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Welching on Pools


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I have a juniuor level co-worker who sits right next to me and we were in a paid fantasy football league with 10 other employees. First prize was a few hundred $$. I won the title and the @$$ refuses to pay in full, always coming up with an excuse. I spoke to the second place player and they were paid in full after a month's delay. Huh? :wacko: :

Meanwhile this cretin has the $$ to go out to breakfast and lunch every day and parties every weekend. I am sorely tempted to out his poor attitude to the rest of the league players via email as a warning against playing with this tool next season, as well as having them hit him up for refunds of the league entry fee as it didn't go where they think. It's going to strip clubs, bars, and dining out for the league commissioner. I have restrained from doing this, but I am highly P.O.ed. A few hundred is a few hundred...man up and pay up.

It's not like he's not capable of paying it, but I am tired of asking for something that I won fair and square. The nerve of some people. Where I come from if you are spending money that doesn't belong to you and rightfully belongs to someone else it's called stealing.


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I have a juniuor level co-worker who sits right next to me and we were in a paid fantasy football league with 10 other employees. First prize was a few hundred $$. I won the title and the @$$ refuses to pay in full, always coming up with an excuse. I spoke to the second place player and they were paid in full after a month's delay. Huh? :wacko: :

Meanwhile this cretin has the $$ to go out to breakfast and lunch every day and parties every weekend. I am sorely tempted to out his poor attitude to the rest of the league players via email as a warning against playing with this tool next season, as well as having them hit him up for refunds of the league entry fee as it didn't go where they think. It's going to strip clubs, bars, and dining out for the league commissioner. I have restrained from doing this, but I am highly P.O.ed. A few hundred is a few hundred...man up and pay up.

It's not like he's not capable of paying it, but I am tired of asking for something that I won fair and square. The nerve of some people. Where I come from if you are spending money that doesn't belong to you and rightfully belongs to someone else it's called stealing.


You should confront him in the lunch room, or at least in front of a bunch of his peers. F-him! :angry2:


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Confront him straight up and demand your money.

Then start carrying a Sharpie indelible marker with you wherever you go. Hit every men's room in every bar, restaurant, train station, sports arena, etc. you can find. Bury him with, "For a good time call <his name> at <his number>" ads.

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After hitting him up one on one, send a blast email to the league stating that you are still looking to be paid by him. Everyone else who did pay will be pissed too, because he is getting a free ride.

If after all that, start asking him everyday how much money he brought for lunch today, and tell him you'll take that against his total. Mark it down and keep the books.

If this creep is the commish?! I would not hesitate to out him, and demand payment in full NLT his next paycheck.... sounds like he spent the money and is too tight to make it good.

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Weigh the pros and cons between outing him or kicking his ass. Choose the one that works best in your situation ;):lol:

You know, there used to be a time when kicking his ass would've been the thing to do, and everyone involved would've respected you for it, but... <_<

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Remind his stupid ass every day until he pays up.

A few years ago I had a co-worker pull this same bs. He was well known as a pos but begged the pool director to be allowed to participate.

This could have been easily avoided by collecting all moneys up front. Next year, offer to be the pool director.

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Keep in mind that I'm a relatively short guy of Sicilian Italian descent who was born in NJ....add in the accent which I can do on demand, but isn't there normally...

Da world isa dangerous place what wit all kinda tings out dere dat could hurts you...he could, God fahbid, have an "unfortunate incident" :devil:

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Our league, fees were "due" at the draft. Anyone not paying after week 2 started taking forfeits til they settled up.

Now, if the COMMISH took everyones money, and is not paying out, that is not just welching on the fee.... thats theft. And everyone else in the league who payed this idiot will bring pressure on him to pay out, if they knew the situation. No one wants to think their entry fee went for pocket change to the commish, rather than the prize........ it could have been them.

I'm still with sending a blast email to the entire league, calling his character into question.... if this is a work place league, all the better, now everyone at work will know he's a scumbag. Even better, copy it to the entire office, his boss included. Hang it on the bulletin board.

Edited by sfinney
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I'm still with sending a blast email to the entire league, calling his character into question.... if this is a work place league, all the better, now everyone at work will know he's a scumbag. Even better, copy it to the entire office, his boss included. Hang it on the bulletin board.

At many places of employment, sending such an e-mail would be considered harassment --- and would be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.....

Can't sanction that bit of advice, no matter how satisfying it might feel....

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+1 with what Nik said.

Be CAREFUL with that stuff....I would stay away from the idea.

Call him everyday at home and (very politely and cordially) as him when you can expect to get the money owed you.

He probably won't take the calls and you'll be on the answering machine for his girlfriend/wife to find out what a cheap-o he is.

If he tries to organize another pool then make sure you tell EVERY person that is thinking of signing up about your experience.

This way if he wants to do this again hes kind of forced to pay.

Good luck,


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