to take your word for it that you personally actually know a church-goer that has died for their beliefs? I assume you are actually referring to the story about a guy about 2000 odd years ago maybe? If so, then you don't know someone who has died for their beliefs, you have been told a story about someone centuries ago. In that case, my assertion stands, how many of the good religious folk that you hang out with every Sunday would still show up in these conditions? I am not talking about things that happened centuries ago, I am talking about right now saying Easter Mass, outdoors, in a snowstorm with 2" of standing water everywhere with no shelter. Oh, and my "mass" lasts 8 hours..

Seriously though, this is exactly what I am talking about. This idea that because you believe that someone died somehow *you* are morally superior to me. Just because one can perform the religious equivalent to a name-drop, does not make one in any way superior. I can quote scripture, does that make me a better man than someone who cannot? I swear the only religion that is more annoying is the one with the suicide bombers. Speaking of the ROP, yes, I do actually know some "shooters" that have "taken one for the team" as you so artfully put it. I knew them for years, and went to their funerals, in person. The guys I knew even took their lumps in the same part of the world.

Again, I am not denegrating any religions themselves, everyone is free to believe whatever they want, and none of them are any more right or wrong than any other as far as I am concerned. I am just pointing out that there are some practicioners that may be less dedicated, that's all. Sorry if this seems like a vent, I just had to listen to a ration of grief about not going to church this Sunday...

Oh, and Thanks for this... got a larger copy?


Edited by barrysuperhawk
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Mr. Oliver,

One of the cornerstones of the establishment of our country was religious freedom. While I don't hold to the tenants of your religion, I completely support your right to worship in any way you see fit.

As for folk dying for their religion, I can't (nor will I spend the time looking them up) cite any examples. It's not that important.

What I would find important is the fact that many men and women have died over the years defending the rights that you and I sometimes take for granted.

So exercise your freedom of religion. However you wish. As for me, I'll be in a church of my choice this morning celebrating the "rising up" from the dead of a "man" who died for me.

Happy Easter


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Ok, maybe my reply was overly harsh, chalk it up to my having *just* gotten the "you should go to church" speech. I'm really not trying to bag on anyone's religion, I mostly just object to when someone else's religion pushes it's nose into my life. It is this holier than me evangelisim that I am annoyed by, not the practice and theory. I am not real thrilled by those guys in suits that knock on your door and try to convert you, either.

There is a quote floating around to the effect of "Going to church doesen't make you Christian any more than going to an auto shop makes you a mechanic." I know alot of people that go to church more for the "look at me, I am a good church-goer" effect rather than out of any real conviction, in other words hypocrites.

Oh, and Happy Easter to you too... :cheers:

Edited by ima45dv8
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Ok, maybe my reply was overly harsh, chalk it up to my having *just* gotten the "you should go to church" speech. I'm really not trying to bag on anyone's religion, I mostly just object to when someone else's religion pushes it's nose into my life. It is this holier than me evangelisim that I am annoyed by, not the practice and theory. I am not real thrilled by those guys in suits that knock on your door and try to convert you, either.

There is a quote floating around to the effect of "Going to church doesen't make you Christian any more than going to an auto shop makes you a mechanic." I know alot of people that go to church more for the "look at me, I am a good church-goer" effect rather than out of any real conviction, in other words hypocrites.

Oh, and Happy Easter to you too... :cheers:

Well stated sir... very well stated...

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