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Come Out of the Closet

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There should be nothing in law enforcement which would compromise a post. I would entertain the possibility an agent of the BATFE or some other who has no conscience lurks undercover to monitor the goings on of such a gun group. I would not condone such a nefarious mission because I believe in transparency from the government and my reading of history leads me to oppose secret police. I am not one who believes evil means are justified by convenient ends. And, if the government has not done anything wrong, then it has no reason to hide now does it? :)

I can think of a few scenarios where LEOs might not want their identity open to the public, none of it associated with this board or guns.

I googled my user name and found a reference on Proguns board where one of the posters mentioned coming to Santa Fe to "look me up" and that it might be "entertainment"....strange. The post was me asking about an action job on a revolver for my wife...how that's controversial, I don't know....weird.

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I saw your signature line. And I can tell you right now, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.



I always wondered why we needed a committee to promote unamerican activities. Seems like we have enough of those already.


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Simple. No Name, No Accountability.

Correct... The no name seagull sniper poster can fly in and take a dump wherever they choose and then hide behind their anonymity.

Not all no name posters are trolls but most trolls are no name posters.

The other thing too: it allows bozos to reregister under a different name after they post something amazingly stupid. A guy tagged "JLB" at another forum was lecturing people before the last election and GUARANTEED the republicans would regain control of the senate and house because Americans were sick of democrats....

well, we know how that election turned out.

using a screen name gives people like that the option of getting away from the stupid things they say.

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I believe that the forum guidelines require that you have your real name in your public profile to sell something in the classifieds, and I believe that everyone should have their real name listed there to post.

I agree, part of registration, post a name, or read as a guest and NO posting

Not all no name posters are trolls but most trolls are no name posters.

Merlin, you are wise beyond your years!!!

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I did a google on my username and my real name, there are a bajillion of us it appears......

It seems like half of this board membership has my address, probably a third have my phone number. I am really not worried about it.

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Ah, but even if I use a "REAL NAME" how would you know it was "MY" real name?

Jim Norman

(or am I?)


Dam, I originaly was going to use Robbie Leatham for this reason but thought that someone would catch on !! :lol:

PtrPrs :P;)

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I started using FFL as a screen name on a major democratic website. I was able to post 1 message before they banned me. I kept using it for others.

I also did a search for FFL and never found me, However I did find many "FFL's" some good many bad (See signature)

David S.

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A couple years ago, I was doing some car shopping, much online, and to avoid spam, opened a hotmail account using the name "boo radley" on a whim, from a vague memory of "To Kill a Mockingbird." *

At the same time, I had just started competitive shooting, and stumbled on this board quite by accident, and wanted to ask a question, so I logged in as 'boo radley' with the hotmail address, never imagining I'd be here 1k posts later....

I need to change it, but at this point....Full name is certainly available in my profile.

* One salesman responded to my question about a Honda, and signed his reply: "Atticus Finch" :)

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I started using FFL as a screen name on a major democratic website. I was able to post 1 message before they banned me. I kept using it for others.

I also did a search for FFL and never found me, However I did find many "FFL's" some good many bad (See signature)

David S.

What were you doing on a major Democratic website ??? :blink::blink:

Alright I give in, PtrPrs- Peter P. ;)

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But my real name is Jhg Tyre and I look just like Doc Savage!

Okay maybe not but I have used jhgtyre for so long that I get junk mail addressed to Jhg Tyre. My real name can be found in my profile since I don't particularly feel the need to hide from anyone. My screen name is comfortable and I like it so I will keep using it.


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John Ellis here

iainmcphersn came about when I needed my first personal email address. I was playing in the Society for Creative Anachronism as Iain Macpherson and dropping an "a" and an "o" brought it in under the max length.

I've never had any problem with someone else using it so if you Google me, you'll find that I am easy meat in some of the online games I used to play.

Nice to meet 'cha all


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John Ellis here

iainmcphersn came about when I needed my first personal email address. I was playing in the Society for Creative Anachronism as Iain Macpherson and dropping an "a" and an "o" brought it in under the max length.

I've never had any problem with someone else using it so if you Google me, you'll find that I am easy meat in some of the online games I used to play.

Nice to meet 'cha all


Nice to meet ya John. ;)

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Bobby Keigans

My screen name is my user name on multiple boards. It's also my email address and my license plate.

It came about as the phonetic of my last name, which is pronounced kay-gunz (not kee-gunz). The 11 on there is my favorite number.

I am who I am. I post what's on my mind, which often gets me in trouble, but I stand behind it. You'll have a hard time meeting a guy that will go farther or do more for a friend. Those that have met me know what I mean. I am generous to a fault. And NO, this is not me coming out of any closet, can't say much for the rest of ya! :P

To those I've met so far and some I haven't (Dale), I appreciate your kindness and fully intend to pass it on.

Edited by kgunz11
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Bobby Keigans

My screen name is my user name on multiple boards. It's also my email address and my license plate.

It came about as the phonetic of my last name, which is pronounced kay-gunz (not kee-gunz). The 11 on there is my favorite number.

I am who I am. I post what's on my mind, which often gets me in trouble, but I stand behind it. You'll have a hard time meeting a guy that will go farther or do more for a friend. Those that have met me know what I mean. I am generous to a fault. And NO, this is not me coming out of any closet, can't say much for the rest of ya! :P

To those I've met so far and some I haven't (Dale), I appreciate your kindness and fully intend to pass it on.

Nice to meet you Bobby. ;)

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Isn't coming out of the closet what Tom Cruise needs to do?

I wish he would lock himself IN a closet :rolleyes:

Jim :popcorn1:

If he does, I've got a screw gun and some 3 inch deck screws.

Also I am who I am and I live near Austin.

Edited by Huston in Austin
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I think I told this story..........but the CNE part is for Certified Novell Engineer, Mike is my name, and man, oh man..........well, man you know that part.........(sorta an inside joke). It's all good. :D

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