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What makes a $2,000 pistol better?

Cy Soto

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Sweet, now that Flex has thrown the gauntlet I would like to place my bet.

I bet that Flex, Eric, and Chuck would all have fun shooting against each other no matter what gun they used.

More to the point of the thread:

IPSC is not a team sport, you are the only one that determines your score, so it is really about personal preferences. Do what feels right for you and you will have a good time.

BTW: #201, I guess it is a buzzer beater.

Edited by austinkroe
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I just figured it was time for you to take it for two blessed posts.

yeah...just take it. :angry:

You come on here and start telling me my opinion is bullshit. You talk of the Gay Communist Party. Don't agree with you...must be petty...must be jealous...must be preachy. Whiners...horseshit...Wise-assed....Trash-talking.

Hey...I suppose I should thank for for not mentioning my mother?

I've been relatively quiet on this particular point for quite a while. Most know I shoot a Glock. I can think of a half-dozen regulars here that try to bait me into some type of Glock war all the time. But, every so often it's time to stand up and say something.

I'm the last person that gives a f*#k what you shoot. I just don't want you bullshitting me about what I shoot.

You said:

I'll bet your rack-grade Glocky-poo won't seem like such a bargain when course designers wise up, and push partial targets and upper A/B's out to the back berms.

Oh, really... :bow:


..quit trying to beat people on the internet with trash-talk and do it at a match. The whole point of USPSA is RESULTS, not bullshit hypotheses.

Lets find out. As you said, "shut your pie hole and race." Well...come on then.

Nobody can just show up and shoot anymore. It's bitch about this. Bitch about that.

You do seem to know all the words real well. :)

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But, no...by all means...lets continue to spew the "gotta have a race gun to compete in IPSC" line of BS. Who is going to run the timer while you shoot alone...because you've scared all but the rich kids off?

I have not seen anyone in this thread saying you "gotta have a race gun to compete in IPSC", or that you MUST spend big money on a gun to compete. I think everyone agrees that if you want to be competitive at the top levels, you must practice and put in the time and effort.

I DO see a lot of guys saying that for what ever reason, S_Is work better for them in this game than <fill in the blank, in this case Glock>... whether its ergonomics, grip angles, perceived trigger advantages, whatever. Just so happens that the gun so many people like costs $2K. If they made an $500 (or even $1000) Edge, I'd still shoot one, and be even happier.

The original question:

"Now the question...

What makes a $2K or $3K pistol such as a fully customized STI Edge worth its price when compared to a customized Glock (which you can have for around $1,000)?"

My answer: nothing, if you don't like the S_I type gun, or are equally good with a Glock already. For me, the question really should read more like "what makes a hi-cap 1911 platform a better choice for this game FOR ME, than a Glock".

They are both good tools, and can do the job. The rest is all just individual preference.

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I have not seen anyone in this thread saying you "gotta have a race gun to compete in IPSC",

You didn't just read where Eric said a Glock wouldn't cut it for head shots at 35y ?

{edit to add}

I'll bet your rack-grade Glocky-poo won't seem like such a bargain when course designers wise up, and push partial targets and upper A/B's out to the back berms.

I could be mistaken. I thought that originally said 35y.

Either way...it made my gun weep plastic tears. :lol:

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I have not seen anyone in this thread saying you "gotta have a race gun to compete in IPSC",

You didn't just read where Eric said a Glock wouldn't cut it for head shots at 35y ?

Show me where I said that. I said to the back berms. The berms are only 35 yards at the Glock® range. Everywhere else they're farther. :lol:

I don't want to debate "this" versus "that." Every time I see someone fussing over what gun is on my hip, it's my first sign that they're a clueless retard. I shoot and S_I. Joe shoots a Glock. I'm shooting against Joe, not his heater. Joe is shooting against me, not my heater. We are both perfectly content with that. I respect Joe. Joe respects me. We have a lot of fun together. We kibbitz over beers after the match. Mission accomplished.

But, it doesn't matter. I'm not shooting USPSA anymore. Threads like this, and what they're injecting into the real world is why. Shooting is fun. Nitpicking people's gear is not. Do yourself a favor and end the class war. It's not helping you.

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Wow...I say a Glock is good enough...that it's the shooter that counts. And, somehow I'm "nit-picking" gear.

You say you will BET that, "your rack-grade Glocky-poo won't seem like such a bargain when course designers wise up, and push partial targets and upper A/B's out to the back berms."

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Maybe it's an idea to continue this thread without taking the dollars in consideration.

I mean, it's all about shooting what you like in the end, isn't it? Shooting what you feel comfortable with.

Make your decision based on that, and see if that's within your budget.

Come on guys, nobody is trying to piss off anyone in this thread. Cy just wanted to know what makes a S_I worth the $ over a $1K Glock.

The correct answer should have been that it's personal. Shoot both and see what it's worth to you.

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If price won the match then you would see some spendy guns… Fortunately, Price does NOT win the match. Would I prefer my Dawson Open gun to a glock open gun? Of course, the thing shoots and functions SO much smoother, it’s feels more solid in my hand than a Glock. If you laid down a limited Gock and a limited S_I (say the price was the same) I’m willing to bet people would take the S_I over the Glock?

Me personally, I would shoot a S_I any day over the Glock. Some say it would be personal preference others would say ones better then the other. I’ll state a few simple things I seem to like more about the S_I than the Glock. The S_I has a bigger grip and since I have bigger hands I feel it fits my hands better. (yeah its true what they say about hand size) Yes grip does play a crucial role in how you and the gun handle recoil but I do feel that my S_I handles it better than a Glock especially in a 40 loaded Major. The next thing is the grip angle, I am very familiar with the 1911 grip angle and do not want to change that. Would I shoot an XD against a Glock, yeah I might. I like the trigger more in a S_I when compared to a Glock.

I would have to use one of my favorite lines from one of the greatest movies of all time, Pulp Fiction.

Now this is a XD, from Mexico.

Very good stuff. This is a Glock

different, but equally good. And

this is an S_I from the Hartz

Mountains of Germany. Now the

first two are the same, forty-five

an ounce -- those are friend prices

-- but this one...

(pointing to the S_I)

...this one's a little more

expensive. It's fifty-five. But

when you shoot it, you'll know

where that extra money went.

Nothing wrong with the first two.

They’re real, real, real, good sh*t.

But this one's a f*ckin' madman.

Yeah I’d take the Pepsi challenge any day of the week with the XD or Glock but hey the S_I is a Madman. Again though, it’s a matter of opinion.

For classes, If you’re talking limited Yeah you’ll see a few Glocks and fewer as you move up the score sheet. If you’re talking Open, I can’t think of a Match winner or even top 5 in a big area match that ever shot an Open Glock.

I would have to agree 130% with the statement that the shooter most times can make the biggest difference not the gun. I was at a large match that has become a “thing” to win in our area, It’s a certain make of gun only type of match. A GM open shooter bought a gun from one of my family members the week prior to the match and ran 50 rounds though it then barrowed Mags to shoot the match that next week. He ended up winning the match with a gun he has never shot and a class he had not shot in over a decade.

Its all where you want to spend your money. You're starting to ask already about a S_T and spending thousands of dollars yet saying you're "dreaming of getting out of D class" In retro spect I could have saved myself thousands of dollars and years of headache (although I still shoot for fun as always and haven't ever burned out in 8 years) If I would have known what my best ROI (Return On Investment) would have been with my time and money, I for sure would have done things differently. Say you’re shooting limited class and this is your first match. A reasonable goal would be to reach high B class in a years time if you have NO prior experience with a hand gun and you put your dues in. You want it even quicker? Shoot with the people that are winning your division and pay attention to what they do. Wait you want it even faster yet? Not only shoot with the Division winner but ask if they mind if you record them. Now compare your stages to theirs after every match. But you say you want it even faster? Well take some of that money you saved from buying a glock and spend it on a lesson or two from a known GM, this would not be money well spent until you have mastered all of the fundamentals like not thinking about what to do when they say “load and make ready”. Better yet get familiar with the commands then buy Brains book and study it again then read it again. Everyone at the range was always trying to be helpful in giving the new guy at the time (me) tips. Again in retrospect I should have sought after watching and learning from the guys that were winning and NOT the guys that liked to talk alot and came in middle of the pack.

If you are staggered about paying $3,000 for a gun to do something you really enjoy then you should step back out of the box and reassess yourself. How much were those over size rims on your new car? How about the over size tires to put on those rims? Better yet, how much depreciation did you lose on your new car right off the lot? Or how about the new big screen TV in the living room? Or wait how about that tropical vacation you took last month? I’ve had people say they watch the TV more than they would shoot the gun but in that aspect what’s the gun worth against any of those prior things when you go to sell them? Money won’t make you a good shooter but if spent right it sure will help.

Maybe I went a little off course with this but hey flame away… Just my 2 Cents…

Edited by Focus
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:closedeyes: I think we could all see this coming- I am quite surprized that it hasn't been closed down already. IMHO if it were anyone else bickering I think it would have been. :ph34r: This thread has far surpassed it's usefulness- moderators??? Edited by Rocket35
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Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy- Is it over yet? Has the shooting stopped? Do the streets no longer run red with blood? Can we come back out? :ph34r: It's 7:49 :yawn: here in Texarkana, and 27 degrees. But the sun is out, I got 6 cans of paint, 1500 rounds, and 15 virgin pieces of cardboard. AND tape. :rolleyes: I'm heading out, but I'll be back this afternoon and set up triage for the wounded. :goof:

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:closedeyes: I think we could all see this coming- I am quite surprized that it hasn't been closed down already. IMHO if it were anyone else bickering I think it would have been. :ph34r: This thread has far surpassed it's usefulness- moderators???

+1. This has gotten out of hand.

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