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dog just got skunked tonight


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it is official - we stink.

GF went to store to get baking soda, dawn, other cleaning stuffs etc...lady behind counter says " it smells like some one ran over a skunk"...she fessed up to her and the others agreeing in line with her...she hadn't even handled the dog... :sick:

the dog may or may not stink anymore...I really can't tell - or where it is...its omnipresent.

The funny thing is at least my buddy from out of town stinks too - ha ha - :devil: He was leaving in the am anyway so he'll get out of most of the lasting fun.

FYI - our concoction was a combo of baking soda, peroxide 3% and dawn liquid...with ample dry rubbing from the start.

I had heard and it is true, how it doesn't really smell skunky at first more like hot asphalt - but with the burn of ammonia.

Fun time to work in a small office space :lol:

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My golden had a knack for getting skunked so we got to try lots of things. Peroxide/soda/dish liquid thing is the best bet going and is wayyyy cheaper than the commercial preps that don't work as well.

If the dog was wearing a nylon collar that got any skunk on it you can just chuck that in the trash. Nothing takes skunk out of nylon, apparently. Even an hour long soak in the peroxide or milk didn't do it.

For the face and around the eyes whole milk works well. Not as good as the peroxide solution but that irritates the eyes and nose which milk won't do. Tomato juice is only good for ending up with a pink dog as nearly as I could tell. Don't let the dog drink too much of the milk or you will have another problem to deal with unless milk is a regular part of their diet. Not sure which was worse...the skunk smell or the smelly diarrhea.

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After much late night bathing...people and dog, we finally started upstairs....only to find why she (dog) had gone outside in the first place...she left a big dogpile at the top of the steps...yeah not sure which smelled worse ...I guess the stress finally got the best of her - not her fault but dang that isn't the way to end the day...but now the Chicken Saag I had for dinner is starting to work on me too...had some crazy dreams :P

No one at work said anything so maybe I no longer stink... :blush: But I'll stay at arms length...

So I greatly anticipate the olfactory assault when I go home tonight...thanks for your support...dinner at my place anyone?

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One of my boys got skunked some years back. LOL

Boy did he stink. Mom tried about everything but nothing really worked too well.

It took something like two weeks before things settled down and the smell sort of went away.

For what it's worth...

An old-timer told us to wash our dog down a couple of times with canned tomato juice. Sounds weird, but it worked pretty well.

I knew it just as the dog got past the screen door SKUNKED! He got all the way in before I could grab him.

Good Lord...what a STINKFEST! EVERYTHING REEKED for a couple of weeks!

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One of my boys got skunked some years back. LOL

Boy did he stink. Mom tried about everything but nothing really worked too well.

It took something like two weeks before things settled down and the smell sort of went away.

For what it's worth...

An old-timer told us to wash our dog down a couple of times with canned tomato juice. Sounds weird, but it worked pretty well.

I knew it just as the dog got past the screen door SKUNKED! He got all the way in before I could grab him.

Good Lord...what a STINKFEST! EVERYTHING REEKED for a couple of weeks!

We went the Tomato juice too... fun to watch but didn't seem to do much...... peeeeuuuuuu

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Hey guys there is a product called Odorcide that we use at work. It one of the best odor kill products I have used. One of my guys used it on his dog that got skunked and he said it work great. I don’t have firsthand experience with it just what I was told. Google Odorcide and you will find their website.

Now the interesting part is the company that makes Odorcide is Thronell Corp. They have products specifically for Skunk. Check them out. I would imagine they work even better than the Odorcide.


I feel for you. We had a skunk living under my office. Small stand alone craw space building. Guess what, e sprayed one night under there. That’s something you really don’t need to experience in life.

If you try any of the Thornell product let us know how well they work for you.

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it is official - we stink.

GF went to store to get baking soda, dawn, other cleaning stuffs etc...lady behind counter says " it smells like some one ran over a skunk"...she fessed up to her and the others agreeing in line with her...she hadn't even handled the dog... :sick:

the dog may or may not stink anymore...I really can't tell - or where it is...its omnipresent.

The funny thing is at least my buddy from out of town stinks too - ha ha - :devil: He was leaving in the am anyway so he'll get out of most of the lasting fun.

FYI - our concoction was a combo of baking soda, peroxide 3% and dawn liquid...with ample dry rubbing from the start.

I had heard and it is true, how it doesn't really smell skunky at first more like hot asphalt - but with the burn of ammonia.

Fun time to work in a small office space :lol:

The Baking soda, peroxide and dawn is the best. My dog had a 2 baths within an hour of getting sprayed. He was never let in the house so I didn't have to worry about that part of it. After the last bath the only way you could smell the skunk is if you bent down and got right next to his face and neck and then it was only a slight smell. He stayed in the house that night after he had the baths. The following week he rode to North Dakota with me in the cab of the truck. No smell at all. Key is you have to get him taken care of quick. If the spray has anytime to set in it will be strong for weeks.

Also if using this solution you have to be very careful not to get it in the eyes because of the peroxide.

The 2nd time he was sprayed he didn't get so close and wasn't sprayed that bad. I had him in the house within 1/2 after getting sprayed. I keep a ready supply just in case.


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A couple of years ago, my airedale got sprayed. He made it in the house before I could stop him. It smelled like a chemical bomb had gone off. It was bad.

I had to go to work and someone commented that it smelled like a skunk was run over or near by. I kept my mouth shut and got out of there ASAP.

Ever since then, I smell before letting him out and before letting him back in.

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Had my Springer Spaniel get skunked once. They are smart dogs! The Vet had the products from Thornell's. The shampoo worked wonders and I ended up purchasing some Skunk Off spray. One application and odor was gone. Stuff isn't cheap but the alternative sux.

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Here's a little guy my dogs cornered last summer. Yes thats a Pug, the skunk was a baby

at about 6" long. We were all covered but due to his size he quickly ran out of juice. I

remember the back yard with the heat and the smell was like walking through some kind

of war fog !! :roflol:





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My dogs had a skunk encounter last Sept. It was nasty. Happened just before midnight, right before going to bed. I had to do a late night run to the store for supplies while my wife was washing them off w/ the hose.

We can attest that tomato juice doesn't work. Nor does 6 baths in one night. We've since found the peroxide/baking soda 'recipe', and have it written down for the next episode.

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Been there smelled that :roflol:

My old dog never learned <_< ...it happened over and over :wacko:


Maybe your dog was like my dog. The smell didn't really bother him after a few minutes, and he got to chase skunks and get lots of attention form his people. There wasn't much of a downside for him.

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Funny skunk story: Thread drift but worth it.

A relative and his wife had a pet skunk. Apparently, the pet skunks have some sort of gland removal surgery so they can't spray. These two insist that skunks are very affectionate, and named it Kizzie. So we all thought they were pretty weird, but OK. So one day, his wife sees the skunk outside the screen door. Odd, because they never let it out of the house. So she picks it up, and it scratches her and jumps down. Very strange. She goes "Kizzie, what's wrong?" and picks him up again. He scratches her again, jumps down.... and sprays her point blank.

Not Kizzie. :roflol:

... and to add insult to injury, she had to go the hospital, explain why she was trying to pick up the skunk without mentioning her illegal pet, (think about how to do that for a sec) and get a rabies shot.

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