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Area 6 2008 Championship Who is going?

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Finals aren't up yet - those are still scores as of last night....

Turtle, I had a bad time on 11 and 12, myself (though the stages were fun to shoot)... I haven't practiced at long range in a while, and the patience apparently isn't quite as sharp as it needs to be... Took a hard step on 12 and ate a mike/no-shoot, but otherwise was shooting an "on pace" run. Fun, fun stage, that one...

This year's A6 was truly what an Area match should be - a fair, but hard test. It ate a lot of lunches, and came back for a lot of dinners on top of it ;)

I was happy to meet a lot of forum members for the first time, and happy to see many forum members "getting wood" (minds out of gutters, y'all :lol: ). Truly cool stuff. I did learn that I look like some guy named Dave Re, but that he's taller on the Internet, so I must not be him... ;)

Anyhow... I'll save further comments until later... to give Sharyn time to get video posted... There was an entertaining tale at the chrono :D

edit to fix mis-spelling...

Edited by XRe
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Had fun, and even with an up and down match, shot better than I have the last two months.

The difference between pro's and amatuers, is the quality of their bad shots or in our case stages. I had competitive good ones, but my bad ones really dragged me down.

I thought the range and weather were great and I will be back next year!!! :cheers:

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How many of you guys skipped the mover on 12? I put 1 on each of them and in hind sight would have put 2 on the right one. I went to the popper that activated the swinger, then the mover, then the plate and back to the swinger.

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I RO'ed Fri and didn't see anybody skip the movers, at least not intentionally :rolleyes: . The order you shot it was pretty much the norm I think. Imanaged 3A / NPM on the mover and just to make it a little more challenging how about upper A/B on the swinger. :surprise: Man I would love to good enough to call that!!!

Edited by WDB
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How many of you guys skipped the mover on 12? I put 1 on each of them and in hind sight would have put 2 on the right one. I went to the popper that activated the swinger, then the mover, then the plate and back to the swinger.

I skipped the mover. But not on purpose. My mag didn't eject and by the time I figured out why the new one wouldn't go in the mover was long gone. 4 NP mikes on top of the one in the house did not make for a good stage.

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Lawman, I enjoyed shooting with you though I didn't figure out who you were until shooting stage 6 today. :wacko:

I was the crazy revo shooter Tony.

I had a great time even with my insane crash on stage 2. That I am sure cost me the area 6 championship.

As for the slider I got all 4 hits even with a revo.

I didn't have my best match but I had some personal victories.

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......after being up for 24 hrs including 11 hrs on the range and 11 hrs on the road, I finally made it home. :wacko:

(back to back misses on stage 11 and 12 at the end of the day didn't make the ride home any easier <_< )

My drive home was only just under 7 hours, but I'm betting it was less cheerful. :)

DQ'd on only the 2nd stage of the match (stage 4), when I got on the trigger a little too early, transitioning into an array.

My fault, no doubt, but it stings. Otherwise a great match and nice facility. I think I'm snake-bit at this match -- the first two times I entered I had to drop out at the very last minute because of work emergencies. Now, this. <sigh>

Buddy I hate this for you.

It was good to see you again though.

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......after being up for 24 hrs including 11 hrs on the range and 11 hrs on the road, I finally made it home. :wacko:

(back to back misses on stage 11 and 12 at the end of the day didn't make the ride home any easier <_< )

My drive home was only just under 7 hours, but I'm betting it was less cheerful. :)

DQ'd on only the 2nd stage of the match (stage 4), when I got on the trigger a little too early, transitioning into an array.

My fault, no doubt, but it stings. Otherwise a great match and nice facility. I think I'm snake-bit at this match -- the first two times I entered I had to drop out at the very last minute because of work emergencies. Now, this. <sigh>

Howdy, Matt Griffin here, I was shooting with you in squad 3, and you have my condolences. Last year I DQ'd after the first stage of the Ohio State match, on the second stage draw, and I know how bad it sucks to not get in a good amount of shooting when you DQ. The good thing is that you didn't break 180, didn't drop a loaded gun (like I did), you let a shot go in a safe direction at the wrong time. From a broad safety standpoint that's the best DQ to have. Cold comfort, but there you go. Give it one more try next year, I guarantee everything will go well.


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Final results are posted at www.uspsa.org.

I didn't to shoot the match but I got to help score the match. Got to meet a few BE'ers and had fun. I walked away with the Junior raffle prize of a Spartan. :lol: Hope all of our visitors to Georgia had a great time and will come back

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2008 Area_6_Championship

Final results as of Apr 20th 1423hrs.

2008 Area 6 Championship

South River Gun Club


Division Name USPSA Competitors

Limited Emanuel Bragg L2476 118

Limited_10 David Sevigny A42164 34

Open Max J. Michel Jr. A26022 91

Production Mike Hughes TY51434 62

Revolver Jerry Miculek Jr. TY15336 5

Single Stack John H. Rasmussen A29708 25

Total: 335

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A great match...I had a blast hanging out with old friends and FINALLY meeting people that I have been conversing with on the forums. A big thank you to all of the staff that busted their humps to make this match run so smoothly.

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DQ'd on only the 2nd stage of the match (stage 4), when I got on the trigger a little too early, transitioning into an array.

My fault, no doubt, but it stings. Otherwise a great match and nice facility. I think I'm snake-bit at this match -- the first two times I entered I had to drop out at the very last minute because of work emergencies. Now, this. <sigh>

I know how you feel Boo. :( I was having a steller match up until the very last stage of the very last day. Apparently I swept my weak hand while drawing and was quickly told to cease and desist. I know my finger was off the trigger at that time but rules are rules.

I was disapointed to say the least but I really just wanted to know how well I would have shot that stage (Field Of Steel). It seemed to be the stage everyone was talking about this year, and after all my friends ran it exceptionally well I wanted to be able to compare. <_<

Oh well, it stings to have my 1st DQ ever at the biggest match I'll go to this season, but I guess it's just water under the bridge at this point. It was still a good match and I thank everyone who worked hard to put this one on. I'll be back next year. Maybe I'll even get a chance to go head-to-head with Dave S. again. I can dream can't I ?

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I had a great time shooting on the squad with Micah Barcelo, Chris Keen and Bill Seevers. The match was well run and we had great RO's to run us.

I hate that Chris got busted.

Hope to see everyone next year.


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So, who won Prod, Lim and Lim 10. I figuring Dave won Lim 10, but how bout Prod and Lim?


It's interesting how a dominant shooter compresses everyone else; I was 7% ahead until Dave's scores went up, now I'm within 1% of the next guy. (and 19% of Dave. Sigh.)

At least I have Stage 1 to keep me warm at night.


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I know how you feel Boo. :( I was having a steller match up until the very last stage of the very last day. Apparently I swept my weak hand while drawing and was quickly told to cease and desist. I know my finger was off the trigger at that time but rules are rules.

Oh, no freakin' way, man! That's bloody terrible. :( You must have been stunned. Did you know you had swept yourself?

I'm sure sorry.

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I had Pharoah Bender as my camera-man this weekend and after going to the "instant replay booth" it was a justified call. A rookie mistake on my part - problem is I am not a rookie. Doesnt make it sting any less, or make the embarrassment go away. :(

If I had a dollar for every ounce of effort, preparation, planning, practice, and trips to my gun-smith that I put in to get ready for this match I would be a rich man.

This match is 2nd only to the Nationals to me. Sux. <_<

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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Not that it matters to anybody but myself, but I intend to plug all the L-10 numbers into EZ-WINSCORE later tonight and see what "might have been".


Still a good match, by any means. Always one of my favorites. I will be back next year.

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Boo/Chris: I had no idea that was you two. I try to keep track of DQ's during matches and talk to the ROs involved to get their perspective (sorta like seeing a car crash and knowing you shouldn't look, but can't tear your eyes away...). FWIW, I can tell you that the RO's felt almost as bad as you guys did.


XRe - I've aways enjoyed your posts and your insights into the game. Knowing how you've progressed to such a high level and are still striving to improve your performance and understanding of the game is inspiring. If you were 6' 5", I'd still would have said I expected you to be taller!

DirtyPool - Thanks for all the tips on stage strategy. You likely saved me from an even more miserable performance!

I stunk up the match in a spectacular manner. Shooting all day Friday, and it was a l-o-n-g day for me, I managed to earn 11 Mikes and 2 No-shoots. I can only imagine what I may have been able to achieve if there had been 3 or 4 more stages to work with. At one point I overheard someone saying they thought one of the porta-potties was getting a little 'ripe' in the hot GA sun. I had to explain that what they were experiencing was the aroma of the scoresheets in my range bag.

In spite of that, I had a blast at the match! Singlestack, TM262 and I rented an RV and lived at the range for three days and nights. I've never done that before, but I definitely will again. There's nothing quite like staggering off the last stage and 10 minutes later having a cold adult beverage in your hand while the smell of charcoal readying for steaks tickles your tastebuds. Yummm...

The best part was finally got to exchange handshakes with so many people from this forum that I've known for years and consider friends, but had never seen their faces. I won't try to list everyone here (the list would be too long) but that was the high point for me.

Congratulations to all the winners (not all of them took home trophies) and thanks to all who came out to play.

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