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3Gun History

Who started 3 gun?

The first I heard about it was SOF.

If any one has more info or was an RO for them, can you fill me in

Thanks Jim Mammo

Jim I googled it and all I could find went back to SoF. Bunch of fluff articles gushing over this and that manufacturer trying to sell this and that crap that no one really uses in Multigun or 3 gun. Nothing before that (SoF) AFAIK.

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3Gun History

Who started 3 gun?

The first I heard about it was SOF.

If any one has more info or was an RO for them, can you fill me in

Thanks Jim Mammo

Jim I googled it and all I could find went back to SoF. Bunch of fluff articles gushing over this and that manufacturer trying to sell this and that crap that no one really uses in Multigun or 3 gun. Nothing before that (SoF) AFAIK.

Thanks Merlin

I also did that and got much of the same thing.

I’ll try and get hold of Robert K Brown. To see what I can get out of him.

I was hoping I might find some folks the had shot the SOF match, and or some RO’s that worked the match.

LOL on the Al Gore answer..

Good thing I didn’t ask where babies come from!

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Actually I think that there is some confusion as of late regarding 3-Gun and Multi-Gun.

In the Beginning there was darkness and void, then Al Gore spoke and said light'em up and all the competitors fired at once and the night became as day from the brightness of the muzzle flashes.

Opps! Sorry, wrong story.

In the beginning 3-Gun WAS Multi-gun. Then IPSC/USPSA got involved and started shooting 3 separate guns in competitions and scoring them as a tournament. THis was also called 3-Gun since 3 different guns were used, albeit separately. The "real" 3-Gunners" were using multiple firearms on individual stages as opposed to separate firearms on separate stages. And it was then said that we must have a word to differentiate the two forms of shooting. And Al Gore again spoke (Sorry, must be a ghost he left behind in the internet that keeps doing that) and we decided (Just who "we" is is not really known) and those matches that are USPSA sanctioned that utilize more than one gun on a stage are now known as "Multi-Gun" whereas those matches that use only one gun on a stage, but have more than one gun involved are scored as a tournament and called 3_Gun.

Confused? You won't be. Stay tuned as Al tries to explain more about how the internet and shooting are really his inventions that have been.....


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Actually I think that there is some confusion as of late regarding 3-Gun and Multi-Gun.

In the Beginning there was darkness and void, then Al Gore spoke and said light'em up and all the competitors fired at once and the night became as day from the brightness of the muzzle flashes.

Opps! Sorry, wrong story.

In the beginning 3-Gun WAS Multi-gun. Then IPSC/USPSA got involved and started shooting 3 separate guns in competitions and scoring them as a tournament. THis was also called 3-Gun since 3 different guns were used, albeit separately. The "real" 3-Gunners" were using multiple firearms on individual stages as opposed to separate firearms on separate stages. And it was then said that we must have a word to differentiate the two forms of shooting. And Al Gore again spoke (Sorry, must be a ghost he left behind in the internet that keeps doing that) and we decided (Just who "we" is is not really known) and those matches that are USPSA sanctioned that utilize more than one gun on a stage are now known as "Multi-Gun" whereas those matches that use only one gun on a stage, but have more than one gun involved are scored as a tournament and called 3_Gun.

Confused? You won't be. Stay tuned as Al tries to explain more about how the internet and shooting are really his inventions that have been.....


al's a gimp (whoops, gonna get this thread closed...politics)

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As far as I know the first of it,s kind was the S.O.F. World Championship 3-Gun Tactical Match. It started in 1979 and the first couple of matches were held at Freedom Missouri, Latter it was transfered to Las Vegas and became the S.O.F. 3-Gun Wold Championship 3-Gun Match and Expo!

It was ALWAYS "multi-gun", although that term was never used untill the 2000,s when USPSA decided to give it a try. The competitor had to carry his pistol on each and every stage (no dressing for the party), and if his primary weapon went down and the jam/ failure couldn't be fixed with in 30 seconds he was expected to transition to his pistol and continue on! Running out of ammo was NO excuss, it better have been way fubared, or you were done. MANY stages requiered you to fight your way to a long gun with the pistol, HOT holster was the norm and NO boxes to discard things.

In order to be major a pistol had to make 180 pf and rifle 360! Buckshot and slugs ONLY no birdshot!

Drop a gun....well you better pick it up cause you are going to need it latter on! Almost all the R.O.s were "orange Gunsite" instructores and a better group of people couldn't be found! Men like Mike Horn, Mike Wadalich, Larry Larson, Johny Wilson! Chris Commer, Lyle Wyatt and many more. The rules were few, and the equipment allowed limited. No finer run and gun match has ever graced 3-gun. I MISS IT SO!!!

I hear the gasps of horror from the USPSA crowd! No one was ever hurt, outside of a few broken bones, sprains strains and stiches and no one ever got shot! Don't scare the R.O. and you were still in the fight. This is where I started my match shooting so you can see how I sometimes disagree with the USPSA "match mentality".

I have said it before and I will say it again. We started 3-gunning in 1979 while USPSA didn't get into it until 1993, so who is the OUTLAW? No I wasn't in it at the begining, but I wish I had been. I only got to enjoy 10 of them and put two of them on! KURTM

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Kurt. Thanks that really did answer my question.

And for all of the other answers. That is good stuff.

All that Hollywood writers strike, you guys are better writers than all those so called Pro’s

Too funny thanks for the good laugh, and the good info.


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As far as I know the first of it,s kind was the S.O.F. World Championship 3-Gun Tactical Match. It started in 1979 and the first couple of matches were held at Freedom Missouri, Latter it was transfered to Las Vegas and became the S.O.F. 3-Gun Wold Championship 3-Gun Match and Expo!

It was ALWAYS "multi-gun", although that term was never used untill the 2000,s when USPSA decided to give it a try. The competitor had to carry his pistol on each and every stage (no dressing for the party), and if his primary weapon went down and the jam/ failure couldn't be fixed with in 30 seconds he was expected to transition to his pistol and continue on! Running out of ammo was NO excuss, it better have been way fubared, or you were done. MANY stages requiered you to fight your way to a long gun with the pistol, HOT holster was the norm and NO boxes to discard things.

In order to be major a pistol had to make 180 pf and rifle 360! Buckshot and slugs ONLY no birdshot!

Drop a gun....well you better pick it up cause you are going to need it latter on! Almost all the R.O.s were "orange Gunsite" instructores and a better group of people couldn't be found! Men like Mike Horn, Mike Wadalich, Larry Larson, Johny Wilson! Chris Commer, Lyle Wyatt and many more. The rules were few, and the equipment allowed limited. No finer run and gun match has ever graced 3-gun. I MISS IT SO!!!

I hear the gasps of horror from the USPSA crowd! No one was ever hurt, outside of a few broken bones, sprains strains and stiches and no one ever got shot! Don't scare the R.O. and you were still in the fight. This is where I started my match shooting so you can see how I sometimes disagree with the USPSA "match mentality".

I have said it before and I will say it again. We started 3-gunning in 1979 while USPSA didn't get into it until 1993, so who is the OUTLAW? No I wasn't in it at the begining, but I wish I had been. I only got to enjoy 10 of them and put two of them on! KURTM

Kurt, youre a manly man, and my hero. :bow::devil: Yes you are correct though, the old 3-gun was much better and fewer rules to worry over.

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Kurt, I agree with you on the SOF 3-gun. Wish I could have made more than I did. I only made the ones in Nev. in 83, 84, 85, 89 and 95. I didn't like the rule change that allowed only certain scopes such as the ACOG, mainly because at that time I couldn't afford one. And their scoring system changed a couple of times. One time to stop what John Shaw did one of the years that I was there. He tanked one stage, but went all out on the rest of the stages and came in Match Winner. At least that's how I remember it.

Won't ever forget being squadded with Ken Hackathorn and not recognizing him because he had shaved.

I had some good times at the matches and got to meet some good people.

Edited by DMS42
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I started in Law Enforcement in Aug. 1979. Was on my first SWAT team six months later. In our training we always used handgun, shotgun, and rifle (M-16 not sniper). Shotgun was buckshot and slug. Competitions between team members often set the "pecking" order on the team.

This training and competition was instrumental in finding out what equipment worked and what was just "fluff". This was long before the advent of "Tactical", "Operator", or even "SWAT" became a part of our everyday language. We had never heard the term 3-gun before. Also amazes me that a lot of what we learned so long ago is now in vogue again.

The weapons I used were a .357 revolver w/speedloaders (6" barrel with swivel holster), Remington 870, M-16 and one Thompson .45 sub-gun (very cool) :cheers: . We did not have tac vests, body armor, weapons mounted lights, re-chargable flashlights, thigh-holsters, or any of that other "Tacticool stuff".

Old school memories.

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