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Ignorant Parents


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As I rolled into the parking lot at the library this morning, there was a woman in the slot next to me, sitting in her car, motor running with a small child in a car seat in the back....she was talking on the phone...

I got out of the truck and went in to look for some books, and about three minutes later I saw the woman from the parking lot browsing the books in the same section I was. I took my time and spent about 40 minutes gathering my choices and finally walking out to my truck...

To my complete astonishment, there was the same red SUV next to me, motor still running, same small child in the car seat in the back seat...

Now I will admit this isn't LA or NYC or Chicago, but just the thought of leaving your small child in the car alone for almost one hour with noone watching them ...almost made me hysterical...wanted to go in there and drag that woman out by the hair and give her a sermon about child care and parenting...but did not...instead, I sat there in my truck, next to her car containing the child till she returned from the library; about another 15 minutes or so.

I mean, WTF was she thinking...and why would anyone in their right mind leave a small child alone in a running vehicle, locked or not for an hour in a large urban area? I just don't get it. Sometimes I think some people forget just how precious that small child is and how dependent that small child is upon the parent to make good decisions...

Makes me nuts..

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Hard to think that some folks are that stupid and irresponsible.

I would have called the Police!!


That is what I was thinking as well, finding a swarm of flashing lights arounds her car would make her think and if not trying to answer for it should.

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You have to get a license to Drive, Marry, Carry Conceled (some places) but you can have as many kids as you want and you dont even have to be married let alone LICENSED, smart or caring.

I need to be King, in 4 or 5 years and I could have everything straightened out.

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I am working up a bid right now, small child left in the car decided to test her driving skills, she came close to putting the front of the car in bedroom #3.

Stupid parents = job security for me.

Ps. no one involved was hurt

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I need to be King, in 4 or 5 years and I could have everything straightened out.

Hmmmm......... I don't know about that. I think George got it right:

The reign of Virtue shall begin when the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. Or so 'twas said many reigns of Virtue ago.

George Will


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Hard to think that some folks are that stupid and irresponsible.

I would have called the Police!!


That is what happens when you get old...your brain freezes up and you can't think of all the good things to say or do...all I could think of was to grab her and beat the tar out of her and then drive off...did not think of the police...that, of course, would have been the ideal thing to do...but DUH...I could not think of it...maybe next time I will be faster on the uptake. :blush:

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It is easy to say we would have handled it differently, and I would suggest calling the police in the future. That being said, THANK YOU for caring enough to stay and make sure the child was ok until the idiot parent returned. YOU DID SOMETHING, and didnt just drive off figuring it wasn't your problem.

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Yes thank you indeed. This would be a dream come true for a child snatcher. I live in Africa and law enforcement is sketchy to say the least. A while ago a guy left a toddler in a car and the mall security noticed. The cops were called and they broke the window, took the child and left. They did not even leave a note. The child was admitted to a "child haven" and criminal steps taken against the parents.

Unfortunately there is no live-guards in the gene pool- and they are really needed.

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I would still call the police, and the libary and see if they have a camera in the parking lot....

It is child endangerment period, maybe if they have a camera and she used a libary card to check something out they can follow up

and have child services visit her and give the lady a wake up call and maybe save the kid from having this happen again, like when it is 100 degrees outside....

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