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Flexmoney's Recipe


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It took over a year to work up my courage since he first recommended it. And i have a reputation for eating anything that doesn't eat me first. (a few meals have tried) I know it sounds horrible, but actually, it's quite good!

I decided to do the high protien, limited carbs, thing back in December. so, I was examining my lunch bucket contents the other day at work. And I realized everything was there. Then poof, this little Kyle looking angel appeared over my right shoulder. "Try it Sam, it'll be good for you!". Nah, I never listen to little angel voices...... Then a little red-faced Kyle with horns popped up over my left shoulder, " You wanna be fat and out of shape the rest of your life? Try it, you WIMP! :angry: "

Thanks Kyle! I'm hooked!

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I've been eating mustard on my tuna (mixed with mayonnaise) sandwiches for years

We are talking sandwiches, right?? or straight out of the mixing bowl?? :o

On sandwiches my tuna is usually accompanied by vinegar, plenty of onion and parsley. Mustard I can imagine (Hot English, French, American???) but Peanut Butter ? <_< (surely not crunchy :( )

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OK, I'm too tired (lazy) to do a proper search. Flex, what is the exact receipe?

Does anybody have the 'Fluffernutter' receipe?

Anybody tried grape jelly on your fishsticks (ok processed vaguely fishlike substance?)

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Ok...back in Junior High...Jim (picture "little jonnie" from everybody's jokes) used to mess with our math teacher. She was afraid to eat the apples he would bring her.

One day in class, for effect, he mentioned peanut butter and mustard sandwiches.

Tried them. Not bad.

So...later, when I was into weight-training in a big way...I needed good sources of protein. I never liked tuna very much. Noticed that people that ate tuna all the time mixed it with stuff. Mayo was out. Mustard was in.

Mustard...hmmm...might as well throw in some peanutbutter.

Out of the bowl is the first choice (for you on the "Adkins-type" diets). In a sandwich, or on a cracker is fine too.

Recipe = proportion to taste.

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Tuna, peanut butter and mustard ?????????? Quick. Somebody get me a bucket and a blanket.

Flex, sorry dude, but you are one sick puppy. Yeccccchhhhh. Tuna and peanut butter ???

And you damn Yankees make fun of Australians for eating Vegemite, a truly wholesome and nourishing topping.

Tuna and peanut butter ???


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Vegemite is absolutely the worst thing I've ever tasted. We brought some back from Australia and offered 10 bucks to this guy who literally could and would eat anything. He couldn't choke the whole "portion" down. The look on his face was awesome.


Could you at least get me started - Equal parts tuna and PB and a tablespoon of mustard, twice as much PB as tuna???


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Ya know...this isn't nearly as far fetched as you might think. Notice all the peanut sauces on stuff in swanky eateries these days? Yeah, and a LOT of those start out as peanut butter. One of those dirty little secrets that they don't want you to know. In a commercial kitchen time is money and if they can buy peanut sauce base (peanut butter) and save 10 minutes of prep work they will do it.

I recently enjoyed a nice thick grilled tuna steak with a peanut sauce at a conference banquet. I asked the master chef/hostess, who was seated at my table, about the sauce and the main ingredient was Adam's Natural peanut butter. It also had dried mustard and ginger in the mix. It was awesome! No, she didn't give me the whole recipe. :(

Now, savoring a nice tuna steak with a peanut/mustard/ginger sauce and choking down canned tuna are two different worlds, I will grant you that.

For "during the match nutrition" I think I will stick with Power Bars. Maybe the next flavor will be Tuna/Peanut Butter/Mustard. Nawwwwwww.....

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I like any and all types of mustard. I have even tried making my own a time or two. :wacko:

I especially like some of the hot-pepper mustard taht comes out of people's kitchens down home. Ii always try to bum a mason jar or two whenever I can.

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Now if you guys (and gals) want some GREAT, ass-kickin' tuna salad, try it MY way. Drain oil off of a can of tuna (packed in oil). Cut up sweet pickles, dice up celery, chop up some white onion, add about half a teaspoon of yellow mustard, a little fresh-cracked pepper, and lots of Miracle whip. Mix it all together, and eat immediately (before all the flavors migrate together). I like it on Saltine crackers.

By the way.......... NO PEANUT BUTTER in it. I love peanut butter, but NOT with my tuna :wacko:

Jeffro :D

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Talk of tuna, right out of the can, brings back memories of 15 years ago when I was in shape and ate lean. Some old favorites globbed on top of Starkist (in spring water) were K.C. Masterpiece bbq sauce, pickle relish, & cider vinegar (individually, not necessarily all at once). The time it took to get the lid off the can, drain it, and pour this stuff on top in the can was about all the patience I had for any sort of cooking. For breakfast, I liked tuna sandwiches on toast with nothing but mustard. Used to buy tuna by the case every few weeks. Scarfed about 6 cans a day. An exotic dessert at night might be crunchy peanut butter on apples. If they had 50 pound sacks of bachelor food at Sam's club, I would have put it in one of those multi-day feeders by the front door just for convenience. :lol:

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