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I'm somewhat predjudiced since I live in Vegas and I've had some exposure to what's being planned for the USPSA Nat'ls here in October. That said, it's still no easy choice. I've shot SMM3G and RM3G for several years and they're certainly fine matches. But I'd also like to shoot the other matches to experiance them as well. This year it's going to be MGM (I'm afraid that if I wait 'til I'm any older, it might kill me) and hopefully (If staff can shoot) the MG Nat'ls.

Hopefully the good Lord will give me enough time (and resources) to try 'em all a few times.

Edited by Blockhead
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I didn't vote. Couldn't say that one match was higher on the list than another. They each are unique in their own way, making it impossible for me to decide. I also haven't shot the Fort Benning 3-gun.

This is kind of like trying to decide which of your children is your favorite. :cheers:

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OK, I am biased. I voted for the Fort Benning Match, why? Been to a USPSA Nats and was not all that impressed, albeit it was a while ago. I have not been to the rest that were listed other than the Ft. Benning.

One of my criteria is drivability. I LIKE to be able to drive to a match as opposed to flying. I am thinking about USPSA 3-gun this year IF I don't get a slot into Ft. Benning. But flying with 3 rifles, two shotguns and tow pistols and having to ship all the ammo since there is no way to fly all that out is a daunting thought.

DPMS is also a possibility, but not having shot it, I put Ft. Benning ahead of it in line.

There are several other regional matches that always rank high on my go to list that are not listed here. CTI, NC Recon and any time Kyle Lamb puts something together.


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Since I haven't shot every match on the list I shouldn't vote. I do know that IronMan for shear number of shots it is a fun one and SSM 3-gun has great stages and prize table. I've shot 4 Nationals and don't find them as fun as the "outlaw" matches.

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Ok, I voted for the MGM Iron-Man since I will get to shoot enough at this match to equal 3 of the other matches:-) It is all about putting rounds down range and having fun, that and it is a close match for me.



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I'm not in driving range of any of these... unfortunately.

I voted Ft. Benning cause I think it would be cool be on an Army base and get a ride in a Stryker!

Iron Man would just spoil me for any other 3-Gun.

I've heard really great things about Superstition.

It was hard to choose.

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I wanted to shoot the RM3G, but I will probably have to settle on the Nats- as they are 30 minutes from home. I already have several major matches on the agenda for this year, so I have to be choosy.

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Ft. Benning since it has such a good reputation, but SMM and RM3G run a VERY close second. And I do mean VERY.

Not a fair question to me, as I would really like to attend most of these matches but the reality of time off, funding, and travel come into play. <_<

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I voted for Ft Benning for much the same reason that Jim Norman did. It is the only big match that I can drive to. I would love to go to some of the big matches out west, but it just doesn't work out for me. As for listing CTI among the big matches.... no way, not even close. That match will only be a 90 min drive from my house and I still may not go. Hate to sound negative, ...not even going to go there.

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I have only shot two of the matches listed so I voted for Ft. Benning. The props are just unbelievable and I have been at every one since it started. DPMS is a close second but it has by far the best prize table of all the big matches. To be fair, I have never shot the others listed, although I wish I had enough revenue to make all the big matches.

It would be nice to see Kyle Lamb's match again. :D

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I've been to all of them except Rocky Mountain.

Mystery Mountain - I voted this one since it has always had good stages, great prizes, great people and the shooting is just wide open speed!

Ft Benning - Very close second. The people at this match are incredible! Everyone is super cool and even cooler when Travis T. is loading your AK-47!

DPMS - Another great match. Lots of shooting and lots of speed. Grip it and rip it!

MGM Ironman - OMG! Its not called the Ironman for nothing! LOTS of shooting, running, carrying, zip-lining, driving, wheel-barrowing, etc..

USPSA Nationals - Nothing spectacular, but it beats a day at work anytime :)

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I probably should not have voted. Ft. Benning is the only one on the list that I have been to. I would love to have the means to shoot the Iron Man. Would love to go to the other ones on the list also. I had to vote Benning because I know how cool it is, I have only been told how cool the others are.


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I waited, because...well, I figure you all already know how I voted. :rolleyes:

But, I felt like I had to say something, because...well, I always have to say something.

I've been to all the matches except the Iron Man. I was on my way there once to RO, but the truck broke. It just hasn't worked out, though it sounds like a hoot. :ph34r:

If I could only go to one, I would pick JP's Rocky Mountain 3-Gun! And, I put my money, or at least my time, where my mouth is. I thought Rocky Mountain was so special...it's the reason we kept it going when things got...troubled! And boy oh boy is running a match a lot of work!

There is nothing more fun than running through the trees, and around the rocks, shooting! I love having stages that design and build themselves around the natural terrain. I love waking up in the morning and seeing turkeys and elk and deer standing outside the window. There's no other match where you have to wait to start a stage because a cougar just ran through chasing a deer. Oh yeah, and the rattlesnakes...but other matches have those!

Yeah, I think we have good stage design and great RO's and really great shooter's, too! (The match master is kind of cute, too!)

Anyway, just had to say something! Though all the 3-Gun matches are fun! :cheers: Oh yeah, and Johnson 3-Gun is a great match, too! :roflol:

See ya' all shooting!


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  • 5 months later...

The choice would have been harder if you had included the Blue Ridge.

I would also suggest to yoiu that the results will be more about which of the matches listed are larger matches, have been around the longest, and thus have the largest number of alumni.

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Out of that list I've only shot Ft. Benning, and as such, I'd pick it since the Blueridge or the Larue Tactical match isn't listed. I have high hopes/expectations for Ft. Benning this year, and Blueridge was a blast, but so far this year, the Larue Tactical match as been the most fun.

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