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Any news on Tri-gun challenge?

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I just arrived back in Arizona, I can't begin to describe what a great match this was. The stages were awesome, the staff was TOP notch and the prize table was unbelievable. I shot on squad 5, with Rod and Chery, my 2 favorite people in the whole world, Tony H and my buddy Tony G. 2 Marks, Grant, Jarmo and Duke. We had a fantastic squad. Thanks to all that helped. I had a wonderful time.

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I got to shoot with the same batch of really great guys as last year! Add in Ms. Sandra and cohort, Trapr and Dale, and it makes for one of the best groups of shooters I have had the pleasure to be squaded with! Sorry I got you all in trouble :rolleyes: It was great! Thank you to all the staff and sponsors!!!

BTW I thought Zombies were just for drinking, not... drive you to drinking!! Looking forward to next year. KurtM

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Excellent Match, Great Staff, Great Shooters, Perfect Weather, and that PRIZE TABLE who could ask for anything more. I shot my weakest match that I can remember and still had a GREAT time and that says it all about this match. :cheers:

Being Squadded with the FN guys and all the others on Squad 10 was also quite an experience............. :surprise:

To quote Arnold, "I'll be back" again, and again, and again.......................

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It was my first time to DPMS, and hopefully not my last. I very big thank you to Lea, Randy, Bob, and the staff and RO's for what you just accomplished. The RO's were some of the most patient and easy going I've seen in years, anyone that can put up with KurtM's antics and keep smiling is going above and beyond. :rolleyes:

The stages were very well thought out, and FUN.

The weather cooperated well, as did the Bugs from what I've been told, As usual it was nice to put faces to the BE names, Jeff Gordon I got the mags thank you, Gary, Chris and Chris thanks for looking us up. Bob, Eric and Jason from squad 14 It was a pleasure to shoot with you guys. Chris S, very good shooting, you have placed yourself in the sights of quite a few shooters.

till next time, Trapr

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Looking at the results: http://www.trigunchallenge.com/pages/results.html

Who the heck is that 2nd guy in Tactical Optics?

Nice job Chris!

Chris it the MAN!! He has come out and shot our match for the last couple of years and keeps getting faster! Talk about smooth. He put on a real clinic for our squad. It was great fun to watch him shoot...it was even more fun to have shooting on the MGM Targets team for the team event!! 3rd overall in that company ain't bad at all!!



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This my first time shooting DPMS and hopefully it won't be my last. I had such a great time...I was impressed by the opening ceremonies...Watching the flag being raised on such a beautiful morning was truly the way to "kick off" the match!

Although repetitious of the previous comments, I have to say, we had beautiful weather, great sponsors, great ROs and fun-challenging stages. Randy and Lea, thanks for all the hard work you all put into running this match.

To Squad 14, What can a girl say?! Thank you guys for all the help and encouragement! You are the best...Trapr, I promise to get better with quick-witted responses! To Jeff, xoxo.

Mary, thank you for being the team photographer. Can't wait to see some pics!

Til next time!


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Rod and I had (as usual ) the most awesome time at the match!! My squad was the best...you guys made the match for me!! Thank you Leah for squadding me with my old friends (Scott and Tony G., you are awesome friends!), a couple of the people who have believed in me enough to sponsor me (Jarmul and Grant, you are truely my friends), and some new friends; I had a great time! It is always great to have a member of Team DPMS shoot with us...Tony Holmes is a credit to your organization!! What a great guy! The stages were fun and challenging, the RO's helpful and fun, the weather was perfect, the beer was really good :cheers: The prize table is always an incredible sight to behold!! Thank you's to Leah and all the DPMS staff for all the massive amounts of hard work that go into putting on a match of this size....what a tremendous feat to pull it off! My hat is off to all of you!

Randy Luth is a real 'class act' and I am proud to call him a friend! His vision of a really class match is realized and then some!! Thank you so much!

Special thank you's to all the sponsors who give so generously to this match...It is nice to already use the products of businesses that support my habits.

Heidi and Vicki, we always finish within 3 places of each other, now thats real friendship...letting each other have turns at winning, and being happy for the one who does!! I am glad we shoot together!

We will always shoot this match as long as you will have us!

Thank you again for putting on this match for us!!

Cheryl :)

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Excellent Match, Great Staff, Great Shooters, Perfect Weather, and that PRIZE TABLE who could ask for anything more. I shot my weakest match that I can remember and still had a GREAT time and that says it all about this match. :cheers:

Being Squadded with the FN guys and all the others on Squad 10 was also quite an experience............. :surprise:

To quote Arnold, "I'll be back" again, and again, and again.......................


I know we all had a blast in squad 10 and we hope that all the others had a great time. I shot like total crap (no practice will do that to you) and I still had tons o fun. Still ended up with a great prize bag (well over $750) and I was like ten or so from the bottom of TO!

Quack, quack, quack.


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My first time at the DPMS Tri-Gun, but hopefully not my last. What a great match! We had an awesome squad with J.P, Bennie Cooley, J.J. Johnson and the guys from Brownells.

Thanks to Chris Conley and Gary Welborn for letting me share a ride, and to ap3 for hooking us up with a room. (By the way......we took a vote..... :roflol: )

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Looking at the results: http://www.trigunchallenge.com/pages/results.html

Who the heck is that 2nd guy in Tactical Optics?

Nice job Chris!

Chris it the MAN!! He has come out and shot our match for the last couple of years and keeps getting faster! Talk about smooth. He put on a real clinic for our squad. It was great fun to watch him shoot...it was even more fun to have shooting on the MGM Targets team for the team event!! 3rd overall in that company ain't bad at all!!



You guys are funny.

I had a great time at DPMS. Everything and everyone was great! All the stages, the RO's, match staff and other shooters were awesome! We had a great squad, Bruce P, Travis G, Jeremey, Pete, Sgt Major Freeman from the AMU, and everyone else were awesome. Everyone shot well and nobody whined about anything :)

The team event was great fun and its nice to hear the crowd get into it while you are shooting!

The prize table was amazing! I've never seen anything like that before! Thanks to all the match sponsors and everyone who contributed, especially the Beer Guy!

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Don't worry about it Kelly, you shouldn't have to take grief about it from someone that was afraid to even come attempt such a challenging tournament. looking at pictures and scores after the fact is for those who are afraid to come out and jump in the deep end of the pool. Sorry Mikey :)


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anybody have a link or something to some good pictures of what I've missed?

here is a youtube video my friend Chris shot of the famous "adventure traveler" Chris Patty (pronounced pay te).

DPMS Tri-gun 2008

Cat's out of the bag now.... :cheers: I'll have more posted later. Some of the files are around 600 MB. It takes a while. Albert you're next. :goof:

There's a good 25-30 minutes of shooting enjoyment. Insert popcorn icon here ->

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Unfortunately, of the 7 minutes of my shooting you captured, about half of it was at one plate on stage 6. :angry2:

I thought that you did pretty well. If anyone needs to work on stuff it's me. Good show and you're a pretty good guy to ride with for 28+ hours. You only gassed up the goverment vehicle once. :sick: Say, what was the name of that back pack that your were using? I need to get one of them.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Randy, Lea & DPMS crew,

Thank You for putting on such a great match again! They just keep getting better and better. I really liked the stages this year.

Squad 13, you guy's made it a fun, easy going match.

See you all again next year..

Carl Carbon

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