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Sky-high petrol...

SiG Lady

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The fuel pump cut off before my Powerstroke was completely full yesterday. The flashing numbers stopped at $100.00. 24.67 gallons. :o

Mine quit a $75 and 18.7 gallons today. Thought I'd fill up at half a tank before the price went up again....

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This came out today...the top 10 CHEAPEST gas per GALLON.........yep that is CENTS

1. Venezuela .10

2. Iran .40

3. Saudi Arabia .45

4. Libya .50

5. Swaziland .54

6. Qatar .73

7. Bahrain .81

8. Russia .88

9. Egypt .89

10. Kuwait .90

yeah, but you have to live there!

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The fuel pump cut off before my Powerstroke was completely full yesterday. The flashing numbers stopped at $100.00. 24.67 gallons. :o

I feel your pain brother! I am seriously considering making my own bio-diesel at a cost of $0.70 a gallon. The system cost $3895.00 and now that I am working close to home it would cost me a year for it to pay for itself at a price of $4.00 a gallon. If I get a partner in on the deal to split the cost in only 6 months it has paid for itself. Considering that my family owns 4 restaurants with high output of waste oil, I don't know why I'm not already doing it?!?! :blink:

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I'll bet the median income of the listed countries is way down the chart to go along with the gas prices too..... :mellow:

I wonder what it would cost to get 100,000 gallons of that fuel over here... and to then repeat the process. The problem seems to be with the Big 5 American Oil companies reporting record profits. So in essence, it's American people screwing the entire American country. Have you seen what these guys get paid?

In a study of the 2005 total pay of 492 CEOs running companies with stock market values of $3

billion or more, I found that five of the 16 most highly-paid CEOs were involved in the oil business,

including the chief executive officers in first and second place.

They were Ray Irani, CEO of Occidental Petroleum Corp., whose pay of $64 million busted the springs

on the executive pay scale. The runner-up was Lee Raymond, the former chief of Exxon Mobil Corp.,

the world's biggest oil company. His 2005 pay package was $49 million.

For the entire group, the median and average total pay was $6 million and $8.8 million, respectively.

And that was in 2005 when the Gov't was taxing some of us Southerners an extra $0.10 a gallon to go to Hurricane Katrina victims. So the rest of us were pitching in to help out, but these pigs were building billion dollar homes in the Hamptons. :rolleyes:

A little more "FYI"

Company CEO (millions) Level

Occidental Petroleum Ray Irani $64.3

Exxon Mobil Corp. Lee Raymond * $48.9

Coach Inc. Lew Frankfort $46.1

Yahoo Inc. Terry Semel $43.8

KB Home Bruce Karatz $43.2

Valero Energy Corp. William Greehey * $40.0

Goldman Sachs Group Henry Paulson $39.1

Lehman Brothers Richard Fuld $38.3

Unitedhealth Group William McGuire $37.7

Home Depot Inc. Robert Nardelli $37.4

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I receive piles of annual reports and documents pertinent to family investments, and the salaries of CEOs and board members (and others) are staggering. :surprise:

And then... Noticed that gas price at the nearby Chevron station was $4.14/gal this morning (gasp).

Crap, that's several cents a gallon more than it was a couple of days ago........ :ph34r:

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If you want to see some high salaries check out what the big names in baseball make. Gas prices here today was 3.89 for Regular. Diesel was close to $1 more per gallon than regular. I'm just an old retired guy and I'm about to be in the situation of having an expensive sports car that I can't afford to pay for its gas.

I remember a bunch of years ago when people stopped driving as much so the State of Washington increased the per gallon gas tax because people were using less and there was a drop in the tax collection. I don't remember that the additional tax was ever taken off and in fact I think that we have had an increase in the per gallon gas tax. And to make matters worse I have heard some nasty rumors that once again people aren't driving as much or have switched to more fuel efficent cars so there is talk that we might get hit with a tax increase to make up the difference. You can't win, they won't tell you the rules and if you find out what the rules are they change the rules and, for sure, you can't get out of the game.

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I got great news yesterday that my winter propane contract for 2008/2009 is due the first of June.

(Two months earlier than normal.)

If I pay in full (which I always do) I can get it for the discounted price of $1.99 per gallon.

I'll need 1500 gallon, which means it's going to roughly cost me $750 a month to heat my 900SF home. :surprise:


Edited by Front Man
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Just filled up my car today. I keep a log of the fill-ups including price per gallon. I noticed that I paid $1.02 a gallon more today than I did May 10, 2007. Enough already with the price increases and record profits.

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Is 7.5 cents per dollar invested too much profit? Just asking and having nothing to do with any oil company.

Based on my very limited understanding of all of this there are several factors involved.

Restricted drilling of our own oil, and you know who does the restricting.

Almost impossible hoops to jump through to build a new refinery. None built since the 1970's.

Increased demand from China and India. Oil is a world wide commodity.

Speculation from the Wall Street types who keep bidding the prices higher every day.

The laws of supply and demand will work if given a chance. When the politicians get involved though all bets are off.

Edited by Gary Stevens
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... I am seriously considering making my own bio-diesel at a cost of $0.70 a gallon...Considering that my family owns 4 restaurants with high output of waste oil, I don't know why I'm not already doing it...

News reports here in Cali say that people are actually stealing the grease from restaurants out here. The recyclers find the drums pumped out, and it's not the owners doing what you're planning.

...I'll need 1500 gallon(s of propane)...

Make sure you have a way of locking up your tank...

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"My brother's an idiot. He sold his truck for gas money." (Larry The Cable Guy)
I know the feeling. Am now paying $3.80/gal for this swill. :blink: Criminy.

Seriously, folks: hear me now and believe me later...

The amount of fuel that gets burned in the next few months (the so-called "peak" driving season) will determine the price for the next couple of years.

If we all get tough and cut way back on driving, the price will ramp back down to about $2.60 - $2.80 in the few months after Labor day and set up as the price baseline. If consumption does NOt drop significantly, $4 will be the new $2..... and sub $3 gas will be seen never again.

I'm praying for you guys: stay home, park the guzzler, vacation in the living room..... :cheers:

I did my part: I quit my job so I wouldn't have to commute... actually, I got laid off but the result is the same. :rolleyes:

Edited by bountyhunter
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I've been lucky for the past couple of months as my construction job has been 10 minutes from my house. I fill up every Sunday morning on the way to the range even if I have 3/4 tank. This morning, $4.439per gal. for regular unleaded. 11.191 gallons=$49.68. Still smiling cause I'm on my way to the range :D

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Is 7.5 cents per dollar invested too much profit? Just asking and having nothing to do with any oil company.

Based on my very limited understanding of all of this there are several factors involved.

Restricted drilling of our own oil, and you know who does the restricting.

Almost impossible hoops to jump through to build a new refinery. None built since the 1970's.

Increased demand from China and India. Oil is a world wide commodity.

Speculation from the Wall Street types who keep bidding the prices higher every day.

The laws of supply and demand will work if given a chance. When the politicians get involved though all bets are off.


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This came out today...the top 10 CHEAPEST gas per GALLON.........yep that is CENTS

8. Russia .88

Naw..it´s about $3.- there.

In europe you have between 50-80% tax on the gas.

Here its about $8,50 a gallon and I tell you...it sucks !

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My problem is I'm selfemployed. And run a van for business. If the 4.00/ gal stuff doesn't run me out of business. Me having to put my prices up to compensate will. Now don't get me wrong I'm all for free enterprise. I've been driving for approx. 30 years and there's been a YES 1400% increase in fuel prices so if we do the math I should be making 80.00 an hour NOT ! So some how we need to get prices under control. I'm trying to do my part the van doesn't move unless I have work. I plan my trips to do more than just one thing while I'm out EX. grocery post office Wal Mart all on the way make one trip instead of three. It is cutting down some but not as much as I'de like. Guess I need to look for othe ways to conserve.

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I nearly fainted downtown today when I saw a $4.29/gal price at a Chevron station!!!!! That's about $0.14/gal more than just a couple of days ago, for cryin' out loud...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o:o:goof:

There have already been news stories indicating that people in the U.S. have cut down on petrol so much it's amounting to millions and millions of dollars already. If consumer fuel spending is reduced much further, we'll arrive at a stall point where no one will be buying much gas at all and the profits will drop and there'll be no more incentive to keep raising the price. Or so I think. I still think we WILL reach a stall point. You can only squeeze just so much blood out of a dead consumer. <_<:angry2:

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Yeah, and then the towel heads will raise the cost of oil to compensate for the fuel we are NOT buying. They are addicted to the high prices and the money they have been raking in. You think they will lower the cost to get us to buy more when they can raise the price and make just as much with less work?

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