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Limcat Surprises?


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I am trying out holsters to see what I like and I've recently acquired a Limcat. I have been using a CR Speed and have been fairly happy with it and am familiar with its locking/ moving limitations.

I've read lots on BE about the bikini holster limitations and now I have a question. I've run around the house, dry fired and played with my kid for several hours while using the Limcat. The only thing I can see as a serious problem would be a seated start without locking the holster or an all out run without the lock. I've not been able to get it to budge on turn and shoots, walking, bumping from behind or anything else that seems typical.

Have you Limcat owners (past or present) found a situation where the holster design cost you and you weren't expecting the gun to fall? I can see the human error part (forgeting to lock it post shooting)... But what about on the line? Any weird starts that she bit you?



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I am trying out holsters to see what I like and I've recently acquired a Limcat. I have been using a CR Speed and have been fairly happy with it and am familiar with its locking/ moving limitations.

I've read lots on BE about the bikini holster limitations and now I have a question. I've run around the house, dry fired and played with my kid for several hours while using the Limcat. The only thing I can see as a serious problem would be a seated start without locking the holster or an all out run without the lock. I've not been able to get it to budge on turn and shoots, walking, bumping from behind or anything else that seems typical.

Have you Limcat owners (past or present) found a situation where the holster design cost you and you weren't expecting the gun to fall? I can see the human error part (forgeting to lock it post shooting)... But what about on the line? Any weird starts that she bit you?



I've had good luck with mine, just doing like you mentioned and using common sense like locking on seated starts.

I think you won't have any problems.


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For a seated start I ususally hold on to the gun when I sit until I settle to a good position and let go of the grip. At the buzzer I just grab on the grip before any other movement; but I normally just draw from there. Any other awkward start position like hopping before drawing I just lock it and unlock as I draw; a tad slower but safe. Practice it at home until you become confident and comfortable. Welcome to the bikini club :cheers:

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When you re-holster, be certain that your gun is seated and locked before you let it go. I hold it with both hands while I lock mine now. Early on I got sent home because I thought the gun was seated and let my hand off of it to lock it in place. When I let go, my gun instantly tumbled out of the holster. It was at the end of a stage. I had showed clear, hammer down, and droped the gun out fo the holster. I caught it on my leg, but the muzzle broke the 180 behind me.

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I have not had many problems with it that the smarter person would not..... :unsure:

I have not locked it before, at the range practicing and had a friend bump it out of the holster and then it was full of sand. :ph34r::wacko:

The only hold back for me has been on starts laying down and drawing to a very close target that has no cover. I could get on it a lot faster if I was unlocked or in just a blade tech than with this dude. But all in all it has been good. B)

IMO for the money though, I would have had a speed sec. Just my .02

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How easily should the locking lever move? Mine was VERY tight when I got it and I've adjusted it so that it has a little drag.

Mine has very little drag. But yet still has some. I used a buddies once that had noe. I did not like that, I think that just running would have unlocked his. Mine has enough that you have to move it manualy but yet would not move from just motion.

Hope that helps.

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I've used a Ghost, Limcat, etc..... they were fast, but there were occasional times on strange starts, I found that I was having to be overly deliberate in the draw, standing up, or during movemnt at the start of the stage, to reassure my self the gun would not suddenly launch itself. I 've seen it happen - usually because someone chose not to use the lock. I knew it should not, as I had the lock on, or was gripping it, most of the time on strange starts, but the constant apprehension and mindset was still there.

Other times I did forget to take off the lock on stages where I had decide to use it, and it cost me a few tenths or so fumbling my way past it.

I never dropped my gun out of the holster....... in a match. Plenty in practice though, ugh.

Switched to Blade-tech DOH and never looked back - never dropped a gun, never forgot to take the lock off, and could explode (well, for me at least) at the start, with confidence. Oh, I wasn't any slower out of the Blade-tech, either, at match speed.

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In my previous line of work we had a saying. If the car isn't fast, make it sound sweet and paint it red.

Since I'm not going to be putting TGO or Travis out of a job anytime soon, I can at least LOOK fast and have a little fun with the gear.

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After seeing two guns fall out of "bikini" style holsters I decided my CR was just fine. Last weekend we shot 99-33 Raw Deal which requires a seated start. Knowing we were going to shoot this particular classifier I did a bunch of seated starts to check retention of the holster. I never could even come close to loosing the gun. Stcicking with my CR for now....

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No mistake there bud, just a learning process. A lot of top notch shooters use a Limcat holster, Taran, JJ, Athena and I think KC to name a few. Just get accustomed to it.

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  • 5 months later...

I just got a use Limcat holster. I didn't even know that it could be used without locking it. :unsure: I just vary the lever between fully down and barely engaged, depending on how much security I need. Part of my LAMR is to check the dot, insert the pistol, set the lever and check that the gun is secure by pulling up and down. The last part of my unload procedure is to push the lever fully down and check for retention.

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Hey. My thread popped back up!

I've been using this holster for 6 months now. I LOVE it. I have been dry firing a lot and feel it to be as safe and secure as any holster out there, once you learn to run it. The lock is absolute. If its locked, its locked. I can draw from locked with little extra effort. Unlocked its got to be the fastest out there... but the gun ain't coming out unless you go and do something stupid.

The only thing I can't do with it is treat it without its due respect.

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I have been using this now for a couple of years and have been more than happy. Locked is truly locked. Unlocked is pretty much free if you bring it up that little bit. Amazingly fast.

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The only problem I have had with mine was when the lock got loose and locked or partially locked before the draw.

Easy fix.

Love mine, allows me to switch between Limited and open without changing rigs.

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Does anyone have any experience with the Speed Sec holsters? I really like their locked draw options. I use a CR which I love to death. But If I was ever going to go with a cup less system I would consider the Speed sec.

I have played with the Ghost and the limcat and both are very slick, however i dont like where the locking mechanism is located for the ghost and the limcat is very expensive!

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The only problem I have had with mine was when the lock got loose and locked or partially locked before the draw.

Easy fix.

Love mine, allows me to switch between Limited and open without changing rigs.

How did you fix it? I had the same problem and tried tightening all the screws but had no luck.

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On mine, the tension on the lock lever is adjustable with the screw that holds the lock lever to the frame. If you don't have enough travel, a small washer will help.

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In the infamous 'Race Holster' thread, there were several good points made, but ultimately, I wonder how much retention is enough? The limcat has zero or 100%. The DOH that has what it has. The Lim is definitely locked when its locked and I'd stand on my head in an earthquake with the gun loaded. Even way tight, the DOH isn't as secure, but obviously offers a significant advantage for sitting, holstering, etc... Its NOT perfect, however, and I can easily envision a situation where the gun could come out, though its unlikely.

The argument that strikes me the most is that holster problems are operator error problems. I treat the limcat like a race holster and haven't had a lick of problems with it. I guess that that's enough retention... if the situation requires more than unlocked, then its my job as the operator to recognize that and lock 'er down accordingly... thoughts?

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The only problems I had with mine were it wouldn't hold a 1911 style trigger guard (Para or SS) without the gun being able to rock back and forth and the time I rolled over onto it to be able to shoot through a low port and it pivoted around its multiple adjustments to where I couldn't holster at "If clear, hammer down, holster." Had the RO hold the gun as I wrenched/twisted it back to almost where I had it and got off the stage...luckily it was the last stage of the day so I didn't have to spend time fiddling with it in a safety zone between stages. That pretty much sent me to a Ribas which is what I'm using now.

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