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Should USPSA Find a "Home" for the Nationals?

Jim Norman

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Problems occur no matter where we decide to hold the Nats.

If we move them to either coast the people on the opposite coast have a 3000 mile trip. If we keep the Nats somewhere along the central North South axis of the country it is true the people that live closest to that line will always be nearest, but the people on the coasts won;t be dealing with the cross country trip.

If you take a mapping program and overlay radii of 1500 miles on it from the most remote cities in the US you find that Tulsa is the center. Actually if one draws a line connecting Oklahoma City, Des Moines, St. Paul and North Platte then back to Oklahoma City you have an area that is no more than 1600 miles in a straight line from anywhere in the US. I wonder how many ranges might be located with in this area that could host the USPSA?


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We need to balance USPSA's ability to react to changing economic, shooter preference, and other changes with our need (as shooters to plan). Thats why I think we can not lock ourselves to a certain place, time, or number of championship matches. But, I do think we need to continue to push USPSA HQ to change the process to make the decision well in advance so that plans can be made.

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Funny how thing come back if you just wait long enough.

We used to have a fixed date and location for the Nationals. It was at Quincy, Il. on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in September.

Additionally the city of Quincy and the chamber of commerce chipped in monetary support in the shape of Quincy dollars that helped fund the RO expenses, and other services to get the match at PASA.

But alas, no titty bars :yawn:

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I am once again campaigning on behalf of Students and Teachers. (I am not either) Have the Nationals sometime in June-August (Yes, I know it is summer) so that all members can come out. Select a date and venue at or before the prior years Nationals.

Well I count as a teacher, and I've had to miss the last 3 years worth of Nationals exactly because they fell on the week that our AfterSchool Program classes were starting up!

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But alas, no titty bars :yawn:

The biggest complaint I continue to see about holding a match in Barry is "lack of evening activities"... :lol: I've always assumed that that phrase equaled "there ain't no boobies to look at"... :lol:

I personally love the heck out of PASA and Quincy. Nothing tops driving into town and seeing "Welcome Shooters" in a big banner stretched across the main street into town.

I do like the match moving around, when its possible. Gives me reasons to go places I might would not normally go. I really enjoyed shooting in Missoula last year - cost to get there wasn't a big deal for me (fly in to Spokane and drive over, for gosh's sake... $350 round trip airfare, and a 3 hour drive each way... big deal).

But... there's a lot more to it than everything seems to think there is... and there's also probably more that could be done to make it more simple (in other words, there's merit to both sides of the argument...). I'm all for holding it mid-summer, so the kids and teachers can attend. Especially somewhere hot. ;) Bring it on ;)

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One other small aspect of this discussion is all the potential venues for these matches.

I keep hearing of this range and that range that could hold the match. Or take the match here or take the match there.

The problem is they have to at least be interested enough to ask about hosting the match before anything else can proceed.

Alan Meek checked on a potential idea of hosting a 24 stage, 4 day match at two separate ranges about 20 minutes apart. The idea would be to shoot 12 stages over two days at one range then everyone would go to the other range to shoot the next 12 stages over two days.

It was just and idea that needed a lot of fleshing out to actually work. Problem was neither range wanted to do it.

End of story.

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...a potential idea of hosting a 24 stage, 4 day match at two separate ranges about 20 minutes apart. The idea would be to shoot 12 stages over two days at one range then everyone would go to the other range to shoot the next 12 stages over two days

Where's the love, Gary?

(If I lived there, instead of here...and, if I wasn't as burnt out as they likely are...)

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And if a frog had wings....... :roflol:

I may not have made one point clear in the previous post. Shooting would be going on concurrent at each range. Shoot 12 stages at one range then flip flop to the other range.

Edited by Gary Stevens
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One other issue, at least from when I was on the board, (and besides the lack of adult entertainment venues in Quincy :rolleyes: ) was the long term contract needed to hold a match over several years at the same location. It wasn't an issue from my perspective, but it seemed to be a big problem with the membership at the time.

Moving the match around causes it's own special set of problems--it's sort of like re-inventing the wheel each time you go to a new place. After a year or three, most of the infrastructure is there, but by then the match is moved.

As for me, give me PASA in September, either one big match (all divisions), or a back to back.


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PASA is a fine place, and If USSA gets their act together, it could be a great venue too.

truth be told, as close as ussa is for me, I kinda miss making a big thing about it, about getting packed and making the trip to Barry or Montana.

Unless Im really competitive by the time we ever have a west coast nationals, I cant see ever going to Cali for nats though. Nevada, ok maybe.

NM, sure.

Just too far and not drive-friendly.

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A National Championship should be towards the end of the shooting season.

Just like most other professional sports.

It is too weird to crown a National Champion with half of a season to go.



Oh, I don't know... I think we are more like Nascar than most any other pro sport out there. It seems that Daytona is doing just fine and it's the first race of the season. ;)

Edited to add: OK, OK, maybe we are more like PGA or Pro Tennis :sick: , but I'm having a hard time admitting the comparison is valid. Sorry, Z.

Edited by SA Friday
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Having a long term contract is OK by me, but we need to define 'Long-Term" and we need to always be looking. We are not a big money sport so we need to realize that a major city is not going to build us a stadium.

I think that if we can find two or three locations that are willing and able to host us, we could run two years on and four years off for the Big Nationals at each and then run the local Area Match or a Multi-GUn or similar at the venues that are in the their 'Off-years"

Would I want to go back to Tulsa for the next thirty years (Ok, maybe I won't be shooting competitively at 86) but I can agree that the membership could grow tired of a place. I think that PASA wore on us since there are not that many places to stay, teh range is a fair distance from any of them and there is little if any diversion in the area. If you've been to Mark Twain cave in Hannibal you have about exhausted the side trips.

Me, I would like to have the Nationals in early Summer after school lets out so I can plan a vacation around them. This would of course only work if they are held in a vacation friendly place. Tulsa is actually not real high on my list of vacation hot spots. It works well for me as I don't mind the drive and there are things I want to see. The family would be bored out of their gourds in about two days.

If I were king of the world, I would dump enough stone and grading equipment into Tulsa to make it work. Iam not, so I'll go where ever assuming I like the venue and can drive there. (Vegas being an exception, I would fly as I can't get that much additional time and the destination is worth the effort)

It keeps being said that a range has to approach USPSA to hold the Nationals. Why? USPSA should put together a package touting the benefits to a range and city of hosting the Nationals and solicit viable places.

If Area Matches can be scheduled two or more years in advance, I just cannot understand why the Nationals can't.


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Area attractions are somewhat of a function of what type of match we hold. Due to the time on the range, it is not a big deal with a back to back where you really only have a day off. If the nationals is a bring your gun, you usually have more time to see the sites.

Attractions are also more important if you can bring the family. As long as the matches continue to be held during the time school is in session, having some good places to eat and drink a beer is going to keep the majority of the shooters happy.

Of course we all now know that if we are looking for adult enterainment that our good Area 5 director can direct your attention to the proper address. :devil:

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Oh, I don't know... I think we are more like Nascar than most any other pro sport out there. It seems that Daytona is doing just fine and it's the first race of the season. ;)

Don't you DARE start talking about restrictor plates in USPSA :surprise::surprise::surprise:


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