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Crack Heads

SA Friday

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Anyone that thinks drug use is a victimless crime is stupid. Here's how it works: disenchanted individual uses an illegal narcotic, likes it, does more, becomes addicted, then the victims begin to appear. Theft plays the biggest part in this. Then there are those that pander themselves for drug money. Lastly, the homocides and assaults by crack heads over drugs, money, and or just tweaked out of their minds. Don't even get me started on the actual dealers. Definately don't chime in about how they have no choice but to deal to make a living or they were born into it or any of that other liberal ass crap. In the end, it's about an individual making a choice and choosing the wrong path, period.

Last night some a-hole cut my catalytic converter off of my truck. Nothing else was touched and they didn't even attempt to get into the locked truck. I'd imagine they made a night of it and hit a bunch of vehicles. catalytic converters have platinum in them, and many junk yards do back-room deals for a load of converters. I'm supposed to be moving out of my apartment today and tomorrow (to put my stuff in storage for my TDY and deployment to Iraq), and my truck is sitting at the dealer waiting to get fixed, $765 just for the converter. Bet the crack head(s) only got about $50 for mine. I just hope that f-r ODed last night and saved the universe the burden of his sloth.

My co-workers are great and are taking care of the move with me tomorrow. We are going to do it during work hours, shut down the shop for a day and just knock it out. If one is not surrounded by good people, they have missed out in life.

Edited by SA Friday
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I just hope that f-r ODed last night and saved the universe the burden of his sloth.



Haven't seen any of those type crimes in the Douglas Co. police blotter.

Hurry home.

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copper thieves have plagued two of our offices. they steal the copper from the air conditioning condensers. some of these thieves will go into houses under construction and steal the electrical wire after the sheet rock has been nailed up. a lot of work for a few dollars.


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I'm supposed to be moving out of my apartment today and tomorrow (to put my stuff in storage for my TDY and deployment to Iraq)

Keep your head down and come back safe!

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I'm supposed to be moving out of my apartment today and tomorrow (to put my stuff in storage for my TDY and deployment to Iraq)

Keep your head down and come back safe!


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copper thieves have plagued two of our offices. they steal the copper from the air conditioning condensers. some of these thieves will go into houses under construction and steal the electrical wire after the sheet rock has been nailed up. a lot of work for a few dollars.


This has been a big problem for those trying to re-build in New Orleans after Katrina. Contractors wire houses and install appliances, crooks break into the houses at night and steal the stuff that was just put in.

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I got my truck back from the dealer about an hour ago. Converter was $765, labor was about $150. My deductable was only $100, so I was fortunate in the long run. It was still my insurance and my $100 though. Sons-a-bitches. :angry2:

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Hopefully you are only on a 4-6 month TDY instead of the 12 month ones starting to creep up.

Keep your powder dry, keep us posted on your progress.


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I work in an area that was known for its tweakers before the resurgence of meth here in the Southwest. I also work amongst the huge wind-energy tracts near Palm Springs. The tweakers go in at night and steal the copper out of the wind turbines. They are getting lots on the copper as the price is still really high. They even stole the conductors out of long tracts of street lighting in L.A..

When they need gas, they hop the fence to our yard and drill the bottom of your gas tank and fill up whatever they have and leave you with an empty tank that will hold nothing.

On the other hand, you can leave out anything you really do not want and are too cheap to take to the dump, and they will haul it away for you at no cost. ( Except the gas you gave them earlier in the week if you left your car overnight.)

We have cosidered hiring them to work at our factory. we figured they need no breaks, are never hungry, and need only a quick break to recharge on whatever it is that they are bumping on. They stay up for days on end, figure we could do a weeks production in just 40 straight hours!

Many hang out at the truckstop across the freeway and sleep in the tamarisk trees near the westbound offramp. They could sleep in the shop when they eventually need to come off thier high. I'm sure they are trustworhty folk who would watch over our factory and keep everything ship-shape while we were away!

The sad thing though on a serious note is watching one of the new ones go down in flames. Every once in a while we see a new one, usually a young woman, who starts showing up at the truckstop. at first many of them look healthy, some actually pretty. After a few months they look ten to twenty years older, and have been beaten up by johns or other methheads. Then one day they are gone and you wonder, jail or the morgue?

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The damn methists are ripping copper out of OUR light posts too. Ridiculous! They're stealing just about ANYTHING around here--nailed down or not. These people are the the AIDS virus of society. We're damn tired of it.

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I'm supposed to be moving out of my apartment today and tomorrow (to put my stuff in storage for my TDY and deployment to Iraq)

Keep your head down and come back safe!



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Anyone that thinks drug use is a victimless crime is stupid.

Agree 100%

Lived in Eugene, OR for 2 years. Many folks around there seemed to turn a blind eye to people taking drugs - especially pot. But even those pot smoking drug-heads crashed cars, killed people, missed work, and funelled their money into a shadowy world (beyond taxes) where it eventually funded all sorts of other crimes. As bad as those problems were, the meth users out there caused even MORE problems too numerous to get into here. Nice place to live other than all the drugs all over the place.

Is it any better here on the east coast? Hardly. Baltimore City is estimated to have over 70,000 hard core drug users (mostly heroine) and has turned crazy-dangerous. D.C. is certainly as bad. And they are predicting bumper crops of poppies every year. Good grief - where are we headed? :angry2:

Stay safe on the TDY & look forward to seeing you at the Nationals!


Edited by Carlos
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We are losing copper at an alarming rate at work. They are breaking into the bathrooms (we have small brick buildings at certain locations that house a single bathroom) and stealing the copper right out of the walls.

Sometimes we get them on video. At least you get some entertainment out of it, cause seeing the effort they place in cutting a pipe sometimes in hilarous.

Karma is a bitch and sometimes we get a little snicker. One of the abandoned railroad right of ways we have still has live catenary above it. The substation for the tracks still in use is down this ROW so leaving the live catenary was cheaper than running wires underground. Many people notice the missing tracks but present catenary wire and figure that wire is dead- even though there is no shortage of signs stating that the wire is still hot and in use.

So about once a year some piper climbs up the pole with cutters and cuts into a live 25kV catenary wire. Sometimes they live.

They had a guy cut into a live 600v trolley wire recently and pretty much get knocked back into last week and get burned pretty badly. Funny part, the scrap value on catenary wire is not as good as regular wire because of the addition of non copper metals to strengthen the material.


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I work for an electric utility and occasionally a series of pictures will cross my desk of some idiot dying while cutting copper out of a live substation. Usually body parts are scattered. I hate they lose their lives but it may just be natural selection taking place.



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I work for an electric utility and occasionally a series of pictures will cross my desk of some idiot dying while cutting copper out of a live substation. Usually body parts are scattered. I hate they lose their lives but it may just be natural selection taking place.



Stupidity is a self-correcting problem...

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