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New Cellphone Recommendation

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My Razor is slowly going down the toilet... I'm with T-mobile, and will definitely stay with them. (Also Mac only.)

I'd like my new phone to be internet capable. Not necessarily email, but I'd definitely like to be able to see if the server (check a website) if I'm out of town and don't have my laptop with me.

Everybody says to get the Blackberry, but I'm not sure I'm ready for a cellphone that is that big. They have a smaller version, the Pearl, but I'm just getting good at typing/texting with my standard keypad, an the "two-letter-per-key, laid out like a computer keyboard" keypad on the Pearl looks like it would have quite bit of a learning curve.

I think what I want is a phone that's not too big (it's always in my pocket, I'm not a belt-phone holster man) and with a regular keypad, and that has internet access.

Any suggestions?



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In March I started using an LG phone from Verizon, although the other carriers probably have it available. I also really like to use the Bluetooth headset.


I didn't pick an All-In-One or Blackberry because I don't want to carry my business with me all the time so I use a seperate Palm PDA to keep my calendar, contact list, photos, memos and email. Apparently my PDA will also dial my new phone but I haven't set that up yet.

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I really like the smart phones, but mine is a Windows based operating system. I can browse the web with broadband speed, check my email, chat, text, make phone calls... you name it. I personally don't like the exposed keyboards myself. My phone is a slider, and I even have my Nightforce ballistics software on there. One thing to remember, with the smart phones you sacrifice a little signal. Anyone that tells you other wise is lying to you, per my friend at motorolla.

Here's the phone I have XV6800

ETA It's a touch screen too with an on-screen keyboard or the slider qwerty keypad.

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I am a Crackberry addict.

I don't like the Pearl because it's too small for my 52 year old eyes.

I do like my 8703e and it does fit in a shirt pocket and in an emergency I could make my eyes focus enough to use it with out reading glasses.

As far as surfing the web you would have to enjoy a larger screen and I think you will use the email more than you think.

You do have a lot more options than myself living in Fly Over Country.


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I really like the smart phones, but mine is a Windows based operating system. I can browse the web with broadband speed, check my email, chat, text, make phone calls... you name it. I personally don't like the exposed keyboards myself. My phone is a slider, and I even have my Nightforce ballistics software on there. One thing to remember, with the smart phones you sacrifice a little signal. Anyone that tells you other wise is lying to you, per my friend at motorolla.

Here's the phone I have XV6800

ETA It's a touch screen too with an on-screen keyboard or the slider qwerty keypad.

My US Cellular Blackberry signal smokes any signal I had with my cursed years at alltel with a dumb phone.

MMMV! :roflol:


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with a dumb phone.

MMMV! :roflol:


And there is the TRUE rub. Good carrier and good phone. I have Alltel and use Motorola phones. I can make and receive calls where NONE of my friends with Cell One, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, etc can even get a signal. I don't care if you are only a mile from a tower, with a crap phone you'll have crap reception. One that note, I will not ever have another Nokia pos.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far everyone!

It doesn't look like the Rizor has made it to T-mobile yet. But I'm not sure, but maybe I could buy somewhere other than T-mobile, and then "unlock it" and put my simm card in it?

I don't want to go with an iPhone because I want to stay with T-mobile.

What is a "smartphone"?

And although I don't think my Razor officially works with Mac, I could get it to connect w/Bluetooth, to add/remove pics and sound files.

So any feedback regarding phones that will work with Macs, even if it's not officially supported, would be appreciated.


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"Smartphone" is a Windows OS phone. I have had two and love them. Currently using the Samsung BlackJack II. I believe T-Mobile carries those or if not you can get an unlocked one easily and just slip your SIM in and go. I had an HTC 2125 and it was a good phone. T-Mobile had the same phone in a slightly different case with WiFi...all in a decent sized package.

Best advice I can give you is go to a T-Mobile store and play with the phones. Find a couple you like then head somewhere to check the online reviews.

I never gave the BlackJack a second thought because I thought it was too big and wouldn't work for me. Then I went and got hands on with one for a bit.

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I really like the smart phones, but mine is a Windows based operating system. I can browse the web with broadband speed, check my email, chat, text, make phone calls... you name it. I personally don't like the exposed keyboards myself. My phone is a slider, and I even have my Nightforce ballistics software on there. One thing to remember, with the smart phones you sacrifice a little signal. Anyone that tells you other wise is lying to you, per my friend at motorolla.

Here's the phone I have XV6800

ETA It's a touch screen too with an on-screen keyboard or the slider qwerty keypad.

I have the Sprint Mogul which is their version of the 6800 and I love it. The built in GPS chip is my favorite feature. I was apprehensive about going with Sprint with all the nightmare stories I have heard but the service has been great so far. I get a good signal everywhere I had signal with my Verizon phone and Verizon was the best I've had. I haven't had to deal with their customer service much but I hear if you use their email CS, it is quite good.

The best part is the cost. I bought through the Sprint SERO program which is open to just about everyone. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sprint+sero

$30/month for 500 minutes. Nights and weekend start at 7pm. Unlimited data and unlimited texting. The phone was $250 with a $100 rebate but when the rebate check came it was for $350.

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Blackberry has bluetooth but also supports PocketMac which is a free download.

PocketMac® for BlackBerry lets you load new applications onto your BlackBerry smartphone, as well as synchronize your email, contacts, calendar, tasks and notes with popular Mac applications, including:

* Mail.app Email

* Entourage® Email, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Notes

* Address Book Contacts

* iCal® Calendar and Tasks

* Now Contact®/Now Up-To-Date® Contacts, Calendars & Tasks

* Meeting Maker Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks

* Lotus Notes Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks

* Safari Bookmarks (One-Way sync)

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Go for the Blackberry Pearl, the learning curve with the smart type is all of about 5 - 10 minutes. The first two minutes I was fustrated, then someone told me just to type what I wanted and 95% of the time the right word is there at the end. Very easy and quick. My old windows mobile based phone was a big brick, so I wanted something I would acctually carry and the pearl was it.

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If you're going to stay with T-mobile, get the Blackjack. Make sure it has the Windows OS, not Palm software, then download the Mac compatibility program and you'll be good to go. With my phone, I can connect to wireless networks and have DSL speed in the palm of my hand. It's so convenient I don't even take my laptop on trips anymore, I just use my phone.

Phone type is just as critical to signal reception as is distance to a tower. Alltell has by far the best network available in the CONUS, but they will get screwy with your billing. They tried to charge me for 1500 text messages in a month and when I called and asked the guy how he supposed I sent 50 text messages a day every single day for an entire month his reply was "Sir I don't know how you did, but our system says you did, so you'll have to pay for it. I recommend you purchasing the unlimited texting feature for an additional $20 a month." I can't repeat on the board what I told him to buy and where he could stick it, but I canceled my service with them then and there. I said I wasn't going to pay the bill, but my wife made me when they reported it on our credit.

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Go for the Blackberry Pearl, the learning curve with the smart type is all of about 5 - 10 minutes. The first two minutes I was fustrated, then someone told me just to type what I wanted and 95% of the time the right word is there at the end. Very easy and quick. My old windows mobile based phone was a big brick, so I wanted something I would acctually carry and the pearl was it.

I appreciate that. Size-wise, I can deal with the Pearl better than the Curve, so I may go with the Pearl.

But then, I default to "not getting the bigger phone" because I like the size of the one I have now. So I'll go over to the phone store and simmer on it a bit more.

Has anyone owned both the Pearl and the Curve?


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brian, being in the over 50 crowd, i would be real cautious trying to use blackberrys and palm treos for inet browsing. i know, i have them for work...almost impossible with a screen that size. sure u can blow them up, but then yer scrolling all the time. consider an iphone...just unliock it and go. now that screen works...and as you know, all yer mac stuff likes it as well. then you'll have an ipod, phone, internest browser and mail client all in one nice package.

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with a dumb phone.

MMMV! :roflol:


And there is the TRUE rub. Good carrier and good phone. I have Alltel and use Motorola phones. I can make and receive calls where NONE of my friends with Cell One, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, etc can even get a signal. I don't care if you are only a mile from a tower, with a crap phone you'll have crap reception. One that note, I will not ever have another Nokia pos.

I have had people that travel for a living tell me Alltel is fantastic everywhere in the nation except my area.

Specifically SE Nebraska.


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If you're going to stay with T-mobile, get the Blackjack.

I don't see the Blackjack on T-mobile's page:


Thanks for the mac-specific info all.


Sorry Brian, it's not the Blackjack but the Sidekick. Here's one of them:


The one they have that is like mine (and I think is the best they offer) is the Wing seen here:


I am not a fan of the exposed keypad and that's why I like the flip or slider. With the Wing, when you have the keypad closed it's a vertical screen, when you open the keypad the screen goes horizontal. They aren't much bigger than a standard size phone. It's slightly longer than your Razor and a little thicker. I'd certainly look at one in the store and play with it for a minute.

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brian, being in the over 50 crowd, i would be real cautious trying to use blackberrys and palm treos for inet browsing. i know, i have them for work...almost impossible with a screen that size. sure u can blow them up, but then yer scrolling all the time. consider an iphone...just unliock it and go. now that screen works...and as you know, all yer mac stuff likes it as well. then you'll have an ipod, phone, internest browser and mail client all in one nice package.

So I could "unlock" and iPhone and use it with T-mobile? I'm ignorant on the unlocking thing.

If you're going to stay with T-mobile, get the Blackjack.

I don't see the Blackjack on T-mobile's page:


Thanks for the mac-specific info all.


Sorry Brian, it's not the Blackjack but the Sidekick. Here's one of them:


The one they have that is like mine (and I think is the best they offer) is the Wing seen here:


I am not a fan of the exposed keypad and that's why I like the flip or slider. With the Wing, when you have the keypad closed it's a vertical screen, when you open the keypad the screen goes horizontal. They aren't much bigger than a standard size phone. It's slightly longer than your Razor and a little thicker. I'd certainly look at one in the store and play with it for a minute.

Thank Bobby. How would you rate size-factor of the Wing and the Sidekick, compared to a Blackberry.

And does anyone know if you can get them to work with Mac like you can with the app mentioned for the Blackberry?

Thanks again everyone, this is really helping me out.


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i'm not familiar with blackberry products but a tech junkie i know has a blackberry pearl and a iTouch. He commented later he wish he bought a iPhone instead of his pearl. I love my iPhone and would be literally lost without it :wacko: .

I'd suggest buying an unlocked iPhone. You'll like it. In fact find one of your buddies that has one and play around with it. You'll be hooked.

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The iphone is cool to play with. My daughter had one for a couple of weeks till she figured out what she could get for the money. So the iphone went back!

The negative of the iphone to me is the cost of course and there is no insurance to buy. One of her friends has one with a crack in the screen. It's starting to get condensation. I checked ebay when she was wanting one to see if you could get cheap ones used. There were several with broken screens, but I couldn't find any info on fixing one. I've broken the glass front of my KRZR three times. A replacement lens cost 6 bucks. I can't stand a holster or protective cover and drops happen. I'd be sick if I dropped an iphone and couldn't fix it.

I hate a big cell phone too. Thats why I like the KRZR so much. It works like a RAZR, but it's more comfortable to use and except for the glass front it's pretty durable. My daughter just got a palm centro. The size isn't too bad. I haven't had a chance to mess with it too much, but I know it does tons of web functions. It looks like it will be pretty durable. She's only 12 so durable is a big plus!!!

There is some great info at Howardforums

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So I could "unlock" and iPhone and use it with T-mobile? I'm ignorant on the unlocking thing.

Some phones are compatible and some are not, I don't know if the iphone will work or not, but I do know they are not structurally strong phones.

If you're going to stay with T-mobile, get the Blackjack.

I don't see the Blackjack on T-mobile's page:


Thanks for the mac-specific info all.


Sorry Brian, it's not the Blackjack but the Sidekick. Here's one of them:


The one they have that is like mine (and I think is the best they offer) is the Wing seen here:


I am not a fan of the exposed keypad and that's why I like the flip or slider. With the Wing, when you have the keypad closed it's a vertical screen, when you open the keypad the screen goes horizontal. They aren't much bigger than a standard size phone. It's slightly longer than your Razor and a little thicker. I'd certainly look at one in the store and play with it for a minute.

Thank Bobby. How would you rate size-factor of the Wing and the Sidekick, compared to a Blackberry.

And does anyone know if you can get them to work with Mac like you can with the app mentioned for the Blackberry?

Thanks again everyone, this is really helping me out.


The wing and the sidekick are going to be narrower than the Berry but they are a touch thicker. If you look at the links it has a spec page that gives you the dimensions.

As for the Mac compatibility, it's software that works with Windows mobile programs, should work with any of the phones with Windows.

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You are drinking too many toddies and not enough APPLE KOOLAID ;)

As an Apple user, I would think you would jump at an iPhone.

I am a user, so are my kids, the iPhone is GREAT!!!!

I am pretty tight with the guys at The Apple store, and unlocking them to use on other networks is dicey at best. You can't update the software if unlocked, and Apple has done some nice upgrades of the iPhone software since they came out. I have a website with all the info to unlock it yourself. I know people that have done it and love it.

I can't image living without mine.


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