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Poll about closed or locked threads

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Well...we usually don't air the forum laundry, but this might be a good time to communicate some thoughts.

- Hate Rants?

These get shut down often...because the rules there are VERY specific. And, we have recently announced intentions to tighten up and enforce those rules.

- IDPA Threads?

(As I recently shared in a PM with a forum member...)

We have a few members who might be better off (well, we all would be better off) if they didn't even look at the IDPA section. They have never found anything of worth to them there, and they never will.

- Rules Threads?

I like working out/discussing the rules...if it can be done politely. That often requires the forum members to "man-up" and set aside their type-A personalities. :blush:

I tell you all this. There has been serious talk in the past about doing away with any rules discussions and rules forums. Keeping the flock in check here means we are allowed to keep grazing.

- "Political" Threads?

[let me put my smartass hat on]

Really? :goof: Political threads get closed? Who would have freakin' guess that??? Posting a political thread on this forum is about like sticking your finger up your nose...while you ask everybody 'what's for dinner'. :sick:

- Just about anything that [insert your name here] posts?

Anybody that gets a note from the moderator feels like we are out to get them, it seems. From the moderator perspective, it's like we called an Alpha-Mike and the shooter just knows it was a double. The Moderating Team is just trying to make the calls...according to the rules.

We really don't have anybody that I'd call a bad apple. We all get carried away sometimes.

The only problem children we have are the ones that continually break the rules...know they are doing so...and justify it (in their minds) because "it just had to be said". Now, we all feel like that from time to time. But the ones that feel that way often...cause us some real heartburn.

We have a great thing going here. It does tend to ebb and flow. There are times when the membership gets a little bored, it seems (like when there isn't much shooting going on...cabin fever). Or, when stuff is going on in other aspects of their lives. For instance, I can sometimes tell when people are stressed with a deadline at work, have finals coming up at school, or had the in-laws over for Thanksgiving...and the dumbasses drove their stupid cars into the newly planted grass that just (finally) came in.

So, with that ebb and flow...the moderating ebbs and flows a bit too. The team always trys to follow the rules, but their are times when things send up red-flags and the Moderating Team ends up paying close attention for a while.

All in all, we have it pretty good, I think.

It's a good time of year to take a moment to reflect on what we have to be thankful for. I know I am thankful for all the great people that I have meet through shooting and through this forum. It's a pretty good group to share time with. For a big part of that, I have Brian to thank. :excl:

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The only problem children we have are the ones that continually break the rules...know they are doing so...and justify it (in their minds) because "it just had to be said". Now, we all feel like that from time to time. But the ones that feel that way often...cause us some real heartburn.

I'd have to add those folks who knowingly trample on the forum rules and then use the excuse, "I was just trying to have a little fun!" We all love fun but using it as an excuse to behave poorly is not very respectful of Brian's vision for this forum.

It's a good time of year to take a moment to reflect on what we have to be thankful for. I know I am thankful for all the great people that I have meet through shooting and through this forum. It's a pretty good group to share time with. For a big part of that, I have Brian to thank.

Amen!, and please pass the gravy.


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- IDPA Threads?

(As I recently shared in a PM with a forum member...)

We have a few members who might be better off (well, we all would be better off) if they didn't even look at the IDPA section. They have never found anything of worth to them there, and they never will.

AH, I guess I am ahead of the curve then, I don't even look!!! As I know I am not strong enough to fight the temptations of my evil side :devil:

Some interesting stuff there Flex

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I voted IDPA threads. Why?

Remember when you where a kid, out on the playground during recess and someone chucks a rock at you. Well, it's your playground and recess too, so you chuck a rock back. The teachers (mods) don't see the first rock thrown and take corrective action. They see you throw a rock back, and shut down recess for everyone.

That's pretty much how all IDPA threads around here go. Good discussion, until somebody that hates IDPA for whatever reason jumps in and pisses all over everything. People that actually like IDPA and want to talk about it maybe get a little defensive, and then the whole thread gets closed.

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I voted IDPA threads. Why?

Remember when you where a kid, out on the playground during recess and someone chucks a rock at you. Well, it's your playground and recess too, so you chuck a rock back. The teachers (mods) don't see the first rock thrown and take corrective action. They see you throw a rock back, and shut down recess for everyone.

That's pretty much how all IDPA threads around here go. Good discussion, until somebody that hates IDPA for whatever reason jumps in and pisses all over everything. People that actually like IDPA and want to talk about it maybe get a little defensive, and then the whole thread gets closed.

I voted IDPA too, sometimes I think we are the Rodney Dangerfields of action pistol. Just because we're slow and can't shoot straight doesn't mean we don't need love.

Robin :devil:

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<_< NO respect ? Rodney Dangerfield ....Im Telling Ya "Danger-Field course" IM A so slow ...The RO got out a Sun Dial ...The Score keeper packed and -Over night bag- ....My Score sheet had a Five O clock shadow.

My member ship card came in the mail with a NO! next to the word "CLASS"

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"Political" Threads. The only thing I think BE'ers have in common is that I don't think anyone is willing to hand in their guns. We love to shoot right! I also don't understand the my game is better than your game stuff, they are all games folks. Hate rants, well I guess people have to vent somewhere. ZH - he posts some funny stuff. My life has changed since I have adopted his 3 rules. :D

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"Political" Threads. The only thing I think BE'ers have in common is that I don't think anyone is willing to hand in their guns. We love to shoot right! I also don't understand the my game is better than your game stuff, they are all games folks. Hate rants, well I guess people have to vent somewhere. ZH - he posts some funny stuff. My life has changed since I have adopted his 3 rules. :D

I'm married, ZH 3 Rules do me no good :(


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When I was a kid we did not throw rocks, just ran over there and beat the crap out of them...is there a life lesson there also , Flex? Nah, I did not think so..hope each of you had a Great Thanksgiving...with lots of good stuff to eat...I did .

BTW, I hardly even look at the IDPA threads anymore, and I certainly am not very political..so guess I am off the hook here..LOL :rolleyes:

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When I was a kid we did not throw rocks, just ran over there and beat the crap out of them...is there a life lesson there also , Flex?

Yeah...we all do some dumbass shit sometimes. ;)

My recess and rock story was about 6th grade. We were playing war-ball (girls call it dodge ball). My buddy was on my team, and I got a hold of the "good ball". It happened to be the one that was his, that he brought for us to play with. He wanted the ball...'cause it was 'his'. I didn't think that was fair, and wasn't giving it up. Throwing of stuff soon followed, and when we were out of stuff to throw, we went to hands and head-locks. We were two of the biggest/toughest kids in all of 6th grade. :rolleyes: This was going to be a good long fight. I'll bet we could have sold tickets.

Then along came Mrs. Drake...out of nowhere. She must not have realized that we were the badasses of all of 6th grade, as she managed to grab us both up like we were rag dolls. At the time, I thought she must have drawn on some of that super hidden strength. You know, the kind that lets the little old grannies pick a truck off a baby. She managed to keep an iron claw grip on the both of us all the way to the Principles Office. That was no small journey either. All the way across the playground, then down the walkway to the main building, then all the way through the building...with us doing the highstepping tip-toe walk the whole way. She practically was picking us off the ground. Thinking on it now, she probably had learned some superior kid walking technique. I know she was smart like that, as she wore those half glasses on a chain around her neck. (Damn, I just realized...she wore a chain around her neck!!! :blink: She may not have just your everyday English teacher.)

Funny thing is, he and I were best friends all through school. I can't even begin to imagine how many peanut butter sandwiches I ate at his house. Nor, how many years I was there to help put in their storm windows when winter was coming. I don't recall him and I ever fighting like that before or after. Sure, we pitched a few fits every now and then. We were together all the time, like brothers. But, never a fight. (Probably a good thing too...as he went on to put guys in the hospital on a fairly regular basis.) I later learned that an audience often makes the fight. Pride. (not the good kind)

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