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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

right now...I'm bummed.


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Hate the way things are going right now.

Lost one of the family pets last night. He was our big black cat..great growl and snarl..very loving..he was a rescue cat..we got him when he was four weeks old. That was 10 years ago..even before our kids. His sister roams the house as well as our dog..looking for him.

Economy..things are just getting so tight..

having to sell off more things than I want to..forcing me into a forced break from shooting. :angry:

I sure do miss that cat.. :(

and I sure will miss shooting :( :(

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There's a quote out there that I like. I don't remember it exactly but it goes something like "In the battle between water and the rock water always wins. Not through strength but through perseverance"

I read it in a book called 212 degrees. Can't remember who said it.

Keep your head up. Persevere. I think a ton of people are going through similar type things, so know you are in good company as well. And sorry for the loss of your cat.


***edited to point out that I'm a complete dumbass. The quote is in my autoquote deal. So there's the proper quote and the proper credit.

Edited by j1b
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I am sorry for the loss of your cat. I can commiserate about not shooting too. I am going to practice today for the first time in 5 month, as other financial needs have had shooting on the back burner for a while.

I am not going to say it can't get any worse, because it always can, but it can certainly get better than it is now.

Hang in there

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My cats are far from the sychophants that my dogs have been, but for some reason their passing always gets me more. I think it is the nature of their existence. They are not compelled to hang with you, they choose to. I'm sorry to hear of your pet's passing. It's great to have shared your life with someone, I hope that is some comfort.

Oh and the shooting? You'll find a way to keep your hand in it somehow. Seems most do anyway. ;)


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Take a break in shooting is good! you'll

come back with that hunger! and be a better shooter.

+1 about taking a break when necessary. I was out for almost seven years and had a lot more determination when I got back. Sorry to hear about your loss though, hang in there.

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Hey all..

thanks!!!! the words are appreciated.

the weekend passed quickly with Halloween for my kids and my daughter's birthday and our other pets have stepped up to help fill the void. amazing how they know.

Several friends have sent offers to help..

I feel blessed for what has been and what will be.

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