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This year they are actually upset I don't want their little rat dog on my furniture or to crap and pee on my carpet.

My German shepherds are sleeping outside so they don't eat said rat dog, but it is unreasonable for me to expect their rat dog to abide by the same rules as my 2 dogs and cat,

BTW, I stopped going to their house 2 years ago because their house reeks of dog piss.

They are here until friday, I have the carpet cleaner at the ready to hand to dad-in-law when needed.

I will win or be divorced by friday.

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I totally hear you on this one. Good luck, you will need it! That and a heavy dose of patience. :wacko:

Sure would love to see your dogs take it out though. I hate little yippity spaztic dogs. Coyote food is what they are. Or gator bait. :ph34r:

I guess this posts number has brought out the Devil in me.

Edited by JimmyZip
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Wow, that is rude as hell and I wouldn't put up with it for a second. My inlaw's are much more respectful of my home, their yippy POS dog pissed on one of my speakers the first time it came over and a chair the second time. I handed it to my FIL by the back of the neck the second time and said very calmly that it had to go to the car and couldn't come over again, I haven't seen it since. If it pisses on his new leather seats and he doesn't care I am OK with that, but not in my house. It is a 20-25 pound mutt mix POS of some kind, I am a dog guy through and through but some are wasting air and this is one of them. It bit one of my kids at their house, so I told them very calmly that it could never happen again and that I would make them pick one over the other if it did happen again. Now the dog is either locked up or VERY closely supervised while it is out for very brief periods when the kids are around. I won't have one of my kids scarred because they don't have the courage to put a bad dog down. I am thankful they respect me enough to not have this be a problem, they take me very seriously when I am being serious and it works out well. We get along very well and they are just super people.

My dogs are full members of the family so I can completely understand how people can overlook some faults with their own dogs, but when respect for each other goes out the window I will draw the line.

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I'll start off by saying I am a dog person; we have two small dogs that are both great. If they need to go outside they will go to the door or let you know in another way. That said, I feel your pain, my in-laws actually taught their dogs to crap and piss on newspapers in a tiled room of their house. My mother-in-law's theory was that it would keep them from performing said bodily functions on the carpet in their house while they are at work. The actual result is that as they've gotten older one of them almost totally refuses to crap outside and then both will piss in the house. The one you have to about push him out the door, then if you don't stand there and make him leave the deck he'll stop and drop a load on your deck. They also have some sort of plastic and lace fetish. If you have anything plastic on the floor whether its a garbage bag, walmart bag, laundry basket, etc or lace curtains, lace dust ruffle on the bed they will piss on it. The only way its been manageable is to treat them like a puppy and make them go outside (off the deck) every couple of hours or so. If we have to leave the house for any reason the in-laws dogs get dropped off at their house until we come back.

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This year they are actually upset I don't want their little rat dog on my furniture or to crap and pee on my carpet.

My German shepherds are sleeping outside so they don't eat said rat dog, but it is unreasonable for me to expect their rat dog to abide by the same rules as my 2 dogs and cat,

BTW, I stopped going to their house 2 years ago because their house reeks of dog piss.

They are here until friday, I have the carpet cleaner at the ready to hand to dad-in-law when needed.

People with pets should make sure that they are model animals or NOT bring them to your house!

Peeing in the house is ridiculous.

Making your dogs go outside is ridiculous.

My sister in law brought her German Shepard to stay with us for TWO WEEKS over the holidays. Thank goodness our Great Dane and her German Shepard like each other. It would have been a LONG two weeks otherwise. They like each other so much, they will skip meals in order to play. :cheers:

Merry Christmas BTW!

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Man I'm with you all the way on this one, I would be pissed :angry2:

I would put my foot down (preferably on the little rat dog's neck :devil: ) and give

them the choice of either leaving the dog outside or staying outside WITH the dog.

But Friday's right around the corner, and my buddy Jose Cuervo always seems to

make time go faster :)

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Lily says,

"Little rat dogs r no gud.

Bark all the time and make rags of human newspapers.

Annoying little things more useful to scare away mice and rats than to be gud dog.

Take Lily dogs...we shed .....is true but have no conrtol over that. We have control over pee and poop and no pee and poop in house.

We wish we had control over peanut butter and treats but we are still working on that.

If we get control then we rule world and humans will feed us 24/7."



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Oh man, does this hit a nerve with me. Few years back the in-laws in town POS dog in hand and I just laid new carpet in our family room. We all went out to eat and I asked them to tie the dog outside while we were gone........but NOOOOO. The dog is a lab and I am normally a great fan of the breed but this one was a poorly bread POS and what makes it worse they refuse to train it. Anyway, we get back from dinner and a huge section of my new carpet is ripped up and tore in pieces and there are hugh gashes in our new beautiful front door from his claws. And here is the kicker they were mad because I was so upset. A minimum of 500 miles between them and us keeps our marriage going strong. Unfortunately my wife's brother never learned that lesson and is now going through a divorce. :angry2: :angry2:

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Quick update.

The Rat Dog has stayed in its kennel the majority of the time, they will ocassionaly take it out to the back yard. Dad-in-law has not said a word to me for 28 hours now, but I have been content to let him sulk.

Still, I wonder about the room they are in, but I won't press it (Dad-n-law stays in there most the time). However, if the room reeks when they leave it is over.

Edited by North
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You have been far more even tempered than I would have been in this situation.

My parents dogs were allowed into the Kitchen for feeding and the lounge in the evening (especially when they got older and it got colder).

The Kennel is outside for all other times, or the back step.

When I had a dog and my dog went with us when we visited had the same rules, their dog when it visited us had the same rules. Anything else is just plain rude, and far from acceptable. If I went anywhere that did not have dogs I would check to make sure it was OK to take it with us and if so it would stay outside at all times. Chained up if neccessary.

Urinary problems with animals can be sorted by careful aplication of 40gr of lead at 1200fps. Outside and not on the driveaway, blood is a bugger to get off concrete when it drys, it can stain for years. And don't ask how I know this or where the neighbours cat, that pissed on my back step, is.

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Urinary problems with animals can be sorted by careful aplication of 40gr of lead at 1200fps. Outside and not on the driveaway, blood is a bugger to get off concrete when it drys, it can stain for years. And don't ask how I know this or where the neighbours cat, that pissed on my back step, is.

That reminds me of the evening I was checking the forums when I thought I heard a child cry. Since I have a child it concerned me. Upon inspection both child and mother are sound asleep. I step outside just in time to see a cat jump the fence to the back yard. I grab my trusty crossman bb gun as I open my backdoor. The cat is belting out the lovesick blues on my fence back corner. I place the front sight on it's hindquartes and press the trigger/ The cat jumps atleast 5 feet in the air with all fours spread eagle. It comes down in the neighbors yard and I hear banging and clangings for several seconds afterewards.

I have not seen any stray cats for while.

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