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Being mindful of the things that you may hate


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I try to read most all of the posts here on the forum.

At times I find great joy in peoples lives, new births...great accomplishments, funny jokes and humor.

I also share in the sorrow of loss,injury or hard times.

There is a time and a place for all things in life...hatred may be one of them.

As I reflect on the everyday things we all face in life I have to wonder... what things are truly deserving of hatred?

Is it the person that cuts you off in traffic?

The person who causes you some small inconvenience.

Is it the elderly person driving 45 in a 65mph zone?

Each day brings a list of lifes little irritants.

I have no doubt I am guilty of all the above...and more.

I think I will be more mindful of when and for what reason I apply this emotion.

It may be that the courtesy and patience I show others today...may also be applied to me at some time.

Silly old Jim

edited for spelling...

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Truth, Jim. Sometimes we should pause and remember, and I'm paraphrasing...probably badly here...that everyone we encounter is likely struggling in their own private battle with something or another.

Sometimes it's too easy to give in to annoyance. Give a little tolerance, and it may be returned to you on that day when you're the one in life's cross-hairs.


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Don't be a hater. :cheers:

Truth, Jim. Sometimes we should pause and remember, and I'm paraphrasing...probably badly here...that everyone we encounter is likely struggling in their own private battle with something or another.

Sometimes it's too easy to give in to annoyance. Give a little tolerance, and it may be returned to you on that day when you're the one in life's cross-hairs.


Edited by Merlin Orr
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Because of the fact that in SC you have to be without fault in a confrontation in order to use deadly force, I found that when I started carrying, I had to not let little things like stupidity in traffic bother me as much. At one time I thought it was my job to educate the ignorant about their stupid driving practices by cutting them off after they cut me off, and other such nonsense. Now I just let a lot more go without it bothering me.

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That's an awesome post Jim, and spot on.

Wonderful insight.

Thank You!


I try to read most all of the posts here on the forum.

At times I find great joy in peoples lives, new births...great accomplishments, funny jokes and humor.

I also share in the sorrow of loss,injury or hard times.

There is a time and a place for all things in life...hatred may be one of them.

As I reflect on the everyday things we all face in life I have to wonder... what things are truly deserving of hatred?

Is it the person that cuts you off in traffic?

The person who causes you some small inconvenience.

Is it the elderly person driving 45 in a 65mph zone?

Each day brings a list of lifes little irritants.

I have no doubt I am guilty of all the above...and more.

I think I will be more mindful of when and for what reason I apply this emotion.

It may be that the courtesy and patience I show others today...may also be applied to me at some time.

Silly old Jim

edited for spelling...

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Maybe the title of the sub-forum needs changed. hate is incredibly strong for many of the minor irritants listed.

The hate forun is not wrongfully named, just misused. Hate uses energy at a high rate. I have begun to notice as I get older a lot of things I thought I hated are simply not worth my time or effort. Someone earlier used the words " Peace of my mind'. I like that, energy would better be used on that than many things some of us hate. -----------Larry

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Does this mean you're one of those folks who write checks in stores? :P

Seriously, it's a nice thought. Reminds me of something my father said "if you get mad at the way people drive, you're going to get mad a lot"....I try to remember that often. R,

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I'M not feeling the hate here! :devil: ---

"Please read the complete Hate Forum Guidelines before posting in the Hate Forum.

• Rebuttals are not permitted!

The Hate forum is for rants only - no lengthy discussions or debates.

Hate Threads that turn into discussions or debates will automatically be locked without notice.

Please type "CLOSED" as the last line of your initial post, if you do not want anyone to post in your thread (and a Moderator will lock your thread).




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So That is why I liked you rite away. Nice one Jim

When I was under my parents guidance, Hate was a word I was not allowed to use. I could get away with saying Shi* before Hate.

The word still scratches in my eye like the four letter word it is.

That's akiller post too!!!

My lucky day to be off!


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