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British Prince serving in Afganistan


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Being a servant of the British Monachy, army and police, I often look to them to make me proud of being British despite my undying patriotism and belief of our system, however

this week, me and many of my country folk pull our shoulders back and stand straighter at the fact one of our heirs to the throne decided to throw critism and public rebuke to the

winds and do what he thought right - that was to arrange media blackout through the Ministry of Defence and go and fight the Taliban.

I am very proud Prince Harry did this, he didnt have to and could easily talked his way out of serving in a combat zone. He actually pushed very hard to be allowed to go there and has

done a good job by all accounts. What I love is that he is clearly following the British and US SF friends and advisors he has met and worked with - the 9mm pistol simply tucked into the

front of his armour is very UK SF inspired, and there is no doubt his Baseball cap came from US SF guys ( incidently this is causing some confusion in UK press to what it means !! )

Hats off to Prince Harry and the British Army - lets hope there is more to come to inspire the British public and our lethargic youth even more to do what is right and fight for our freedom

with our allies.

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+1! He could have stayed home and taken life easy, but he made the choice to put his life on the line. May his example inspire other children of the "elite" in both our countries to shoulder their share of the load.

Britons have every right to be proud of this young man!

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He went, he carried his own water, stood his watches and did his job. That makes him a man. The fact that he didnt have too makes him a hero. We have a lot like him, we need a lot more like him.--------------Larry

Edited by Larry White
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His commitment to 'do his thing' over there may've redeemed him in some people's over-critical eyes, too, what with all the blasted hoopla over a few parties he may've gone to in his youth. Criminy, may he without guilt cast the first stone, for pete's sake! Didn't we all roam about a bit drunk a couple of times in public while young...??

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Some of us still roam around the UK drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Character is a good thing, because we seem to have way too many characters. his decision to perform his duty to his country shows character.

cheers mate.


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