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What is your NRA membership level?

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Life !! Its the only way !!

Sure they have their issues and have gotten a bad rap once or twice. Other organizations come and go but

when some anti comes out of a hearing saying ," we would of had it but that evil NRA lobby for the gun manufacturers

twisted all the facts and yata yata" thats the guys getting my money. Everytime the antis are pissed they mention the

NRA, must be doing something right!! :cheers:

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Life. I should have taken the discounted jump to endowment I received this winter. I hear that at the endowment level they quit sending you all the junk mail asking for more money. They do a lot of good politically. I just get tired of the mail.

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Life. I should have taken the discounted jump to endowment I received this winter. I hear that at the endowment level they quit sending you all the junk mail asking for more money. They do a lot of good politically. I just get tired of the mail.

I'll see if they stop sending more or less junk mail. The junk mail is frustrating because I continue to send them money and would rather see it not wasted on junk mail or trinkets.

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You can put your name on their list to not get their mailings, check out the nra.org website.

Theve studied it, and they make a lot of money on their direct mailings.

Everyone on this forum (in America anyway,) should be an NRA member.

With out them looking out for the 2nd amendment, we'll be playing with

wrist rockets and blow guns.

Edited by Tim Egan
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Life. I should have taken the discounted jump to endowment I received this winter. I hear that at the endowment level they quit sending you all the junk mail asking for more money. They do a lot of good politically. I just get tired of the mail.

you're kidding, right? You can call them Membership Division anytime you want (well, working hours) and ask them to stop all the mailings. I did it a while back and haven't received anything but my copy of the Rifleman for years. All it takes is a five minute phone call.

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I was annual for a number of years and finally bit the bullet and went Life about 30 years ago. I get aggravated with some of the dumb things they do, but the NRA has more influnce than any of the other groups.

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Sometimes it seems that they don't understand that they are becoming one of those things we all hate...a PITA...with all the phone calls, and $$ requests...

Say what you want to, but Charleton Heston did more for them than Wayne LaPierre ever did...

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OK, here is my take on the NRA

They are a real PITA. I hate the calls and all the mailers. I have had friend that I sign up quit because of the calls.

I am a Life Member and have been for over 30 years. I got tired or it and called them, They still send and call, but at a greatly reduced rate.

Should a shooter be a member? Damed straight. We are a minority, at least in teh view of the media. There are what, 4 million members and aledgedly 40 plus million gun owners inthe US. If we all joined, just even for one year what an effect that would have. Do I agree with everything the NRA does, No by a long shot, but they are there and they do more or less represent us.

If you don't like the NRA, then join GOA and/or 2nd Amendment Foundation. The point is every gun owner or supporter of gun rights needs to be a member of a gun owners lobby group if we expect to keep our guns. If you can afford it, join two or more. Join your local or state federation. Remember they don't look at individuals and cross reference the lists. You join 4 times, there is a good likely hood that you are counted as 4 people. That adds to our potential power to guide legislation.

But enough. Join, don't liek the mailings and calls, talk to them polietly and let them know to spend that money on getting more members, not driving current ones away. You will be heard.

Jim Norman

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Big Shooter,

No benefit of being an enhanced level life member that I am aware of. I upgraded to Endowment because I wanted to & figured the money was just another contribution. Hadn't thought about it but I don't get as much solicitation now.

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2yrs at a time for the wife and I both. We had the original intent of purchasing annual memberships, but when I called the NRA to sign up, they offered the 2nd year of membership for only a few $$ more for each of us.

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